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    I recently had to reinstall Optware on my Asus RT-N16 due to an error that happened on my harddrive. After reinstalling Optware, using ecaddict guide for Optware the simple way, I found out that the Twonkyserver 7 guide on the link below is no longer working. I have been in touch with Twonky and they say that they shut down the twonkyforum a few years ago and have no backup of this information. If I am not mistaken, I believe you wrote the guide for Twonkyserver 7. You would not happen to still have the guide somewhere?

    I have found out how to install Twonkymedia 6 and have done that succesfully. However, Twonkymedia 6 does not support mkv-files. All of my movie files are mkv-files with embedded subtitles, which is the only way to get subtitles to work on my LG TV. I am far from an expert on all of this and hope you have time to help me with the guide for Twonkyserver 7.

    Best regards
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    Hi WPTE .
    Please some help. I have a wl 500w router with rtn-3771. I have this strange problem. I'm trying to activate the ip_forward from /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward, but whatever I do I can't. When I cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward it prints 1 , so with nano it shows 1 , however with vim and opening the file from winscp it doesn't show anything. If i echo 1 in it still it doesn't write it. I tried deleting the file and chmod it and it gives me Permission denied. Is this a bug from firmware or something I did. I'm trying to setup a pptp server with poptop, I can establish a connection but i cannot get any traffic through (lan or wan, from wan), interestingly from lan i get traffic. I am connecting to internet with pppoe , is that the problem, I've tried all the iptables rules I have found in different tutorials. You are my last hope to get this to work, I really hate dd-wrt and I don't want to go back to it.
    Nice job and keep it up. Thanks in advance.
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    Hi WPTE,

    I wonder if you can write a how-to for installing FreeRadius on a asus RT-N16 with oleg firmware and how to configure this for WPA authentication.

    Kind regards!
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    Ben nu al een tijdje bezig met laatste oleg firmware en heb de tut van Wengi met succes gevolgd alleen krijg ik n problem als ik reboot.
    mijn situatie ziet er als volgt uit. Wl500gP voorzien van WD 750gb hd en in andere usb-slot een 16 gb usbstick.
    Ik gebruik die harde schijf voor storage en ik wil graag op die usbstick downloaden. Nu heb ik alle programma's via die stick lopen (samba 2 en Transmission en Rtorrent) volgens Wengi tut.
    Zodra ik alleen die stick in de router heb en opstart werkt alles veilloos, alleen als mijn harde schijf bij opstarten ook is ingeplugged dan werken mijn programma's op de stick niet meer. Als ik dan ook in netwerk opgeving ga kijken dan veranderd mijn netwerkmap in disc0_1 0_2 en 0_3. Hierdoor functioneerd mijn storage goed maar de programma's op de stick worden niet geladen. Kan dit aangepast kunnen worden?
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