Please, create your own config file and point a microdc2 to use it. Just for an example:
$ cat /opt/etc/micdodc2.conf
active off
auto_reconnect on
description Aptiva RT-N16 Automatic Station
display connections download joinpart publicchat searchresults upload
downloaddir /tmp/harddisk/torrent/
filelist_refresh_interval 0
filesystem_charset UTF-8
hub_charset cp1251
listingdir /opt/tmp/
log connections download upload
log_charset UTF-8
logfile /opt/var/log/mircodc
nick chatlanin_router
password password
slots 5
speed LAN(T3)
tag microdc2 V:0.15.6
$ microdc2 -c /opt/etc/micdodc2.conf
I should warn you that DC-exchange is quite heavy for embedded systems. Compare left side of graphics where microdc2 is turned on with a right side at idle state.
Yet microdc2 has a few limitations:- can download only from one DC-client at time,
- can connect to only one DC hub at time,
- can't connect to DC hub by host name, only by ip-address.
It fits better to seeding files, and less for searching and downloading.