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Thread: [How-To] add "renewed firmware" repository

  1. #1

    [How-To] add "renewed firmware" repository

    There is small software repository, which may be useful for you:

    and other.

    To use it, write those two string to /opt/etc/ipkg.conf:
    src/gz wl500g-d
    src/gz wl500g-optware
    So your /opt/etc/ipkg.conf will looks like:
    src/gz optware
    src/gz wl500g-d
    src/gz wl500g-optware
    dest /opt/ /
    Then update package list:
    $ ipkg update
    and install chosen package:
    $ ipkg install tmux

    Update. Please note, no more updates for this repo. Please, use the Entware instead.
    Last edited by ryzhov_al; 26-03-2012 at 12:30.

  2. #2

    Shakespeer tutorial

    Hy, i find a little post wich is interesting about installing a DC client on my assus wl500gp with oleg's firmware on it here ( )

    I did that, installed shakespeer but seems like shakespeer won't start. (seems that i have to install some library or something)

    shakespeer: can't load library ''
    Also if somebody can make a little how-to would be helphull. I only find russian post wich i can't understand.

    The way to use shakespeer is like transmission or something, wich kind of interface i can use (how i put for serach or download, add servers, etc?

    thank you very much !

  3. #3
    Sorry, now libevent-1 is not supported by the Optware since libevent-2 is released. The Shakespeer project is closed long ago, but there is a microdc2, which inherits Shakespeer's code. You may try it, because its lighter and faster.

  4. #4
    OH ! that is great, thanks. I installed but , but ... cuz i am a newbie i don't know nothing about it. Can you direct me to a post with an how to ? thanks !

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by tmsulica View Post
    OH ! that is great, thanks. I installed but , but ... cuz i am a newbie i don't know nothing about it. Can you direct me to a post with an how to ? thanks !
    So i did google it a littel and i find some commands , used help & etc.

    But i can't find where is config file for microdc2 because i find it on google a little how to about configuring , but is on linux, where you install micro dc on an directory, there you put config file.

    On optware that i use i do not find where is the original config file for me to edit.

    I finded the config file for shakespeer in /opt/etc/shakespeer but no microdc2 config file. I tryied to make an directory with an config file, even put in root of /opt/etc an microdc2.config but didn't worked. Thanks for your help !

  6. #6
    Please, create your own config file and point a microdc2 to use it. Just for an example:
    $ cat /opt/etc/micdodc2.conf
    active                     off
    auto_reconnect             on
    description                Aptiva RT-N16 Automatic Station
    display                    connections download joinpart publicchat searchresults upload
    downloaddir                /tmp/harddisk/torrent/
    filelist_refresh_interval  0
    filesystem_charset         UTF-8
    hub_charset                cp1251
    listingdir                 /opt/tmp/
    log                        connections download upload
    log_charset                UTF-8
    logfile                    /opt/var/log/mircodc
    nick                       chatlanin_router
    password                   password
    slots                      5
    speed                      LAN(T3)
    tag                        microdc2 V:0.15.6
    $ microdc2 -c /opt/etc/micdodc2.conf
    I should warn you that DC-exchange is quite heavy for embedded systems. Compare left side of graphics where microdc2 is turned on with a right side at idle state.

    Yet microdc2 has a few limitations:
    • can download only from one DC-client at time,
    • can connect to only one DC hub at time,
    • can't connect to DC hub by host name, only by ip-address.

    It fits better to seeding files, and less for searching and downloading.

  7. #7

    Thumbs up

    thank you very much for your response. I use the client only from time to time to download a movie quick or something. I have an 50.000 user network (i get around 1000 users from my network in an dc++ hub) and i can download something quick. So it means hat microdc2 it is enough for me. Thank you very much for your help !

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