ASUS WL 500GP v2 and Huawei E1820 for Dummies
After colleting scarce information online and perfomring a long session based on the infamous "trail & error" methodlogy, I have manage to make the combination from the heading work. I will share my experineces to amke life easier for those undertaking the same endeavour.
Before e I do that, I would like to poitn to a potenital ibug - after a hard reset, my APN configuration data (APN name, user/pass, dial number) for my mobile internet provider is not restored along with other configuration data from the backup file, so I have to enter them manually again. Can someone check this please.
SO here is my three course recipe for a delicious meal.
ENTRÉE - do this BEFORE tweaking wiht the ASUS router
1.) plug E1820 modem into PC and use the Huawei supplied Mobile partner management SW to:
- Disable PIN verification
- copy (write down) the APN configration data for your specific mobile internet provider (APN acess point name, user, password, dial number) - alternatively google this data fro your provider
2.) Optionally, also configure
- Options/ Network/ Network selection: GSM900/GSM 1800/WCDMA 2100
- Options/ Network/ band selection: WCDMA only
3.) Plug the USB mdoem into ASUS roter
4.) Download the WORKING firmware to the PC from http://code.google.com/p/wl500g/, I use WL500gpv2-, latest version is WL500gpv2-
5.) Download An ALTERNATIVE/DUMMY (see under DESSERTS) firmware for REPAIR purposes, e.g. CDMA@wifi or an older version of WL500G firmware
6.) Connect the PC to ASUS and make sure PC gets a DHCP address from the router
7.) Login to ASUS mgmt Web Interface with deafult user/pass
- u/p: admin/admin
9.) in Web IF under System Setup/ Factroy Default / select restore Restore
- Wait ~ 20 sec for router reboot, Web IF should reconnect automagically
10.) In Web IF under System Setup/ Firmware Upgrade
- Broswe asn selec the WORKING firmware on the PC
- Wait ~ 3 min for router reboot
11.) In Web IF under USB Network Devices / 3G/CDMA Modem configure the followign options:
a. Default WAN connection: “tick”
b. Zero CD config: Not set
c. Modem Type: GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA (Default)
d. Username: user-of-your-provider
e. Password: pass-of-your-provider
f. APN: apn-name-of-your-provider
g. Dial number: dial-of-your-provider (typically *99#)
Leave other paramters on their defaults
You should see the folloowing, which means that ASUS has correctly detected the E1820 modem.
- USB Vendor ID: 0x12d1
- USB Product ID: 0x14ac
12.) Click APPLY
13.) Proceed configurtig other parameters i IP, wireless, NAT, system servocices section INCLUDING SYSTEM PASSWORD)
14.) Click FINISH / Save & restart
15.) Under System config / Setting management Save teh BACKUP of current settings to the PC
16.) After ASUS reboot, modem should connect to HSPA+
- Modem LED: goes from blinking to constant light (in light blue colour => 3G+ connected)
- be patient,
- Check Status & Log / USB PPP Log: WAN connection, IP addresss, etc should be visible
17.) Rush to http://speedtest.net to check your setup, my record is 11+ Mb/s down and 2,6 Mb/s upstream (not simultaneously)
If modem LED does nto swith from blinking to constant light in 1-2 min, there is probably something wromg, first check whether PUIN verification is disabled.
The above setup is somwehat instable, it is capable of working fine accross clean (soft) router reboots, but is not capable of surviving:
- hard reset/power outage
- pulling the USB modem out of ASUS router
The short way to repair things is rstoring facotry default configuration and then reverting to backup configuration
1.) System Setup/ Factroy Default / Restore
2.) Login with DEFAULT u/p (admin/admin)
3.) System config / Setting management/ Upload
4.) Login with user/pass saved in the backup configration, that has just been uploaded
5.) Smoetimes the APN specific configuration data does not get restored from backup configuration, so check it under
USB Network Devices / 3G/CDMA Modem and put in manually if needed as in 11.d-g above in the MAIN OCURSE section
7.) FINISH / Save & restart
SOmetimes the the short repiar does nto work, in this case, a short switch to DUMMY firmaware (See beginnign of the post) is required then reverting to teh WORKING firmware
The whole procedure
1.) System Setup/ Factroy Default / Restore
2.) Login with DEFAULT u/p (admin/admin)
3.) In Web IF under System Setup/ Firmware Upgrade
- Broswe and select the DUMMY firmware on the PC
4.) System Setup/ Factroy Default / Restore
5.) In Web IF under System Setup/ Firmware Upgrade
- Broswe and select the WORKING firmware on the PC
6.) System config / Setting management/ Upload
7.) Login with user/pass saved in the backup configration, that has just been uploaded
8.) Smoetimes the APN specific configuration data does nto get restored from backup configuration, so check it under
USB Network Devices / 3G/CDMA Modem and put in manually if needed as in 11.d-g above in the MAIN OCURSE section
10.) FINISH / Save & restart
No comments - it can only mean that my instructions for using Huawei 1820 HSPA+ modem with ASUA are either useless or flawless.
I found a flaw (see below), so that means...
The flaw is that in the ENTREE section steps 4) and 5) must obviously be done before step 3).
In addition, the following procedure almost certainly works after HSPA+ modem stops working, ie. LED blinking (see the DESSERT section):
1.) Unplug the power chord, wait 20 sec, plug in the power chord
2.) reset to factory default settings by depressing the RESET BUTTON (router back side) for a few seconds, until roter power LED blinks
3.) Login with DEFAULT u/p (admin/admin)
4.) System config / Setting management/ Upload
5.) Login with user/pass saved in the backup configration, that has just been uploaded
6.) Smoetimes the APN specific configuration data does not get restored from backup configuration, so check it under
USB Network Devices / 3G/CDMA Modem and put in manually if needed as in steps 11.d-g in the MAIN COURSE section
8.) FINISH / Save & restart
Feedback is welcome.
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