I'd like to make some notes about what I needed to do... mainly so I can find them again next time. I've got 2.6.19 kernel headers so I bumped into the 'UTS_RELEASE' undeclared problem. First, as root...
mkdir /opt
cd /bin
ln -s bash ash
cd /usr/bin
ln -s ../../bin/install .
cd /sbin
ln -s mkfs.cramfs mkcramfs
cd /opt
wget http://dlsvr01.asus.com/pub/ASUS/wireless/WL-700g/GPL_WL700gE_1046.zip
unzip GPL_WL700gE_1046.zip
tar xzf toolchain_wl700ge.tar.gz
tar xzf GPL_WL700gE_1.0.4.6.tar.gz
chown -R user:group WL700g brcm
cd WL700g
chmod u+w -R *
find -type d -exec chmod u+x {} \;
nano /opt/WL700g/nasoc/src/apps/nfs-utils/tools/Makefile
# remove "getiversion getkversion" from the SUBDIRS variable
cd /opt/WL700g/nasoc/src/apps
nano ez-ipupdate/Makefile
su user
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/brcm/hndtools-mipsel-uclibc/bin:/opt/brcm/hndtools-mipsel-linux/bin
make clean && make rebuild
ls -ltr mipsel
Notes: "user:group" is whatever you normal non-root user ID and group are. The nfs-tools Makefile edit step may need to be done after an initial "make rebuild". Thanks to kfurge, then follow the rest of http://home.comcast.net/~kfurge/wl700ge.html

It's a great view from up on the shoulders of others.