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Thread: arduino ethernet shiled (R3) data upload on WL-500gP local php report.

  1. #1

    arduino ethernet shiled (R3) data upload on WL-500gP local php report.

    Hi to all,
    I would first of all declare that I don't use Linux based operating system nor I have expereience on WL-500gP (exept creating a Lan).

    I have a gardening automated project with Arduino controller.
    I have also an ethernet shield (r3)
    I really have many things, because I have also a WL-500gP..

    I would like to do something like that:
    1 - upload data stored by arduino to WL500-gP USB Hard Disk.
    2 - display data on a local php (or html) page, in my LAN (WG-500gP based).
    3 - compile a php form (always by a flying php page, or something similar).
    4 - download new setting or operation controls back to arduino.

    In other terms I would to control (displaiing state, show operations done by arduino by time, setting new operations or preferences).

    I know that it's a very long way, but I found this way exiting to expand this sistem for gardens.

    I hope someone could introduce me to the single steps I have to study,
    if you think it's a a fool project,
    if you have suggestion or alternative solutions..
    If you can, some little help (from my friends [joe cocker])

    tank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands - Eindhoven
    I suppose you could use the build in FTP stack of arduino:
    By far the easiest method of writing stuff to the wl-500gp

    Otherwise you could make a php script which is able to handle http post request and using a web client

    For setup on the wl-500gp use the wengi tutorial:
    it'll allow you to set up some basic package system so you may install a server and php system.
    I wrote an tutorial for lighttpd php and mysql:
    which will be able to run almost any php script you'd like.

    for simple php stuff the httpd-php package should be more than adequate.

    but to be honest, I'm not sure you should go for a router for your first linux experience.
    Maybe get a raspberry pi, it's probably a lot easier to start with

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