I found an ASUS WL-500gP (The box says it is an ASUS WL-500g Premium) and I searched around google and found that this router has a lot of potential.
However I am kinda lost, I do not know which custom firmware should I flash, should I flash dd-wrt or openwrt or oleg's firmware?

I would like to do the following if it helps you pointing me to the right direction:
-Torrent Downloading/Uploading
-USB HDD File Sharing so I can access my HDD's files through the network via the router's USB port
-FTP/HTTP downloading
-Magic Packet/Wake on LAN via Internet. I had a NETGEAR router and I couldn't set it to work via the Internet even if I had a DynDNS account, it wouldn't forward the packet to my computer. I read around that open-wrt or dd-wrt gives you the ability to do that. (Via the LAN it worked flawlessly).

I read this guide but it's kinda old, it has not been updated since 10-11-2011 and wengi the OP said at the start of his tutorial:
Please use, if your hardware is supported, the "enthusiast firmware".
More details later.
and on the posted link the hosted firmware files are much newer.

Please can you point me to the right direction? Should I follow the guide I mentioned?