Hi all,

I have tried various searches on this topic, but not really hit anything 100% conclusive.

The situation - I have 250gb disk inside router and bought 750gb disk as replacement, hoping to copy across all the data and restart inside router. Of course, as we know (and i just found out) the partitioning on the internal disk is more compliacted by the 600gb service partition and the lack of real partition table.

So, my question is -

Is there an easy way to copy across all data from internal disk to external - and then just put 750gb disk back in router, pref with service partition, and ~700gb data partition? reading around, there doesnt appear to be.

If not, I gather I will have to put the new disk inside and reflash with firmware to build a new disk (assume with normal .nas image and windows tool). I am currently running kcfuge custom firmware ( can I just reflash with this or will i have to go back to asus firmware? Once the disk is rebuilt, can i plug in old disk via USB and copy across all my stuff - IE will it mount correctly via usb and its weird disk setup?
