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Thread: Asus RT-N16 "Light" and "Cooling" mods

  1. #16
    RT-N16 does not need a fan in my opinion, you can add passive heatsinks that can perfectly do the job, even if you overclock. I have my RT-N16 with 5 heat sinks (CPU, Switch, Radio, Memorys) and temperatures are great

    My advice to all people who have problems with temperatures or not is to remove the top cover of the router, temperatures will drop alot and i don't see any problem with it, router will live longer for sure. I have 2 routers WL-500W and both have the same working hours, one without cover (its just like new) and the other it has 2 capacitors blown, obviously that was influency of the temperatures inside the case, so here is my recomendation to everyone. (including you WPTE) :P

    PS: I hate fans (specially when they get dirty and start to do those known annoying sounds)
    Last edited by hggomes; 19-12-2011 at 15:19.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands - Eindhoven
    Quote Originally Posted by hggomes View Post
    PS: I hate fans (specially when they get dirty and start to do those known annoying sounds)
    hmmm yeah that's the thing, I never really opened my routers for warranty purposes
    unlike you might expect, the fan controller I have has really low power fans. it has been running over 3 years now 24/7 and I never cleaned it.
    Still... the sound is lower than my WD mybook 1TB
    I placed another drive on it as well... since it can become pretty hot... 50 degrees or something. It's an old drive, but with the laptop cooler it stays nicely around 30 degrees

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by wpte View Post
    hmmm yeah that's the thing, I never really opened my routers for warranty purposes
    In that case i don't know how you've got installed the fan, where the air from the fan flows? Between cover holes? That should not be very effective. :S

  4. #19

    RT-N16 Pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by hggomes View Post
    RT-N16 does not need a fan in my opinion, you can add passive heatsinks that can perfectly do the job, even if you overclock. I have my RT-N16 with 5 heat sinks (CPU, Switch, Radio, Memorys) and temperatures are great

    My advice to all people who have problems with temperatures or not is to remove the top cover of the router, temperatures will drop alot and i don't see any problem with it, router will live longer for sure. I have 2 routers WL-500W and both have the same working hours, one without cover (its just like new) and the other it has 2 capacitors blown, obviously that was influency of the temperatures inside the case, so here is my recomendation to everyone. (including you WPTE) :P

    PS: I hate fans (specially when they get dirty and start to do those known annoying sounds)
    Last edited by hggomes; 18-12-2011 at 22:18. Reason: POWERED BY A SPIDER :D

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands - Eindhoven
    Quote Originally Posted by hggomes View Post
    In that case i don't know how you've got installed the fan, where the air from the fan flows? Between cover holes? That should not be very effective. :S
    laptop cooler:
    it's not the same one as I have, this one is very luxurious!
    I mean, it has a usb hub and on/off switch
    apart from that it's the very same one

    I've learned from building pc's that just the tiniest little airflow (instead of none) can affect the temperature in a big way.

    btw, spider? you guys have green spiders over there? o.0
    Last edited by wpte; 18-12-2011 at 23:11.

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by wpte View Post
    btw, spider? you guys have green spiders over there? o.0

    hggomes, that spider is a counter-argument of your advise to run the Router without the top-cover

    I don't want anything touching wlan cables or eating parts of the PCB!
    RT-N66U TomatoUSB 1.28.0000 MIPSR2-135 K26AC USB AIO-64K running Entware-NG
    pyload 0.4.9
    minidlna 1.1.2
    samba 3.6.5
    openvpn 2.3.10
    ̶W̶L̶5̶0̶0̶g̶P̶ ̶1̶.̶9̶.̶2̶.̶7̶-̶r̶t̶n̶-̶r̶4̶7̶5̶0 retired

  7. #22
    Last edited by hggomes; Yesterday at 23:18.. Reason: POWERED BY A SPIDER

    I've noticed that before everyone, and i only noticed after i took the photo, really ironic.

    Never happened before, i have WL-500W working 3 years with top-cover opened, but spiders don't eat cables or PCBs.

    Yes Wpte we have here lots of diferent "animals" here, GREEN spiders too, you haven't understand why? To suit the PCB offcourse ahahaahah

    PS: The spider hasn't entered because i removed the top-cover, it was already there, i removed the cover to take the picture (to show to wpte), !gm in case you haven't noticed the router has holes big enough to such things happen, so don't be surprised to open yours and see a spider "eating" your PCB and cables, if that happen its because it entered other animal heeheheheh, it would be funny to see such thing LOL
    Last edited by hggomes; 19-12-2011 at 01:33.

  8. #23
    yeah yes, I read the edit mark

    I thought the tiny holes are the only ones.. Now, I did take a closer look (at my device) and yes, found holes on the underside, where you attach the thing at a wall, that are big enough to let spiders and rodents in... (just kidding)

    good night
    Last edited by !gm; 19-12-2011 at 01:41.
    RT-N66U TomatoUSB 1.28.0000 MIPSR2-135 K26AC USB AIO-64K running Entware-NG
    pyload 0.4.9
    minidlna 1.1.2
    samba 3.6.5
    openvpn 2.3.10
    ̶W̶L̶5̶0̶0̶g̶P̶ ̶1̶.̶9̶.̶2̶.̶7̶-̶r̶t̶n̶-̶r̶4̶7̶5̶0 retired

  9. #24
    That's a LMR400 cable to connect an external antenna, if you notice i have 2 internal antenna's attached and the other one is the cable

    Good night 4 U 2
    Last edited by hggomes; 19-12-2011 at 01:28.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands - Eindhoven
    Quote Originally Posted by hggomes View Post
    Yes Wpte we have here lots of diferent "animals" here, GREEN spiders too, you haven't understand why? To suit the PCB offcourse ahahaahah
    Green spiders are not animals, they are spiders from hell
    seriously, if I'd see a green spider here... brix will be shat

    but perhaps it's just green because it ate from your pcb

    edit... noooo it's here:

  11. #26
    Thats exactly the same spider that was on the router, i've tried to catch her but she was fast as hell, she jumped out of the router in 1ms. Do you have scare of spiders?? LOL ehheh

    I hope my PCB don't start to itching

    Look what i've found:

    She is still alive so i guess we will still see each other someday

    Look to this new ASUS router WPTE:

    What do you think of it? Cool ah? eheheheheh
    Last edited by hggomes; 19-12-2011 at 12:57.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands - Eindhoven
    Quote Originally Posted by hggomes View Post
    Do you have scare of spiders?? LOL ehheh
    nope, not scared, as long as they don't have funky colors
    it's like seeing an alien... they look weird

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