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Thread: Problem with WL-500b?

  1. #1

    Question Problem with WL-500b?


    I got an ASUS Router and want to flash olegs firmware! But I don't know which! The back of the Router says "WL-500b" but in the inside on the board there is "WL-500G R1.20". Two firmwares worked yet: The latest oleg as 500bv2 but without W-LAN and the latest original firmware 500g. What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for your answers!

  2. #2

    after some more trys

    OK, I tried some more firmware and just the original ones are working. I tried versions for 500b, 500bv2 and 500g. They all work when they are original. I flashed them with the restoration-tool and after reboot the routers web-access was available. If I flash any oleg-firmware (I tried b, bv2 and g here, too) and reboot, the router is no more available not even to ping! I used the routers firmware-update and the tool, but there's no difference!
    Hoping for help!

  3. #3

    Question lost access to WL 500b


    I have a little problem with my wl 500b router.

    I've installed a new firmware (WL500b- and got access to new functionalities (among which, telnet).

    Then while reading some posts, i found out that i could extend RAM memory to 32Mb instead of 16. So I've tried (NVRAM settings but don't remeber the exact instructions)

    my router restarted but since then I couldn't get access. nothing seems to work. (no ping no tenet no wireless )

    - I've tried reseting (using the restore button) but it didn't work.
    - I tried nvram restore (wl500g-clear-nvram.trx and wl500g-recover.trx) but can't get to upload the files to my router
    => get error message when trying upload using firmware restore utility
    => get timeout message when trying the tftp transfer (tftp -i PUT wl500g-clear-nvram.trx)

    Can someone give me a clue on how to handle this ? almost all posts are about the WL500G and I couldn't find anything about the 500b

    Please Help

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