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Thread: [HowTo] Asus RT-N16 (Oleg) - optware the simple way

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Moscow, Russia
    Quote Originally Posted by Hanspeter View Post
    Can help me somebody ??

    -rw-r--r-- 1 admin root 3662 Aug 9 19:57 /tmp/flash.tar.gz
    Check saved image and type "/sbin/flashfs commit" to commit changes
    [admin@ASUS /]$ [ "`awk '/SwapTotal/{print($2)}' /proc/meminfo`" -eq 0 ] && mksw
    ap /dev/sda1 && swapon /dev/sda1
    [admin@ASUS /]$ mount -o noatime -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /opt && mount -o noatime -t e
    xt3 /dev/sda3 /mnt
    mount: mounting /dev/sda2 on /opt failed: Device or resource busy
    [admin@ASUS /]$ [ -n "`mount | sed -n '/\/opt/p'`" ] && [ -n "`mount | sed -n '/
    \/mnt/p'`" ] && cd /mnt && wget
    t.tar.gz && cd / && tar -xvzf /mnt/opt.tar.gz && cd /opt && wget http://files.wl && cd / && tar -xvzf /opt/mnt.tar.gz
    [admin@ASUS /]$ ipkg update
    -sh: ipkg: not found
    [admin@ASUS /]$ cd /mnt && wget
    3.0.tar.gz && tar -xvzf rutorrent-3.0.tar.gz
    Connecting to (XX.XX.XX.XX:80)
    wget: can't open 'rutorrent-3.0.tar.gz': Read-only file system
    [admin@ASUS /mnt]$ [ -x /opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslung ] && /opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslu
    ng start
    [admin@ASUS /mnt]$ #reboot
    see before.... /opt not mounted

  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by verjikd View Post
    In order to get SABnzbd running (which is installed also using this howto), I needed to do:

    ln -s /opt/lib/ /opt/lib/

    I suspect that for Zussaweb/Hellanzb this is needed as well.
    Thank you, I've added that line to the install script.

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Hanspeter View Post
    Can help me somebody ??

    mount: mounting /dev/sda2 on /opt failed: Device or resource busy
    Try to figure out with mount and cat /etc/fstab commands why the mount fails.

    Have the format commands (mke2fs) run OK?

  4. #19
    I have copy all what i see on the terminal

    echo.pdf - 43.8 Kb

    thanks for help

  5. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Hanspeter View Post
    I have copy all what i see on the terminal

    echo.pdf - 43.8 Kb

    thanks for help
    What's the capacity of the USB storage that you use (I have the feeling that it's too small as already creating of partitions fail)? It should be bigger than 2GB as 256M is used for swap and 1GB for /opt and the rest for /mnt.

    Btw I'll extend the tutorial to mention this.

  6. #21
    jo thats the problem

    thank you for you help

  7. #22

    SabNZB and HellaNZB not working well

    I've tried both SabNZB and HellaNZB, installed with this howto. Both have problems at my setup:
    - SabNZB crashes when the webinterface is used. Downloading works, however without a webinterface it is inconvenient

    - HellaNZB stalls after a while, mostly after working for some quarters of an hour. Only restarting helps. The log file doesn't offer useful info. On internet it shows that stalling of Hellanz happens more on different platforms (especially earlier versions).
    Currently I am using this "work-around" (quite drastic, I must say). In cron.hourly I've put an executable script with this contents:
    killall python2.5
    sleep 10

    If others experience these problems too, a warning in the howto is advisable.

    I am using:RT-N16- of the 15th of July by the way. I haven't tried newer versions of OLEG firmware

  8. #23
    Most probably it has nothing to do with the firmware, but more with dependent libraries etc.
    What you could do is upgrading packages with ipkg install <pkg name> (Don't forget to save /opt/etc before doing so!)

    E.g. ipkg install python25 py25-hellanzb

    You can check installed packages with ipkg list_installed

    If you download the .ipkg file (e.g. with wget) from you can look into it with mc (just enter when on the file) and check dependent packages in control file.

    cd /mnt && wget
    (set the version number at the end to the actual version)

    If you figure out what has to be changed I'll fix it in the install script.

  9. #24
    I will try that and report.

    I found out that using an own username instead of admin (as prescribed in the tutorial) gives problems. For example cron doesn't work, as it is based on admin as username to work. My bad...
    I hope this won't cause any more troubles. Can't be sure now that problems like I have with hellanzb and sabnzb are caused by that

    I also had to tune mediatomb, in order to get it working. Also there a username is needed for good behaviour.....

  10. #25
    Instead of installing some current versions of libraries, I've done a full ipkg update and ipkg upgrade. I did answer all the questions about changing appr. 10 config files with No.

    I like the result: midnight commander works now !

    SABnzbd however stills quits with a segmentation fault directly after opening the web control page

    For the rest I see no changes in behaviour. Like MC more programs might be affected with old libraries/packages. I would advise people to do ipkg upgrade in de howto, right after the ipkg update. If they answer all answers with no and change the conf-file for light-httpd, they have a better system!

  11. #26

    Logs to email support


    [not sure if this is the correct thread if not, admin, please move it.]

    just bought RT-N16 router and flashed latest Oleg's fw on it so i'm pretty new to these things.
    on the old router with fixed firmware i had "sent logs to email" option which sent logfile each hour to specified email address.

    is it possible to have something similar on RT-N16 with Oleg's fw - i know that it probably needs some custom script - but hopefully somebody already created something similar

    thank you in advance
    Last edited by krajicek; 29-08-2010 at 18:00.

  12. #27

    rTorrent problem with memory

    I have RT-N16 with latest Oleg firmware (
    I did configuration follow to ecaddict's manual.

    But I have a problem with rtorrent: the error [File chunk write error: Cannot allocate memory.] after few minutes from start router.
    I only have a few torrents (less than 10).

    What is wrong and how do I fix it?



  13. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands - Eindhoven
    Quote Originally Posted by SlawekW View Post
    But I have a problem with rtorrent: the error [File chunk write error: Cannot allocate memory.] after few minutes from start router.
    I only have a few torrents (less than 10).
    Sounds like a diskspace problem, if not:

    Do you have swap space?
    are you overclocking the router?

  14. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by wpte View Post
    Sounds like a diskspace problem, if not:

    Do you have swap space?
    are you overclocking the router?
    Rather, it is not a problem with the disc capacity:

    [admin@Router ]$ df
    Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    rootfs                    5248      5248         0 100% /
    /dev/root                 5248      5248         0 100% /
    devfs                    63276         0     63276   0% /dev
    tmpfs                    63276       200     63076   1% /tmp
    /dev/sda3            479478544  50636612 404485788  12% /mnt
    /dev/sda2               988244    279236    658808  30% /opt
    so I swap space:
    [admin@Router /]$ free
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:        126552     124564       1988          0        540      96956
    -/+ buffers/cache:      27068      99484
    Swap:       257000        188     256812

    The router has a standard clock.

    Last edited by SlawekW; 20-11-2010 at 11:09.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands - Eindhoven
    Quote Originally Posted by SlawekW View Post
    Rather, it is not a problem with the disc capacity:

    [admin@Router ]$ df
    Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    rootfs                    5248      5248         0 100% /
    /dev/root                 5248      5248         0 100% /
    devfs                    63276         0     63276   0% /dev
    tmpfs                    63276       200     63076   1% /tmp
    /dev/sda3            479478544  50636612 404485788  12% /mnt
    /dev/sda2               988244    279236    658808  30% /opt
    so I swap space:
    [admin@Router /]$ free
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:        126552     124564       1988          0        540      96956
    -/+ buffers/cache:      27068      99484
    Swap:       257000        188     256812

    The router has a standard clock.


    hmm... yes it seems fine.
    Do you also experience the same problem with just 1 torrent running?
    Maybe you could try transmission as well, for the RT-N16 it works just as fast as my pc

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