Am I the only person with ongoing problems with the WL500g and Bigpond Cable? Or has everyone else given up on the WL500g or Bigpond? Asus FW worked reliably (e.g., I could run a VPN connection for many hours without interruption), but it would drop the connection completely every day or so and I had to manually reconnect (with the WL500g client). Oleg's, installed 21 March 05, cured the need for manual reconnection every day or so but resulted in the regular interruptions (~2 minutes every 27 or 28 minutes) to browsing(timeouts), emailing (timeouts), VPN or VoiP (dropped connections). Ditto with Asus and It is a real hassle to go backwards in FW number to Oleg's to try it when I have no confidence it will fix the problem (no mention of this in the FW versions notes). Asus do not help. I have no choice but Bigpond for cable. It's probably time I gave up on the WL500g and got my money back before it is too late to do so and get another brand that works (there are ones that do). Pity.