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Thread: chroot problem...:-/

  1. #1

    chroot problem...:-/

    Hi guys

    I am playing around with my WL500gx - great toy, but I seem to have a small issue with chroot. I am running Oleg's firmware, and get this everything I try to use chroot :

    [root@utopia /]$ chroot /tmp/harddisk/debian /bin/bash
    chroot: cannot execute /bin/bash: Input/output error
    But as you can see, the dir DOES exits, and it is even a complete linux structure :-)

    [root@utopia /]$ cd /tmp/harddisk/debian/
    [root@utopia debian]$ ls
    bin   boot  dev   etc   home  lib   mnt   proc  root  sbin  sys   tmp   usr   var
    macsat - Tutorials and information on using ASUS WL-500G and family.

  2. #2
    devfs and proc is not monted when you chroot. i suggest to chroot without shell, then mont proc and devfs then run bash

  3. #3 ?

    I must admit, I dont get it :-)

    What do you mean "without shell" ?

    ...could be do a fast step4step ?
    macsat - Tutorials and information on using ASUS WL-500G and family.

  4. #4
    Your command work on my wlhdd. It might be something with your install.

    As for my steps, I would try a simple
    chroot /tmp/harddisk/debian
    then a mount -t proc none /proc
    and mount -t devfs devfs /dev

    then a /bin/bash

    If you still get an errot, try removing the package and re add it.

  5. #5

    remove which package?

    Which package do you mean I should remove?

    I believe chroot is part of busybox, so it is not really a package, it "comes with" the firmware...

    Really strange...I still get :

    [root@utopia root]$ chroot /tmp/harddisk/debian
    chroot: cannot execute /bin/sh: Input/output error
    damn annoying, since it kindda stops me from moving beoynd this point :-(
    Last edited by macsat; 27-04-2005 at 19:06.
    macsat - Tutorials and information on using ASUS WL-500G and family.

  6. #6
    Your debian tree has something wrong. Try to redo it completly on your PC.

  7. #7

    Might be a good idea :-)

    Sounds like a reasonable idea...

    Can it be done on other distros than a debian?

    I made it on a debian install in Virtual PC, since I dont run debian myselves....

    I run Fedora on my desktop PC....(The Virtual PC is run at my work computer, so cant access it right now - that is why I ask ;-) )
    macsat - Tutorials and information on using ASUS WL-500G and family.

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