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Thread: mpd player within Asus WL-500gP

  1. #16
    I atached MPD 0.13.2-1 (as IPKG), I am quite sure its the last 0.13 release.
    This is the best working MPD for me at the moment.

    Will soon post some pictures of my new Crystalfontz display showing MPD informations
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #17

    seems that others with ARM CPUs run into similar issues. the developer is working on it, new release mpd 0.15 coming up soon.

    disabling crossfade and gapless helps to free up some memory, for a certain price of course. the trick with the volume=100 didn't work for me, either switching off the software mixer. (its an OSS driver anyway)

    might be an idea to compile a "mpd-light" version with less functionality (mp3 only?, shoutcast...) and integer libsamplerate enabled.

    mpd 0.14 seems to have a more crisp sound though. need to do some AB-testing..

  3. #18
    Thanks thejew.
    That has more than halved my CPU load using mpd.

  4. #19
    Theires a new alpha version of MPD 0.15~alpha1

    Will try it in the next days to see if their are some perfomance improvements again.

  5. #20
    Havent compiled the new MPD version yet, but i made some video of my crystalfontz display in action (main thread in german part of this forum) it can be controlled by my "ati remote wonder" remotecontroll.
    Its showing "all" needed MPD informations, and a lot more
    Hope you like it

  6. #21

    Post mpd player within Asus WL-500gP

    I want to make my asus router to play some mp3 files from my hdd mounted on the device and play it to an usb soundcard ( My router stands on my 5.1 media sistem and it would be easy to play music or an radio - streaming one -without turning computer on).

    Can i do this ? I gogle it but i do not have an very good answer. (Cuz i am a newbie).

    If i can, i wold need an linux player for router an drivers for the sound card , no ? The soundcard is ESS USB Audio from Konig (cmp-soundusb12)



    PS : I use oleg's last firmware on WL500-gp, installed by wegi tutorial, it works fine !

    I FOUND SOMETHING ON BUT I DO NOT KNOW DEUTCH, and translated is rubbish ... HLP PLEASE
    Last edited by tmsulica; 17-11-2009 at 11:50.

  7. #22


  8. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    you may want to have a look at mightyohm's project. It's for WL-520GU, but the principle is the same.
    Good luck ...

  9. #24
    Seems tat soundcard is a bit of a problem; I have it too and the oleg firmware 'dmesg' command says:

    SB device 2 (vend/prod 0xc76/0x1605) is not claimed by any active driver

    On an Ubuntu Linux system this card is detected without any problems however:
    'SSS USB Headphone Set as /devices/pci0000:00/00'..etc...

    The setup of this box has me getting into linux a little bit, but I/m still very novice...I wonder if it's possible to incoorporate these drivers in an oleg wl-system?

  10. #25

    mpd crash

    mpd version 0.15.13-1 was working on my WL500gpv2 with firmware wl500g-
    I have make a "ipkg update" and "ipkg upgrade" yesterday and now mpd give me this error at start up:
    Illegal instruction
    Any help please?

  11. #26
    more informations:
    my USB sound card works with madplay command. MP3 just plays nice.
    dmesg command report nothing special when mpd crashes.

    Do you have a working WL500g with mpd?
    If yes, please tell me your firmware and mpd version.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands - Eindhoven
    Quote Originally Posted by Tebra View Post
    more informations:
    my USB sound card works with madplay command. MP3 just plays nice.
    dmesg command report nothing special when mpd crashes.

    Do you have a working WL500g with mpd?
    If yes, please tell me your firmware and mpd version.
    Probably an error in mpd
    They uploaded a new mpd on "25-Oct-2010 16:17" , so you might want to do another ipkg update and ipkg upgrade
    might fix it...

    unfortunately there are no backups available

  13. #28
    because of no answer probably NOT !

  14. #29


    It says that the search is the mother of understanding (romanians at least). SO I FOUND AN ANSWER FOR MY QUESTION !!!!!

    Premise: I get the next message when i plug my ESS USB Audio from Konig (cmp-soundusb12):

    SB device 2 (vend/prod 0xc76/0x1605) is not claimed by any active driver

    I accidentally stumbled upon my old post about souncard on router , and i decided to be angry and give it a try. After a litle searching in the forums i've saw the solution, too simple to see it then (newbie , lol)

    Step 1: to test if the core is good for my soundcard ... i downloaded oleg's latest modules archive from here, then within windows i extracted the 2 files i neded from it: lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/sound - soundcore.o and lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/usb - audio.o .
    Step 2: i transfered them somewhere on my router's hdd:
    Ex: /tmp/harddisk/pbfiles, then i created there another directory named scripts (well it was created long ago, for me is an directory where i create scripts and make them executables etc). ALL THE OPERATIONS FOR EASY USE I DID IT WITH MC (midnight commander), read wengi's post about full config and MC here, and files transferred with ftp (i use total commander from my xp).

    STEP 3: I created in my Scripts directory a file nammed audio.start with this content:

    sleep 5
    rmmod audio
    insmod /tmp/harddisk/pbfiles/soundcore.o
    insmod /tmp/harddisk/pbfiles/audio.o
    then i made it executable chmod +x audio.start

    Step4: i do not want to modify to many times my post-boot file, so i added just a line to my recently created executable from above.

    the post boot file is in /usr/local/sbin/post-boot, I edited, after that I saved it, to commit the changes i gived the the router the reboot, flash command
    flashfs save && flashfs commit && flashfs enable && reboot

    And voila my log:

    Jan  1 01:00:58 kernel: usbaudio: device 2 audiocontrol interface 0 has 1 input and 1 output AudioStreaming interfaces
    Jan  1 01:00:58 kernel: usbaudio: device 2 interface 2 altsetting 1 channels 1 framesize 2 configured
    Jan  1 01:00:58 kernel: usbaudio: valid input sample rate 48000
    Jan  1 01:00:58 kernel: usbaudio: device 2 interface 2 altsetting 1: format 0x00000010 sratelo 48000 sratehi 48000 attributes 0x00
    Jan  1 01:00:58 kernel: usbaudio: device 2 interface 1 altsetting 0 does not have an endpoint
    Jan  1 01:00:58 kernel: usbaudio: device 2 interface 1 altsetting 1 channels 2 framesize 2 configured
    Jan  1 01:00:58 kernel: usbaudio: valid output sample rate 48000
    Jan  1 01:00:58 kernel: usbaudio: device 2 interface 1 altsetting 1: format 0x01000010 sratelo 48000 sratehi 48000 attributes 0x00
    Jan  1 01:00:58 kernel: usbaudio: registered dsp 14,3
    Jan  1 01:00:58 kernel: usbaudio: registered mixer 14,0
    Jan  1 01:00:58 kernel: usbaudio: registered mixer 14,16
    Jan  1 01:00:58 kernel: audio.c: v1.0.0:USB Audio Class driver

    Of course that it was much simple just to add comands in post-boot file but i'm not an simple person ) .

    Tomorrow i will install an mp3 player on my router to test it ..... best wishes

  15. #30


    # madplay Ben.Mp3
    MPEG Audio Decoder 0.15.2 (beta) - Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Robert Leslie et al.
              Title: Ben
             Artist: Michael Jackson
          Orchestra: Michael Jackson
              Album: Ben
              Track: 01
               Year: 1972
              Genre: Pop
            Encoder: Discography Arranged By Gabi_Bits
    output: sample frequency 44100 Hz not available; using 48000 Hz
    output: resampling 44100 Hz to 48000 Hz

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