Yes I actually know someone who did!
he uses ICES to stream music, you probably have a good chance getting it running by asking him
I updated the how-to on mysql now, what do you think?
Ok it's running smoothly after restart (only 1 process of mysql yay). So after all it's good (in my opinion) to add thisWithout it i was unable to run mysql and couldn't log in as root or admin Many thanks wpte for help, now i only need a tutorial how to set up icecast server Maybe you saw something like that?Code:chown -R admin:root /opt/var/lib/mysql
Yes I actually know someone who did!
he uses ICES to stream music, you probably have a good chance getting it running by asking him
I updated the how-to on mysql now, what do you think?
Great, now it's almost complete. I'm saying almost because in my.cnf I didn't changed
into admin and so is in hereCode:[mysqld] user = rootI've just uncommented password section and that's all, it's running well. Ofcourse I didn't set up any mysql based cms but i can easily login into mysql and check if databases are being created, they are there So if this has any meaning you can skip section of user change in my.cnfCode:[mysql.server] user = root
note to everyone using eaccelerator: you need to rebuild it every time php updates.
don't forget to do a "make clean" before making the sources again, when they are still on your harddrive.
Last edited by wpte; 23-09-2009 at 13:39.
thanks for the tutorial it was very helpful
now i have 2 questions can mysql 5 be installed ?
and for php i need extension mcrypt any other place to get pakages ?
I'm glad you found this how-to good
if you install mysql 5 you probably need to recompile the mysql-php package to make it compatible with the new mysql. Also you need to compile mysql 5 yourself since it's not available in the ipkg repository.
mysql 4 is sufficient for almost anything tho, I never had any limitation problems with it
and it's quite lightweight compared to mysql5
other extensions need to be compiled, since there is no full ipkg support on all the packages.
update for lighttpd version 1.4.24-1 has some problems with e-poll..
only follow these instructions if the server won't start
if you go to debug mode you'll see:
meaning you have to edit the config file again:lighttpd -D -f /opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
fdevent_linux_sysepoll.c.131: epoll_create failed (Function not implemented), try to set server.event-handler = "poll" or "select"
fdevent.c.47: event-handler linux-sysepoll failed, try to set server.event-handler = "poll" or "select"
and edit:vi /opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
save it, and after this lighttpd should start again:line 51
# server.event-handler = "freebsd-kqueue" # needed on OS X
server.event-handler = "poll" # needed on OS X
/opt/etc/init.d/S80lighttpd start
thank you for this how to, I used it more than once, but now when i install it... (with lighttpd 1.4.24-1) the lighttpd does not want to start... i think it starts only after the installl... and after that does not work.
ive installed the newest firmware (r730) and did everything by the tutorial from wengy (
any ideas?
what happens when you execute:
can you post the output?lighttpd -D -f /opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
When I insert
lighttpd -D -f /opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
there's no reply... it does nothing...
root]$ lighttpd -t -f /opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
Syntax OK
anything else?
I know it's odd... i've used your and... (?) the other tutorial more than once...
and they worked! (not counting mysql, which i didn't need)
If you have a spare WL500-gp, you can try to install it from the start... i think it wont work.