Hi all, I am newbie using Oleg firmware just yesterday. Is there any manual on the firmware?
Also, I am finally installing Oleg since Asus firmware will not let me change USB drive. I am using 4GB Transcend flash disk since 2 years ago and I decided to upgrade it and use Kingston 8GB but Asus firmware will not recognize it. I tried to copy the 4GB to 8GB but it still does not work. I also tried 160GB HD but does not work either. If I plug the 4GB Transcend back then it work OK.
Now I have used latest Oleg and tried the 160GB HD but seems that it also does not work. I browse around and read that Oleg uses ext3 exclusively, is it true? I only want to install the 8GB Flash USB as I have NAS and only want to use USB storage for my smaller distribution (like av upgrade, cc cleaner, etc) that will be required in my home network. Any idea on how to install flash disk with Oleg is really appreciated.