I bought a webcam (Intel® Play™ Me2Cam) and it is working in the WL500g with both drivers (at 320x200 only), but the image has some small black lines in it. please take a look at the sample:
(If I connect the webcam to a pc, I get clean image without any of these lines )
what's wrong?
[ WL-500G | fw: ]
[ WL-500G | fw: ]
I've try a webcam on my wl500g , it's work fine with lan , but through WAN it's don't work
does in need to redirect the port 7776 and the 7777 ?
I use the firmware maybe i need downgrade the firmware ?
Thanks for help
Have you made the webcam visible on the WAN? Because it's not by default.
Last edited by gbrancovici; 11-04-2005 at 13:44.
yes I've changed LAN only to LAN and WAN
I have the exact same problem.
My webcam is philips pcvc840k, works perfectly in lan/wlan.
But from wan, it's not working. Using the same PC / Client, I get a black videoimage and the errormessage "Cannot connect to server". If I press the option "refresh" I get still pictures from the webcam that refreshes every 3 seconds, but only in black/white and not streaming video.
I have tried to searched the forum, but it seems that there is no spesific answer to solve this problem.
is trying to log on from wan by:
i have these settings
activex only (have tried activex and refresh) didn't help.
pwc 8.8
httport: 7776
activex port: 7777
I'm not an expert on this. But is there any better firmware to solve this?
me2cam did i me too - did you meet mistake: "couldnґt create socket" too?
no.Originally Posted by daple
is there a way to fix this?
[ WL-500G | fw: ]
after reading almost all articles I think I still don't know how to do this.
To my configuration:
At DSL, I have a Netgear Router (not WLAN) which routes from to two Asus WLan router: a 500g ( -> and a 500gx ( ->
The interesting part ist the 500gx. I there have already sucessfully connected a Linksys Printer router via WDS (
What I now wanted to do is connecting a separate ASUS 500g via WDS to the 500gx and connect it with a webcam, so this webcam can be available with in the LAN but also probable from outside.
I use the latest firmware from Oleg (thanks!) and have switched (unfortunately) from WPA to WEP encryption.
But the word is HOW ?
How can I connect this new 500g to the 500gx and what parameters do I have to set where ????
I would be very grateful if anybody has an idea and can help somehow !!!
did you already consult the manual for WDS configuration? if so, what did you already configure
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I did.
I tried several configurations, switched it to AP-Mode (and station in advanced), SSID is the same as the 500gx has.
As I said, with the Linksys (ok there are only a few parameters to be set) it works.
At the 500gx the 500g has a wireless authorization and gets a fixed IP.
Has no one ever tried this before ?
Best regards !
well me, and many othersOriginally Posted by utratama
I just followed the manual
did you already switch to WDS Only or Hybrid in the Bridge menu ?
and then you have to fill in remote bridge list ofcourse
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I switched the 500gx to Hybrid-Mode.
The 500g is set as AP.
The bad thing is that I cannot access both of them after they have the same SSID at their IP individual IP-adress.
I only then can access the 500gx when I then have resetted the 500g.
Is there a sample configuration for the client (the 500g) side available somewhere ?
I tried both IPs at the 500g: I let the IP at and I also tried and changed the DHCP to a range which didn't conflict with the 500gx IP-range.
It costs so much time and I'm getting nervous....
By the way: The WDS connection with the Linksys also worked with WPA encryption, so the WDS-WPA problem is only an ASUS one..
Best regards,
if the wl500g is in AP mode how is it supposed to connect to another network or to be connected from another network ?
switch to HYBRID or WDS at BOTH units
and yes WPA does work with WDS but depends on a specific configuration
My little Asus Collection: Too much to fit inhere, my 2 babies:WL500w VX2SE Yellow Lamborghini notebook
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Well, I have the similar problem.
Now, i tried make the setting that which can connect to the web configure menu in both LAN & WAN.
after that, i use the http://externalip:8080/ShowWebCam.asp
It seems work fine in still pic. mode with refresh, but only B/W.
And because of my comany installed proxy server, as a result, i can't connect with activeX stream video. sigh! <-- am i right?
At this moment, I would like to have color image, Could any one help to solve the B/W still image mode???