has anyone tried to compile a BOINC client for Asus?


What is BOINC? This is what their web says:

BOINC lets you donate computing power to scientific research projects such as:

* Climateprediction.net: study climate change
* Einstein@home: search for gravitational signals emitted by pulsars
* LHC@home: improve the design of the CERN LHC particle accelerator
* Predictor@home: investigate protein-related diseases
* Rosetta@home: help researchers develop cures for human diseases
* SETI@home: Look for radio evidence of extraterrestrial life
* Cell Computing biomedical research (Japanese; requires nonstandard client software)
* World Community Grid: advance our knowledge of human disease. (Requires 5.2.1 or greater)

Our Asus routers are idle for a large fraction of time. Why not utilize their computing power for something useful?