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Thread: Mounting WL-HDD share on the dBox

  1. #1

    Mounting WL-HDD share on the dBox


    browsing through this forum I realized that a few of us have the same issue:
    - mounting a wl-hdd share from the dbox (cabel or satelite) -

    I played with my setup and found the following curiosity:

    If I mount the share from a Linux-PC (Knoppix 3.6 live cd) with 'mount -t cifs //...' I'll get the known problems (no permission, Flags -rwxrwSrwt),

    if I mount the share with 'mount -t smbfs //...' everything seems to work.

    Unfortunally the dBox seems not to support the SMBFS filesystem.

    Does anyone of this forum know the specific details of the CIFS and SMBFS filesystem and the support the WL-HDD offers?

    Any other ideas?


  2. #2
    Wl-hdd runs samba 2.0.7 and for whatever reason does not support CIFS clients. I compiled samba 3.0.7 and all works fine. But the samba performance is not as good as NFSv3. I'm preparing a based custom firm which includes samba 3.0.7

  3. #3
    Hi jockyw2001,

    After I was not able to get CIFS to work, I startet to play with your costomized version and nfs. Still I can't get anything to mount to the wl-hdd.

    wl-hdd (.254) - /tmp/harddisk/part1/conf/etc/exports:

    dBox (.251)
    mount -t nfs /mnt/part1 -o rw,soft,udp,nolock,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
    => permission denied

    Linux-PC (.100)
    mount -t nfs /mnt/part1 -o rw,soft,udp,nolock,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
    => permission denied

    Is there anything besides .../etc/exports I need to pay attention to??


  4. #4
    Probably too restrictive permissions on your files.

    Try this:
    1. Telnet into the Asus
    2. change to /tmp/harddisk/
    3. chmod -R 755 *
    4. Try mounting again

    With ps -ax you can check if portmap, nfsd, and mountd are running.
    And after modifying exports you have to run exportfs
    Last edited by JOCKYW2001; 01-11-2004 at 19:25.

  5. #5
    Nup, ditn't change anything.

    Any other sugestions??

    Last edited by pepe; 01-11-2004 at 19:50.

  6. #6
    Not really. You can do some diagnostics in telnet. Check if all nfs related services are running (portmap, nfsd, mountd), check your exports and only edit it in a unix friendly editor(!), then run exportfs.

  7. #7
    Hi jockyw2001,

    got the device working as suposed

    The problem, as in 98.5% of all cases, lay in front of the device. (user)

    It was a case of 'fat finger decease' in combination with the attempt to export the / and /tmp out of laziness. (btw why does /tmp not work?)

    After discovering the 'vi' and the 'exportfs' the try&error analysis went a lot faster too. (no more cat > /tmp/ha... and reboot)

    is there a way to permanently include /tmp/h..../conf/bin and .../sbin into the path ?

    Thanks for your support.

    ps: looking forward to play with (c for customized )

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by pepe_
    .... (btw why does /tmp not work?)

    is there a way to permanently include /tmp/h..../conf/bin and .../sbin into the path ?
    You can try to export /tmp/harddisk. Dunno why /tmp doesn't work

    The PATH will be modified in "1.28c"

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