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Thread: HowTo native compilation ?

  1. #31
    dialog native compilation

    another failed attemp


    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:753: error: previous declaration of 'wclrtobot' was here
    ./curses.h:681: error: conflicting types for 'wclrtoeol'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:754: error: previous declaration of 'wclrtoeol' was here
    ./curses.h:682: error: conflicting types for 'wcolor_set'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:755: error: previous declaration of 'wcolor_set' was here
    ./curses.h:683: error: conflicting types for 'wdelch'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:757: error: previous declaration of 'wdelch' was here
    ./curses.h:684: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before '-' token
    ./curses.h:684: error: conflicting types for 'winsdelln'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:770: error: previous declaration of 'winsdelln' was here
    ./curses.h:685: error: conflicting types for 'wechochar'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:759: error: previous declaration of 'wechochar' was here
    ./curses.h:686: error: conflicting types for 'werase'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:760: error: previous declaration of 'werase' was here
    ./curses.h:687: error: conflicting types for 'wgetch'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:761: error: previous declaration of 'wgetch' was here
    ./curses.h:688: error: conflicting types for 'wgetnstr'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:762: error: previous declaration of 'wgetnstr' was here
    ./curses.h:689: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before '-' token
    ./curses.h:689: error: conflicting types for 'wgetnstr'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:762: error: previous declaration of 'wgetnstr' was here
    ./curses.h:690: error: conflicting types for 'whline'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:764: error: previous declaration of 'whline' was here
    ./curses.h:691: error: conflicting types for 'winch'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:765: error: previous declaration of 'winch' was here
    ./curses.h:692: error: conflicting types for 'winchnstr'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:766: error: previous declaration of 'winchnstr' was here
    ./curses.h:693: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before '-' token
    ./curses.h:693: error: conflicting types for 'winchnstr'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:766: error: previous declaration of 'winchnstr' was here
    ./curses.h:694: error: conflicting types for 'winnstr'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:768: error: previous declaration of 'winnstr' was here
    ./curses.h:695: error: conflicting types for 'winsch'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:769: error: previous declaration of 'winsch' was here
    ./curses.h:696: error: conflicting types for 'winsdelln'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:770: error: previous declaration of 'winsdelln' was here
    ./curses.h:697: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before numeric constant
    ./curses.h:697: error: conflicting types for 'winsdelln'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:770: error: previous declaration of 'winsdelln' was here
    ./curses.h:698: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before '-' token
    ./curses.h:698: error: conflicting types for 'winnstr'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:768: error: previous declaration of 'winnstr' was here
    ./curses.h:699: error: conflicting types for 'wmove'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:775: error: previous declaration of 'wmove' was here
    ./curses.h:700: error: conflicting types for 'wnoutrefresh'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:776: error: previous declaration of 'wnoutrefresh' was here
    ./curses.h:702: error: conflicting types for 'wprintw'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:778: error: previous declaration of 'wprintw' was here
    ./curses.h:703: error: conflicting types for 'wredrawln'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:779: error: previous declaration of 'wredrawln' was here
    ./curses.h:704: error: conflicting types for 'wrefresh'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:780: error: previous declaration of 'wrefresh' was here
    ./curses.h:705: error: conflicting types for 'wresize'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:852: error: previous declaration of 'wresize' was here
    ./curses.h:707: error: conflicting types for 'wscanw'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:782: error: previous declaration of 'wscanw' was here
    ./curses.h:708: error: conflicting types for 'wscrl'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:783: error: previous declaration of 'wscrl' was here
    ./curses.h:709: error: conflicting types for 'wsetscrreg'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:784: error: previous declaration of 'wsetscrreg' was here
    ./curses.h:710: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before numeric constant
    ./curses.h:710: error: conflicting types for 'wattrset'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:743: error: previous declaration of 'wattrset' was here
    ./curses.h:711: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before numeric constant
    ./curses.h:711: error: conflicting types for 'wattrset'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:743: error: previous declaration of 'wattrset' was here
    ./curses.h:712: error: conflicting types for 'wtimeout'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:789: error: previous declaration of 'wtimeout' was here
    ./curses.h:713: error: conflicting types for 'wtouchln'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:790: error: previous declaration of 'wtouchln' was here
    ./curses.h:716: error: conflicting types for 'wvline'
    /opt/include/ncursest/curses.h:791: error: previous declaration of 'wvline' was here
    make: *** [trace.o] Error 1
    [admin@oo dialog]$

  2. #32

    Native compiled dialog, no errors, how to run ?

    LEDIR=\"/opt/dialog/share/locale\" -c dialog.c
    gcc -o dialog dialog.o -L. -ldialog  -lncurses  -lm -L/lib
    [admin@oo dialog]$ make install
    making install
    ./ /opt/dialog/bin
    mkdir /opt/dialog/bin
    /opt/bin/install -c dialog /opt/dialog/bin/`echo dialog |sed s,x,x,`
    ./ /opt/dialog/man/man1
    mkdir /opt/dialog/man
    mkdir /opt/dialog/man/man1
    /opt/bin/install -c -m 644 ./dialog.1 /opt/dialog/man/man1/`echo dialog |sed s,x,x,`.1
    made install
    [admin@oo dialog]$ dialog
    -sh: dialog: not found
    [admin@oo dialog]$ cd .
    [admin@oo dialog]$ /
    -sh: /: Permission denied
    [admin@oo dialog]$ cd .
    [admin@oo dialog]$ cd ..
    [admin@oo /opt]$ cd ..
    [admin@oo /]$ mc

    [admin@oo /]$ dialog
    -sh: dialog: not found
    [admin@oo /]$ cd opt/dialog
    [admin@oo dialog]$ dialog
    -sh: dialog: not found

    [admin@oo samples]$ editbox
    -sh: editbox: not found
    [admin@oo samples]$ sh editbox
    [admin@oo samples]$ sh dialog .msgbox .Hello from the Linux Blog!. 5 50
    sh: Can't open dialog
    [admin@oo samples]$

    Last edited by darius; 26-03-2009 at 13:49.

  3. #33
    i'd look in /opt/dialog/bin

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by DrChair View Post
    i'd look in /opt/dialog/bin
    Exactly the case, I am just testing.
    What I need is to set profile and environment
    to let me run dialog from a command line.

    It works, really works, thanks to ncurses-dev library compiled by al37919.

    Tribute goes to al37919 and others, who supported my efforts in the last 3 months.


  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Moscow, Russia
    darius, I'm pretty happy that I succeeded to help you somehow, however, as moderator of Russian forum I cleaned up your activity there. It includes 9 topics about this fucking dialog. I see at least ten more topics about the same question in other forums over which I don't have authority.

    Read carefully this:

    Especially the following:
    • Try to solve your problem first!
    Always read the manual and take a look at the support page of the manufacturer. Try searching google, google groups and offcourse the search function at the forum. A lot of FAQs at other forums have solutions. If a question ... is easy to solve or find yourself, than it is not the intention to post it here.
    • Post your topic in the right forum.
    • Place a topic only once in one forum (no double or cross posting)

    By violations of these rules you show your disrespect to the community.

    Please, treat this message as official warning
    Last edited by al37919; 27-03-2009 at 07:08.

  6. #36
    follow up

    did exactly the same as someone on Linux forum advised me to do yesterday
    and again today

    export PATH

    flashfs save && flashfs commit && flashfs enable && reboot

    and on reboot

    [admin@oo root]$ dialog
    -sh: dialog: not found
    [admin@oo root]$ ./dialog
    -sh: ./dialog: not found
    [admin@oo root]$ cd /
    [admin@oo /]$ cd opt/dialog/bin
    [admin@oo bin]$ ./dialog
    cdialog (ComeOn Dialog!) version 1.1-20080819
    Copyright 2000-2007,2008 Thomas E. Dickey
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

    * Display dialog boxes from shell scripts *

    Did edited /profile files manually, appending path /opt/dialog/bin
    and still no result.

    Any solution ?


    Quote Originally Posted by al37919 View Post
    darius, I'm pretty happy that I succeeded to help you somehow, however, as moderator of Russian forum I cleaned up your activity there. It includes 9 topics about this fucking dialog. I see at least ten more topics about the same question in other forums over which I don't have authority.

    Read carefully this:

    Especially the following:
    • Try to solve your problem first!
    Always read the manual and take a look at the support page of the manufacturer. Try searching google, google groups and offcourse the search function at the forum. A lot of FAQs at other forums have solutions. If a question ... is easy to solve or find yourself, than it is not the intention to post it here.
    • Post your topic in the right forum.
    • Place a topic only once in one forum (no double or cross posting)

    By violations of these rules you show your disrespect to the community.

    Please, treat this message as official warning
    My dear friend,

    the following comes exactly from the same FAQ
    Placing a reply
    • Be helpfull at all times.
    • Show respect for other users and the forum.
    • Keep reactions ontopic.
    Try to solve your problem first!

    Exactly. I tried to compile dialog many times, library provided by wpte.
    It was you, who has compiled curses.h and published on Russian forum.
    I am really not experienced to do that job on myself.

    Linux dialog is very basic interactive tool in Linux.
    So I did expected dialog to be part of ipkg.

    English and Russian forums are made of really experienced Linux developers,
    so if you claim, 8 or 10 requests for help, generated no response,
    so why should expect to get any help from Google search, if the problem
    is Asus router related only.

    And why do you call highly intelligent interactive tool for testing and running shell scripts a "fucked dialog" ?

    Asus router WL-500gP V2 is my only Linux machine.
    Another is Nokia Internet Tablet, running Debian and dialog of course,
    coming already compiled, no installation needed at all.

    So what is "fucked dialog" for you is highly valued Linux application for me.

    I respect the community, I asked always relevant questions and got or didn't get replies.
    Russian forum is more active than english.

    If you care for russian on russian forum, no problem.
    I can translate my questions into russian.

    And finally.
    It was only you, you have helped me with ncurses library.

    Now I have to go to other Linux forums, looking for help, how to configure
    environment, my user profile to have dialog be run from a command line.

    I have 4 Linux books on my desk and no word about it.

    Last edited by darius; 27-03-2009 at 14:56.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by darius View Post
    follow up

    did exactly the same as someone on Linux forum advised me to do yesterday
    and again today

    export PATH

    flashfs save && flashfs commit && flashfs enable && reboot
    PATH isn't stored in flashfs, so that's useless

    Just add it to the PATH statement in /tmp/etc/profile and save the flash

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by DrChair View Post
    PATH isn't stored in flashfs, so that's useless

    Just add it to the PATH statement in /tmp/etc/profile and save the flash
    save the flash stays for what ?


    forum search for /tmp/etc/profile
    only 4 search results


    Weil /tmp flüchtig ist!
    Du musst das entweder auf Deiner Platte (/opt) oder im Flash speichern und Deine post-boot dementsprechen anpassen.



    When your progs are not found in /opt/bin aso., it looks like your profile is not complete: cat /tmp/etc/profile should show you all dirs where progs/binaries/scripts are stored. If necessary, you can edit your profile with vi and store it with flashfs save && flashfs commit && flashfs enable && reboot

    But usually when installing everything according howto, it should be there.
    Anyhow, just to allow you a comarision, find attached my profile.
    # /etc/profile

    export PATH=/opt/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
    export PS1="[\u@\h \W]\$ "

    [ -x /usr/local/etc/profile ] && . /usr/local/etc/profile
    [ -x /opt/etc/profile ] && . /opt/etc/profile


    by wengi

    14. Adjust profile
    To make life easier at the command promt you will add some alias.

    vi /opt/etc/profile

    The file should be executable (chmod ...).
    The content (Edit the nload settings!):
    # Some alias for making life easier

    # To start nload with DSL 6000 settings: 'nld'
    alias nld="nload -t 200 -s 7 -i 6656 -o 640 -u H eth1"

    # Make ls default -la with color coding
    alias ls="ls --color=auto -la"

    # Make pss a grep ps function
    alias pss="ps axf | grep"

    # df human readable (Only works with coreutils installed!)
    # alias df="df -h"
    There is one more line if you installed midnight commander.

    Make it executable:

    chmod +x /opt/etc/profile

    Save, reboot:

    flashfs save && flashfs commit && flashfs enable && reboot

    You can verify your modification by entering 'alias':
    [admin@blechbuechse root]$ alias
    ls='ls --color=auto -la'
    nld='nload -t 200 -s 7 -i 6656 -o 640 -u H eth1'
    pss='ps axf | grep'

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by DrChair View Post
    PATH isn't stored in flashfs, so that's useless

    Just add it to the PATH statement in /tmp/etc/profile and save the flash
    follow-up 2

    path /opt/dialog/bin
    is already in my /opt/etc/profile
    so saved in the flash, as /opt is part2 on HDD flash stick

    # Bash initialization script

    PS1="[\u@\h \W]$ "


    follow-up 3

    Problem solved by my friend
    Now I can run dialog examples from a command line.


  10. #40

    I followed wpte's tutorial, but I get this error right after installing optware-devel and buildroot:

    PHP Code:
    -sh: ./configurenot found 
    What am I missing?

    BTW... I'm trying to compile aircrack-ng (for having airodump working only)


  11. #41
    Well...I just found out, that it doesn't work, because the aircrack-ng tarball doesn't contain "configure" file. Anyway, I kept searching and I found a solution for openwrt (running on a fonera). Could anybody tell me if anything similar can be done on oleg's firmware?

    The original in Spanish:

    Translated to English:

    Many thanks ahead!


  12. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands - Eindhoven
    Quote Originally Posted by dp79 View Post
    Well...I just found out, that it doesn't work, because the aircrack-ng tarball doesn't contain "configure" file. Anyway, I kept searching and I found a solution for openwrt (running on a fonera). Could anybody tell me if anything similar can be done on oleg's firmware?

    The original in Spanish:

    Translated to English:

    Many thanks ahead!

    when the ./configure file is not there... you can create it yourself in most cases by executing:
    (will make some errors pop up about perl, no worries about that tho)
    and if that doesn't work, you usually need to edit the makefile, for setting the prefix etc.
    always read the text files like "readme", "INSTALL" before trying to compile something

  13. #43
    Hi wpte!

    Actually the readme only instructs to run the make and install commands, so there in no word about configuring anything. Autoconf says that it requires an input file, which obviously is not among the files in directory. According to the Spanish solution, I guess we don't need to run ./configure, we only need to edit the makefile. The problem is that I don't know the parameters for Oleg's firmware...

    Thanks a lot for you guidance again!


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