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Thread: [How to] use the 2 additional internal USB ports on the WL500gP

  1. #1

    Lightbulb [How to] use the 2 additional internal USB ports on the WL500gP


    I made on the german forum an tutorial to use the 2 internal USB ports of the WL500gP.

    Here is the google translation of the HowTo:

    Thats the original thread link:

    Good luck with that!

  2. #2
    Very nice!

    I still have to do this, 'cause I can use the extra 2 ports, but still haven't had the time to do it..

    Thanks for the write-up

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by raas View Post
    Very nice!

    I still have to do this, 'cause I can use the extra 2 ports, but still haven't had the time to do it..

    Thanks for the write-up
    One question.
    Extra 2 usb ports vs. internal usb hub , what makes a difference ?


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by darius View Post
    One question.
    Extra 2 usb ports vs. internal usb hub , what makes a difference ?

    Well, good point.

    Perhaps the 'geekness' part of it all. Trying to 'uber-mod' the device or so. Like we're all trying to do with our devices, trying to get the most off it.

    'Seeing the faces of people to who you explain what your router can do'. priceless.

    There are lot's of things the asus won't do (IT wise), but a lot of stuff you think, 'well, yeah, my router can do that too'


    if the internals have support for 4 ports, then why is it not available on the backside, adding an extra module for 2 usb ports, and perhaps a serial port (for your character-lcd mod would have made the device 2 euros more expensive or so.
    I get it all.. it's not asus strategy, but I would want to know how many owners of the device are still on stock firmware while a lot of people are making the most out of it with custom firmware.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by darius View Post
    One question.
    Extra 2 usb ports vs. internal usb hub , what makes a difference ?

    Increase the required space around the WL500gP.
    You don't need an extra power supply!
    A stick, there is in use every day, isn't visible (ok, thats my personal feeling).
    You can also add extra internal components (there are not visible) for example: an "internal" usb sound module...

    The upgrade is a "nice to have" thing. But I think a lot of peoples would do that, but havn't an idea how. Thats the reason why I wrote it here.


  6. #6
    Does anyone have this page archived? The images are not available anymore...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by purdeaandrei View Post
    Does anyone have this page archived? The images are not available anymore...
    Here are my archived pics...
    I must upload in more then one post. I can only add 5 files per post...
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  8. #8
    more pics...
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  9. #9
    also more pics
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  10. #10
    again more pics
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  11. #11

    Thumbs up

    the last pics and my original german post...

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