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Thread: How can I disable radio?

  1. #1

    How can I disable radio?

    I didn't see an option to disable radio in Oleg's firmware for wl500g. Am I overlooking something? I noticed a setting for EZSETUP Button "Use to turn off radio - Yes / No" Would this turn the EZSetup button into an on/off button for the radio?


  2. #2
    Where exactly do you see this option? I have the same firmware and can't find it.

    Alternatively, you can turn turn the radion on and off in Status and Logs -Wireless - Enable-Disable. Or, you can turn it off in Wireless-Advanced-Enable Radio (by days of the week).

    Quote Originally Posted by maradamc View Post
    I didn't see an option to disable radio in Oleg's firmware for wl500g. Am I overlooking something? I noticed a setting for EZSETUP Button "Use to turn off radio - Yes / No" Would this turn the EZSetup button into an on/off button for the radio?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Moscow, Russia
    to be able to use ez-setup button for something you should put a script you wish to be executed on pushing of this button in /usr/local/sbin/ez-setup . Search again, I think I have seen an example of such script somewhere on the forum. The command to be executed from script is
    PHP Code:
    wl radio [on|off

  4. #4
    we posted a script a few weeks ago,
    and it works fine.....

    go search for it

  5. #5


    And i have atm proble with forceing pppoe to work - im getting same msg which ppl used to get with F version
    Crap x[

  6. #6

    Oops - brain fart

    Quote Originally Posted by al37919 View Post
    to be able to use ez-setup button for something you should put a script you wish to be executed on pushing of this button in /usr/local/sbin/ez-setup . Search again, I think I have seen an example of such script somewhere on the forum. The command to be executed from script is
    PHP Code:
    wl radio [on|off
    Sorry, my mistake. I loaded 3 different firmware (Sveasoft, DD-WRT, and Oleg's) that day trying to accomplish my goal (still not done). I think that option was in the DD-WRT firmware.

  7. #7

    How to disable the radio whenever possible

    I would like to add my 2 cents.
    I wanted to switch off the radio by using the ez-setup button.
    Here is how I approached the question.

    login (via telnet or ssh)
    create /usr/local/sbin/ez-setup :
    if [ $(wl radio) = "0x0000" ]; then wl radio off; exit; fi
    wl radio on
    while [ $C -gt 0 ]; do
    printf "\x02" > /dev/gpio/out
    sleep 1
    printf "\x00" > /dev/gpio/out
    sleep 1
    if [ $(wl radio) = "0x0001" ]; then exit; fi
    if [ $(wl assoclist | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
    wl radio off
    chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/ez-setup
    echo "sleep 25; wl radio off" >> /usr/local/sbin/post-boot
    flashfs save && flashfs commit && flashfs enable && reboot

    After you turn on the WL500gp, the radio is switched off. To turn it on, you have to press the ez-setup button for a few seconds. The power led starts flashing (I could not control the air led that is always on, even if the radio is off, at least with the firmware version I am using). If within 90 seconds (2*45, but you can change this value) one client connects to the ssid the connection is maintained otherwise the radio is turned off again.
    As long as at least one client is connected, the radio is kept on.
    After all clients are disconnected the radio is turned off again.
    If you have comments or suggestions, feel free to open a discussion.

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