Originally posted by pipos
My wan port is connected to 100Mbs port on CISCO 2950.

I tried 10mb half-duplex, 100mb half duplex, and auto on asus.

I try other ports, connect wan to my PC, the same problem.
I use static IP. But There is a lot of trafic on CISCO 2950. WAN port LED flashes quickly.

when it freezes during boot, only power off and on, and unplug WAN can recover it back to normal.

restore button doesn't make any action

the problem is the same on two diferent wl-500g
did you too try 10mb/100mb FULL-duplex at the Asus?

to tell my thing:
i'm using chello cable (non-docsis) (10mb half i believe, works with static or automatic speed) WAN is always connected and wl500g boots up properly