Hello everyone and thak you for making this happen. Telnet option is really helpful in my case. I've got here a PPTP connection to my provider and ASUS wouldn't work. Thanks to customized software and three days of getting started in linux ( with INet, I believe I found the spoiler - PPTP connection simply is not completed. If you take a look at /init/rc.wan and /etc/ppp/ you will see that for pptp dynamic IP simply is not requested, then "manually" it is set to while server is I connected USB disk (I work under winXP) and downloaded everything from WL500g. Made some corrections and failed to replace /init/rc.wan. I know that step was probably foolish and all, but I don't really have experience in linux, I just tried to remount it as rw, failed again (no fstab). Now I'm thinking this possible only by building new firmware, but I don't have any means to do it. Tomorrow I will show the "toy" to my friend who will fix it, but I also want to know your opinion about this staff...

P.S. I also tried to kill the pppd process to connect manually, but it looks like watchdog watches it :-). So I'm really stuck and don't know what to do else...