As I understand: is the 'basic' -asus supplied- firmware is a 'fresh-up' -asus supplied- version few additions (JockyW2001) is a 'custom' version with additional deamons and hdd spin-down. (Oleg) is a 'fully custom' version with many (optional) add-ons amongst which the hdd spin-down, ssh, ipckg etcetera.

This is quite confusing given the numbering, origins, and differing install scenarios.
Would it then be a conclusion that the 'oleg' version is the "superset" of all the others ?
Is there an overview/ comparison page somewhere highliting differences ?
Do any of the versions allow a scenario where
- The AP function is ALWAYS started (as opposed to ...when no other AP found...) [In 'hybrid' mode on my existing wlan it then becomes a range-extender even when it's not wired to anything]
- The DHCP function is CONDITIONAL (only in 'standalone' i.e. when no other AP found...). [Then allows the connected equipment to be always in DHCP
Thanks for some suggestions.