
I'm busy testing my upgraded K.C.Furge firmware. Just for fun I had installed mc (midnight commander). It ran.
I have followed two different upgrade-paths, because after the first try my MC did not run anymore. It says: mc: can't load library 'libext2fs.so.2'
I have found that libext2fs belongs to uclibc-opt, or at least, I find libext2fs in my old saved OPT_DO_NOT_LOAD in /lib
All my tries end with ipkg update and ipkg upgrade.
Now this upgrades uclibc-opt from 0.9.28-12 to 0.9.28-13. This new uclibc appears to miss the libe*. I still can't run mc, and I suspect the new uclibc-opt.

Can anyone with package uclibc-opt 0.9.28-12 tell me if it actually contains libext2fs.so.2? (ipkg files uclibc-opt | grep libe)
