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Thread: Dead or brick ? Lan and WAN 1-4 leds on steady

  1. #46
    Same problem here. Yesterday, my 500gP (v1) died. Without any cables connected, all the leds, except POWER and AIR stay on.

    If I connect a LAN port on router with a LAN port on a computer, they connect for a few seconds (the LAN led on router lights on, the status on LAN port on computer says "connected") and then they disconnect (all the leds, on router, except POWER and AIR, light on, and status on computer goes "disconnected"). Then, it keeps cycling.

    I'm going to buy an 500gP v2.

  2. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by citro View Post
    Same problem here. Yesterday, my 500gP (v1) died. Without any cables connected, all the leds, except POWER and AIR stay on.

    If I connect a LAN port on router with a LAN port on a computer, they connect for a few seconds (the LAN led on router lights on, the status on LAN port on computer says "connected") and then they disconnect (all the leds, on router, except POWER and AIR, light on, and status on computer goes "disconnected"). Then, it keeps cycling.

    I'm going to buy an 500gP v2.
    Citro, most likely only your power suply is broken. not the asus itself.
    have a look at this thread, or search the board for 'solid leds'

  3. #48
    500gP v1 and v2 use the same power adapter.

    My v1 broke on Sunday (power and AIR LEDs OFF, all the other LEDs ON). On monday I bought a v2, and first thing I tried was using the v2 power adapter on v1. The result? The LEDs on my v1 started working properly

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Just wanted to update you guys .

    My local RMA said that there's no hope for my wl500gp V2, so they'll give me a new one. Despite my unit was opened many times /I broke the warranty seal, soldered pins , placed radiator inside , had some labels glued/ they accepted it for replacement .

    It's not a complete solution to the actual problem , but it works for me

  5. #50
    Yea I can confirm on the adapter as well ... v1 and v2 use the exact same adapter, I tested with my co-worker's adapter and as suspected mine was toast. Honestly I don't know what caused it, I mean the adapter has been running off an APC UPS unit which I know has a very clean power feed and good surge protection, and also it has a very good ventilation as well, in fact it's like sitting in direct path off an AC blower vent, so it always have cool air blowing and cooling it.

    Anyway so I guess I'm off to find a replacement now, anyone has suggestion where to buy one here in Canada? I saw several units that has the power requirement (5V, 2.5Amp) but I'm wary that the power plug might not fit.

  6. #51
    raas: Many thanks for pointing this out. I had the exact same problem (5 LEDs on, power LED off) and using the molex connector from my PC I was able to verify that it is a power supply. Today I got a new power supply from Maplin and everything is working again.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    pin 9 trick and air led flashing?

    I had a problem with my wl500g premium v1.

    switched off radio via web interface and rebooted the device. after that the device wasn't working anymore.

    after trying every "normal" method I went to pin 9 trick but didn't work for me like expected. after trying 3-4x now the device shows me another led status.

    If I power on the device the power led is on and the air led is blinking. lan ports are working (like a switch) but I have no chance to do anything else.

    some ideas what the flashing air led means?

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Belgrade, Serbia
    I also had same problems, power and air leds are off,and rest of leds are always on. I opened power supply and found that one capacitor is "swollen".
    It is 10V,1200uF. Closest that I could buy was 10V and 1500uF.
    I replaced it and it is working now
    Last edited by ocelivise; 04-09-2009 at 10:51.

  9. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by ocelivise View Post
    I also had same problems, power and air leds are off,and rest of leds are always on. I opened power supply and found that one capacitor is "swollen".
    It is 10V,1200uF. Closest that I could buy was 10V and 1500uF.
    I replaced it and it is working now
    Nice find and good solution!!

    (although, I won't go back anymore now that I have 5 devices running of the PC-PSU, which is more power efficient)

    otoh it would be nice to have a seperate psu to drive it 'standalone'.

    I'm going to open it up and see if mine suffers from the same swollen (leaky) capacitors

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Belgrade, Serbia
    It's probably due to overheating(so many people with same problems during this summer), old capacitor was rated 105°C, this is only 85°C so I drilled some holes in casing.
    Total repair cost: ~0.75E

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands - Eindhoven
    Quote Originally Posted by ocelivise View Post
    It's probably due to overheating(so many people with same problems during this summer), old capacitor was rated 105°C, this is only 85°C so I drilled some holes in casing.
    Total repair cost: ~0.75E
    hmm... I thought only the router itself suffered from that, reason for me to buy a laptop cooler

    my psu get's quite warm as well... kinda odd that asus didn't spend more time on testing this.

  12. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by raas View Post
    The symptoms:
    All LAN leds and AIR leds are continiously on. they don't blink, even though not a single cable is connected. the power-led is off.
    When I take the power off, wait 15 secs, and put the power back on, the same symptoms occur. But. sometimes it 'boots', I stick a lan-cable in it and try to ping it, sometimes this works, but most of the time it doesn't.

    Exactly the same problem I have.
    I have also another symptom: sometime when I connect LAN cable to the NB it frozes.

    Now I want to test another adapter. I have my ASUS under warranty yet. So should I upload original firmware before I sent it to the seller?

  13. #58

    solid lights all LAN and WAN diods

    Same problem. I want to test another adapter now. I will post the result.

  14. #59

    Power Supply Solution

    I had the same problem, couldn't get the reset function to work, only those four lights. Could not find an OEM power supply but did find one that ended up working fine- the plug is even the right size. Sonicwall part number 01-SSC-2848 is 5V, 2.4A which is plenty of current for the WL-500G Premium. I did have to reflash and restore config (PP) but all is well.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Lightbulb Defective Power supply ?

    For those with defective asus router power suplyes, there is a sollution.

    Often the capacitors are poorly made and they will start to leak electrolyte until they get defective.
    To change the defective capacitors open the defective power supply and change the bad capacitors, put the same µ F (micro farads) capacitors but higher voltage, for example if you have a capacitor that is rated at 1500 µ F and 10 V change with a 1500 µ F and 25 V capacitor, also there is a good ideea to drill holes in the top case of the power suply to help it cool down if you use your router 24/7, 365 days a year.

    This Information is provided as is withowt any Implyed warranty, use at your own risk, I'm not responsable if you dammage your PSU, this information is provided in the hope that it will help somebody.

    Best regards,

    Last edited by Renegate; 12-09-2009 at 10:55.

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