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Thread: [HowTo] Get a HeadStart on a WL-500gP

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands - Eindhoven
    Quote Originally Posted by raas View Post
    Hi wpte,

    thanks for your reply.

    I only needed to do this while installing the mysql package, after installation I changed root back to admin.

    admin is now main login on the router, but the mysql keeps running under root.

    When I flashed my router with the latest oleg firmware, and only installed this package, I didn't need to change the user to root at all.

    mysql just runs under root.

    Well, maybe I get to meet up with a friend of mine finally so I can try this on his asus.

    yeh, you can change root to admin in the config file, but i like root
    anyway, I still think it must be the hostname, I had that problem too. If no hostname like "my.router" has been filled in, it just wont start

  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by wpte View Post
    yeh, you can change root to admin in the config file, but i like root
    anyway, I still think it must be the hostname, I had that problem too. If no hostname like "my.router" has been filled in, it just wont start
    WPTE! you rule, this must be the case with Gixie's problem. !!

    When I look at gixie's code:

    [root@(none) root]$ cd /tmp
    it displays root@(none), so no hostname is setup. (none)

    Gixie. try to set the hostname in the standard asus administration website, and see if mysql starts.

  3. #18
    Hi All,

    Just wanted to a quick note here:

    I've had some replies from other forum users that the install was succesfull when they did it. Including mysql (The problem is solved. You have to make sure you add a 'hostname' to the router).

    If there's enough interest, I will maintain/update/expand the package.

    Also, If you feel I've left something out as a 'basic-need' for your asus, post them here. (I already know at least one, vsftpd.)

    Best Regards,


  4. #19
    I just flash my 500gP with oleg firmware. I'd like to setup a blog/CMS, I read the tutorial in this web site but require 3 ext3 partitions, but my 2.5" hard drive is VFAT32, can I simply use VFAT32 instead?

  5. #20
    Another noobe question.

    I run free to check memory:

    total used free
    30084 15112 14972

    Is that 32MB is enable already?

    Thank you.

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by flim View Post
    I just flash my 500gP with oleg firmware. I'd like to setup a blog/CMS, I read the tutorial in this web site but require 3 ext3 partitions, but my 2.5" hard drive is VFAT32, can I simply use VFAT32 instead?
    It should also work with FAT32 partitions for /opt and /mnt.
    However, for the swap partition you need the 'swap' filesystem, and FAT32 does not support files greather then 2gb.

    Quote Originally Posted by flim View Post
    Another noobe question.
    I run free to check memory:
    total used free
    30084 15112 14972
    Is that 32MB is enable already?
    Thank you.
    30084, this is it.. yep.. your 32mb is enabled.
    (If you have a wl500g Premium, it's enabled by 'default')


  7. #22
    Thanks for reply, is there any email server in HeadStart?

  8. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by flim View Post
    Thanks for reply, is there any email server in HeadStart?

    no, there's none.
    See the list of installed packages included in the attachement in the first post of this thread.

    There might be packages which can do this. It's possible to install them yourself after you've installed HeadStart or have followed another tutorial to get your asus up and running the ipkg package system.


  9. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Hi back and sorry...

    ...for not visiting this forum more often... It's still The forum that got me into buying this router and attempting to modify it...

    Actually I thought about trying OpenWrt when I realized that Oleg's firmware is not working for me and to my surprise I've had more luck with OpenWrt.

    I am running WhiteRussian v0.9 with X-Wrt extensions.
    I managed to successfully set up Samba
    The interface looks nice and it has lots of settings (some of which I don't even touch)
    Anyways, I'll post some screenshots, just in case you don't know what it looks like...
    But thanks for the effort...
    Attached Images Attached Images    

  10. #25

    Good to hear that you're succeeding in your goal.
    Whatever fit's your need. I personally don't have any experience with Open-WRT, I just like oleg's one enough.


  11. #26
    I installed this tutorial since am eager to try hellanzb...

    when I try logging into the webgui zussaweb it asks me for a login and password...

    I tried all sorts but cant log in...

    any help please ?

  12. #27
    Hi Pinkfloyd.

    It should be:
    login: admin
    password: asus

    or whatever you have configured in

    (if you change anything in this file, you have to run the following command:
    /opt/etc/init.d/S80lighttpd restart

    This zussaweb is just a normal web application which runs of the webserver, so it should have the same login/pass as the other protected folders.


  13. #28
    In your tutorial in installing Hellanzb you said:

    Once you've started HellaNZB with /opt/bin/startHellaNZB, you can access zussaweb WebUI in order to control HellaNZB at
    After starting HellaNZB, simply put your nzb's in /mnt/protected/HellaNZB/nzb/daemon.queue and download will start.

    while the port number in hellanzb.conf is this a misprint ?

    Moreover I cant seem to make it work

    2008-02-21 09:27:03,666 INFO
    2008-02-21 09:27:03,711 INFO hellanzb v0.13 (config = /opt/etc/hellanzb.conf, daemonized, C yenc module)
    2008-02-21 09:27:04,879 LOGFILE (ThisIsTheDisplayNameOfTheServerInZussa) Opening 20 connections...
    2008-02-21 09:27:04,964 INFO hellanzb - Now monitoring queue...
    2008-02-21 09:27:05,382 INFO Resuming: 1717
    2008-02-21 09:27:05,664 INFO Parsing: 1717.nzb...

    nothing is being downloaded

    from debug:

    2008-02-21 10:21:25,312 [-] Log opened.
    2008-02-21 10:21:25,378 hellanzb v0.13 (config = /opt/etc/hellanzb.conf, daemonized, C yenc module)
    2008-02-21 10:21:25,575 [-] twisted.web.server.Site starting on 8760
    2008-02-21 10:21:25,587 [-] Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site instance at 0x2b7eabc0>
    2008-02-21 10:21:26,478 Using: Twisted-2.5.0, TwistedWeb-0.7.0
    2008-02-21 10:21:26,488 python: 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 19 2007, 10:31:01)
    2008-02-21 10:21:26,497 [GCC 4.1.1]
    2008-02-21 10:21:26,506 os: Linux-2.4.20 (mips)
    2008-02-21 10:21:26,516 initFillServers: fillserver support disabled
    2008-02-21 10:21:26,555 [-] Starting factory <Hellanzb.NZBLeecher.Protocol.NZBLeecherFactory instance at 0x2b83efa8>
    2008-02-21 10:21:26,567 [-] Starting factory <Hellanzb.NZBLeecher.NZBLeecherUtil.HellaThrottlin gFactory instance at 0x2b8460a8>
    2008-02-21 10:21:26,981 recoverStateFromDisk recovered: RecoveredState: version: 0.13 newzbinCookie keys: []
    downloading: {}
    processing: {}
    queued: {}
    Last edited by pinkfloyd; 21-02-2008 at 09:27.

  14. #29

    Have you configured a valid newsserver in the config file.

    I don't know exactly which portnumber you mean.. Hella uses a port to download from the newsserver (119), while the webserver (zussaweb) is accessible under 8082..



  15. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by raas View Post

    Have you configured a valid newsserver in the config file.

    I don't know exactly which portnumber you mean.. Hella uses a port to download from the newsserver (119), while the webserver (zussaweb) is accessible under 8082..


    yes I had configured my news server settings in the conf file and even the port.

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