
I have a bit strange problem. When I try to ping to any host in internet from my ASUS router itself (not PC behind it on the LAN) I receive no response. But all router`s firewalls are off - iptables chains input and output are empty.

From router I can still ping all hosts on LAN side and those on WAN side which are members of private network to which my router belongs (subnet But not to any host in (public) internet. From PCs on LAN side I can ping to hosts in internet without any problem.

I discovered this problem when I tried to find out why NTP synchronization is not working. I discovered, that I am not pinging to time.nist.gov, nor to, nor to any other inet host...

I am currently running on my ASUS WL-500g firmware version I am sure, that NTP synchronization was running on earlier firmwares, at least on the official and perhaps on the Oleg`s too.

Does anybody have any suggestion here?

Thanks in advance!