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Thread: mpd player within Asus WL-500gP

  1. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by !gm View Post
    Alexander changed the installation-routine in r384.

    You may checkout latest trunk as he fixed some issues yesterday.
    Or an revision < 384 and use a precompiled toolchain, as I did.
    No, wait!^)
    There is no changes in MPD code, it's just a preparations for building my own toolchain. Its not finished yet, so opkg update goes as usual. I'll write a note when its done.

  2. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by ryzhov_al View Post
    No, wait!^)
    There is no changes in MPD code, it's just a preparations for building my own toolchain. Its not finished yet, so opkg update goes as usual. I'll write a note when its done.
    Does it mean you intend to fix the mpd-problem? This would be great!

    Nevertheless I'd like to understand my compile-problems (so that one day I can hopefully help other people with their problems)...

    Using an earlier revision means changing the svn-command, right?
    Did I mix/miss some instructions or where can I find the "precompiled toolchain"?

    Thank you both!

  3. #48

    installation routine of the repository has changed, not mpd
    Last edited by !gm; 13-03-2012 at 14:20.
    RT-N66U TomatoUSB 1.28.0000 MIPSR2-135 K26AC USB AIO-64K running Entware-NG
    pyload 0.4.9
    minidlna 1.1.2
    samba 3.6.5
    openvpn 2.3.10
    ̶W̶L̶5̶0̶0̶g̶P̶ ̶1̶.̶9̶.̶2̶.̶7̶-̶r̶t̶n̶-̶r̶4̶7̶5̶0 retired

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