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Thread: Boinc

  1. #1

    Smile Boinc

    has anyone tried to compile a BOINC client for Asus?

    What is BOINC? This is what their web says:

    BOINC lets you donate computing power to scientific research projects such as:

    * study climate change
    * Einstein@home: search for gravitational signals emitted by pulsars
    * LHC@home: improve the design of the CERN LHC particle accelerator
    * Predictor@home: investigate protein-related diseases
    * Rosetta@home: help researchers develop cures for human diseases
    * SETI@home: Look for radio evidence of extraterrestrial life
    * Cell Computing biomedical research (Japanese; requires nonstandard client software)
    * World Community Grid: advance our knowledge of human disease. (Requires 5.2.1 or greater)

    Our Asus routers are idle for a large fraction of time. Why not utilize their computing power for something useful?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by lada
    Our Asus routers are idle for a large fraction of time. Why not utilize their computing power for something useful?
    Because they work like Pentium 99MHz, so their computing power is very low. BTW, it is ROUTER and it;s idea to manage incoming and outcoming traffic, so it won't be nice if you'll have problems with network because of BOINC
    Sorry for my bad English.
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