Hi all! I have a Wl500g deluxe in my lan!
Me and my father have in total

I have 3 pcs, 2 mac, 2 amiga.... al lworks ok (we are using static ip and wireless).

There is anyway a problem with port forwarding. It seems that it doesn't read it sometimes.... for example using amule or emule i have the ports open (configured them) but it seems sometimes (or after a while) the ports aren't forwarded anymore. Indeed if a run the test on emule website it says no port open. Tried with all computers..... it seems to act randomly. With 1.9.5 firmware when i add port, ip, type (tcp or udp) to port forwarding sometimes it says "ip has been in table" or something similiar....

i don't know what is the problem. What is the best firmware to use, can someone tell me how to forward a port, in case i'm doing the thing wrong.

THANKS for helping and sorry for my bad english.