Asus: wl-500g
iptables v1.2.7a

iptables -A SSHFORCEDROP -m recent --update --seconds 3600

I have detected the banned IP address are not released after 3600 seconds. When looking at the information saved under /proc/net/ipt_recent I can see the following:

src= ttl: 45 last_seen: 12044620 oldest_pkt: 1 last_pkts: 12044620

When checking /proc/uptime I get: 126454.09 125998.73

It seems iptables ipt_recent module saves wrong senconds. Above has saved 12044620 instead of 120446.20. The banned period is set to 3600 seconds.

126454.09 - 120446.20 = 6007.89 > 3600 but IP address kept banned

I guess is happening is the following:

126454.09 - 12044620 = -11918165,91 < 3600 hence it keeps the IP banned