Hi there.

I'm trying to install kamikaze on my Wl700gE. But I have a problem, the router works ok, and reboots ok. The problem appears When I Shutdown the system, unplugin the power cord. The system reverts to basic wrt configuration (telnet only) and all configuration disappear. Then I the have to make all steps from this point:

Change root to hdd

I don't boot from USB, maybee it's necessary to maintain the system?
I'm I doing something wrong?

Another thing I have to ask you. What is the fdsik or format command to revert the disk to original state (usable on ASUS original firmware)? I ask this, because when I revert to firmware the drive is not recognized by the system... (I think this should be in some tutorial related to firmware restoration like this one http://wl700g.homelinux.net/drupal/?q=node/54 )