Hello guys,

I have an ASUS WL 500g Premium running for the moment, DD-WRT.

What i would like to install, is PHP with shell_exec possibilities.

I wanted to install Apache from Optware packages, but there is a slight note at the beggining :

Plead: Could someone please make it so we can use system() and exec() commands in PHP

(The answer seems to be "no"; as is noted below, running Apache in Prefork mode, which is necessary to support this, "uses too much memory to be useful on a slug, even when configured conservatively." If you want to experiment, note that Debian has Apache packages for each of the different MPM modes including Prefork, so you could try that.)
I'd like to ask you if there is another posibility of installing PHP with shell_exec function ? Maybe another firmware ? Another distribution of Apache ?

The note says something Apache including Prefork. I would try that but i have no idea how !

Can u please help me, or give me some hints ?

Thank you in advance !