ryzhov is right.. usb/flash drive isn't mounted.
-checked your connections (cables, connectors)?
-if hdd... does it spin up?
ssh and all isn't running because the asus can't find the software located in /opt
login wiht telnet (port 23) and see if there's anything listed in
there should be a disc0 if the asus has detected the harddiskCode:/dev/discs/
WL500g Premium v1 Oleg 500gb hdd [storage-disk] - 250gb hdd [download-disk]
Transmission HellaNZB mysql php lighttpd myphpadmin samba AIOCP CMSimple AmpJuke ADOS
How to measure Energy consumption
ok there was no /dev/discs.
So I have powered down all the disks. Disconnected all disks except the one that usually was disc0. Waited some time. Rebooted, and /dev/disc0 came to live.
The last change I remember before losing disc0 was that external case of disk1 was broken and I had replaced the case with another case that has a USB hub.
Anyway, I rebooted the router a couple of times and it worked with all disks connected.
It may be that the order of devices appearing at /dev/discs could be different at every boot? Does it depend on the hub and if it has every port with a connected device or no device connected at all?
Any case, thank you everyone for your time and advice. It's working now and I'm happy with it.
First of all thank you for an excellent headstart compilation which sure makes it easier for the rest of us.
I have gone through the guide and done as prescribed. Everything works great except 2 things:
1) My printer (Brothers HL-2035) doesn't work. How do I activate it? It has worked great with the standard Asus firmware before I installed the HeadStart.
2) Samba isn't working on my Mac. Before (on the standard Asus firmware) I could access my external HD using the Mac, but this is not possible anymore. Why?
excellent headstart compilation !
I done a fresh install an every think works good with one exception :
After i done all instalation i was able to connect to my headstart homepage :
But after i made an ipk update / ipk upgrade apears the problem !!
I cant access headstart homepage :
with df i see that partitions are mounted correctly !
with ps axf i see that server lighttpd are running !
The script post mount /usr/local/sbin/post-mount is correct :
I can access Samba on so samba is running and works ok !PHP Code:
#! /bin/sh
/opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslung start
The only page that i cannot access is headstart homepage !!!
any suggestions pls ?
Ok, i made a fresh install ... again ... and :
headstartd page works default :
samba work
all services working
BUT... always is a "BUT"
afer i made update & upgrade to ipkg ... all services crushed..
headstart - connection refused
samba - connection refused
from this point ...all thing are real annoying..
I think in repository they are many new version :samba2,bussybox,lightttpd..etc etc ... after upgrade all of them crushed !
maybe is time that someone should make a new HOW TO - step by step for all installation.. here are many "how to" and avery one is different !