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Thread: Help unbricking wl600g

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Help unbricking wl600g

    I uploaded a bad firmware to my router and now the power led became red.
    I opened the router and connected the pins of en internal serial port to my computer's serial port with a ttl-rs232 adapter. I established a 115200-8-N-1 connection to the serial port with GtkTerm, powered up the router and got the cfe prompt, but I cannot enter anny command.
    I also tried to use tftp to upload a new formware, but without success.

    Is there some way to unbrick the router?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine


    Quote Originally Posted by w0rms View Post
    I uploaded a bad firmware to my router and now the power led became red.
    I opened the router and connected the pins of en internal serial port to my computer's serial port with a ttl-rs232 adapter. I established a 115200-8-N-1 connection to the serial port with GtkTerm, powered up the router and got the cfe prompt, but I cannot enter anny command.
    I also tried to use tftp to upload a new formware, but without success.

    Is there some way to unbrick the router?

    1. use standart metod to restore firmware:
    - connect computer to wl-600g and set it Ip address to
    - point internet browser to
    - you must see firmware restoration page with browse button
    - browse right firmware file and upgrade

    2. if not firmware restoration page at try use under Windows ASUS Firmware Restoration Utility.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by AndreyPopov View Post
    1. use standart metod to restore firmware:
    - connect computer to wl-600g and set it Ip address to
    - point internet browser to
    - you must see firmware restoration page with browse button
    - browse right firmware file and upgrade

    2. if not firmware restoration page at try use under Windows ASUS Firmware Restoration Utility.
    I forgot to mention.. I've already tried it. The router web interface is not working and the asus firmware restauration tool didn't found the router (edit: maybe because pressing the right button on the router while powering it up didn't brought the restauration mode)...
    The router seems to be dead.. but, it answers to ping requests..
    Last edited by w0rms; 24-11-2008 at 14:51.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by AndreyPopov View Post
    1. use standart metod to restore firmware:
    - connect computer to wl-600g and set it Ip address to
    - point internet browser to
    - you must see firmware restoration page with browse button
    - browse right firmware file and upgrade
    In my case I had to press EZSETUP button when powered on my wl-600g and I got this page.

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