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Thread: Problemen met instaleren programmas onder oleg firmware.

  1. #16


    het is wel de goede file, maar hij is niet compleet.. zoals ik al zei, moet er nog een gedeelte onder komen waarin je je newsserver (die van je provider, of een payserver) en connecties definieert.
    Kijk eens naar het voorbeeld bestand dat is meegeinstalleerd toen je sab installeerde..

    je kunt dat vinden op de volgende locatie:
    Hierin zul je zien dat er nog een gedeelte bij hoort..
    omdat dit niet in jouw configfile zit zal sab de melding geven dat het een ongeldig configuratie bestand is..

    Succes ermee.

  2. #17
    __version__ = 016

    ## host we should listen on, leave "" for localhost
    host = ""

    ## port we should listen on
    port = 8080

    ## username for the web-interface
    username = "admin"

    ## password for the web-interface
    password = "*******"

    ## web file dir for (custom) Cheetah templates and the default.css file
    web_dir = "/opt/local/share/SABnzbd-0.2.5/templates/

    ## dir to put downloads to, won't be created automatically
    download_dir = "/tmp/harddisk/SABnzbd/tmp/

    ## dir to put completed downloads to, won't be created automatically
    complete_dir = "/tmp/harddisk/downloads/"

    ## If specified, .nzbs fetched by postid (or added by the dirscanner) will
    ## be backed up to this readable/writeable dir
    nzb_backup_dir = "/tmp/harddisk/SABnzbd/nzb/backup/

    ## dir to store cache and cookie files, windows users should
    ## leave this at .
    cache_dir = /tmp/harddisk/SABnzbd/cache/

    ## location of your log directory, "" to disable logging
    log_dir = "/opt/var/log

    ## dirscan directory
    ## SABnzbd will consume everything in that dir
    ## while trying to add it to the queue
    dirscan_dir = /tmp/harddisk/SABnzbd/nzb/

    ## Scheduling options
    ## Syntax: minute hour day action
    ## 1st argument must be 0-59 (minute)
    ## 2nd argument must be 0-24 (hour)
    ## 3rd argument must be 1-7 (day) or *
    ## 4th argument must be resume or pause
    ## e.g schedlines = 0 7 * pause, 0 21 * resume
    ## to pause SABnzbd at 7:00 and resume operation at 21:00
    schedlines = ,

    ## default options for dirscan added items
    ## 0 = None
    ## 1 = +Repair
    ## 2 = +Unpack
    ## 3 = +Delete
    dirscan_opts = 1

    ## Enable/disable filejoining
    ## 0 = Disabled
    ## 1 = Enabled
    enable_filejoin = 1

    ## Enable/disable unraring
    ## 0 = Disabled
    ## 1 = Enabled
    enable_unrar = 1

    ## Enable/disable unzipping
    ## 0 = Disabled
    ## 1 = Enabled
    enable_unzip = 1

    ## Enable/disable periodic queue saving
    ## 0 = Disabled
    ## 1 = Enabled
    ## Enable this on unstable systems
    enable_save = 0

    ## Enable/disable
    ## 0 = Disabled
    ## 1 = Enabled
    ## Enable to cleanup par2 files
    ## (only if verifiying/repairing succeded)
    enable_par_cleanup = 1

    ## should we failover on yenc crc errors
    ## 0 = no
    ## 1 = yes
    fail_on_crc = 0

    ## should we download to group folders?
    ## (i.e /my/download/dir/alt.bin.whatever/somepost/)
    ## 0 = no
    ## 1 = yes
    create_group_folders = 0

    ## bandwith limit
    ## 0 == ignore
    ## Slowdown factor, try values between 0.01 and 1.0.
    bandwith_limit = 0

    ## Cleanup List
    ## List of file_extensions that should be deleted
    ## Example: ".nfo," or ".nfo, .sfv"
    cleanup_list = ,

    ## Only get articles from topmost collection
    ## Enable for less memory usage
    ## Disable for more efficient downloading
    ## 0 = Disabled
    ## 1 = Enabled
    top_only = 1

    ## Automatically sort by average age
    ## 0 = No
    ## 1 = Yes
    auto_sort = 0

    ## Send group command before requesting articles
    ## 0 = No
    ## 1 = Yes
    send_group = 0

    ## Article cache limit
    ## 0 = Disable Cache
    ## -1 = Unlimited cache
    ## >0 = Maximum memory (in bytes) to use for cache
    cache_limit = 0

    ## Umask to use for directories/files
    umask = 755

    ## max size of SABnzbd.log (in bytes)
    max_log_size = 5242880

    ## how many backups of SABnzbd.log to keep around
    log_backups = 5

    ## enable cherrypy logging
    ## 0 = no
    ## 1 = yes
    enable_cherrypy_logging = 1

    ## Fill in your servers here
    ## If your server doesn't need password auth set
    ## username and password to ''
    ## fillserver field must be 0 for non-fillservers (>0 otherwise)
    # [[server 0]]
    # host = news.******.nl
    # port = 119
    # username = ******@*****.*****
    # password = *****
    # connections = 8
    # fillserver = 0

    ## support
    username = ""
    password = ""

    ## Place downloads into category folders
    ## 0 = No
    ## 1 = Root category only
    ## 2 = Root category + subcategory
    create_category_folders = 0

    Dan zou dit hem helemaal moeten zijn.
    Maar hij geeft nog steeds de zelfde melding.

    Verder heb ik even gekeken naar de firewall en portforwarding.
    Wanneer ik in de virtualserver console het poort nummer en ip adres invoer en vervolgens met can you see me op internet kijk of die poort open staat zegt hij dat hij de service niet kan vinden.

    of moet je dit in de post firewall instellen?
    Last edited by zeilboot; 29-08-2007 at 14:58.

  3. #18
    Geen idee wat je open moet zetten,

    ik heb er geen extra poort voor open moeten zetten, maar mijn firewall werkt zo dat verkeer wat van binnenuit gegenereerd wordt naar buiten, open kan.

    Maar als je de melding van invalid configuration file krijgt, dan moet er toch iets niet goed zijn... klopt het path naar de file ?



  4. #19
    Ik heb geprobeerd de router te resetten.
    Dit heb ik gedaan door eerst de standaard instellingen te laden daar na de reset knop 30seconden ingedrukt.
    Vervolgens de oude firmware er op geflashed.
    Daarna de oleg er op gezet en de hdd gewist maar er staan nog steeds filles op zoals het bootscript en de samba shares kan ik ook nog benaderen.

    Is er een manier om hem helemaal te wissen zodat ik de oleg firmware opnieuw kan instellen met alleen de bestanden die nodig zijn?
    Mischien dat het dan wel werkt.

    Ik heb al eens een firmware geprobeerd die het flash geheugen wist maar hier na kon ik de standaard firmware er niet meer opzetten en heb ik hem ingeruild voor een andere.

  5. #20

    daar heb ik zo direct geen idee van.. ik meen wel eens zoiets gelezen te hebben. maar ik heb er geen ervaring mee.

    In ieder geval succes ermee, mocht je nog wat te vragen hebben, dan laat maar weten.


  6. #21
    Nog even,

    Gaf Sab nog altijd dezelfde foutmelding met een aangepast config-file?
    Ik zal vanavond die van mij eens posten, kan ik nu niet bij namelijk.

    Trouwens. .
    ik weet niet of het wachtwoord wat in je configfile staat het echte wachtwoord is waarmee jij alle instellingen bij je provider kunt regelen, maar anders zou ik die post even aanpassen. je hebt nu nogal gevoelige gegevens hierin staan..

    De newsserver van je eigen provider heeft meestal geen login en password nodig, misschien dat je daar iets verder mee komt.


  7. #22
    Ik zal nog even verder zoeken om hem hellemaal te wissen.

    Mischien dat jouw fille inderdaat wel werkt

    En bedankt voor de waarschuwing.

  8. #23
    Graag gedaan.

    Hier de inhoud van mijn ini-file op


    __version__ = 016
        ## host we should listen on, leave "" for localhost
        host = ""
        ## port we should listen on
        port = 8080
        ## username for the web-interface
        username = ****
        ## password for the web-interface
        password = ****
        ## web file dir for (custom) Cheetah templates and the default.css file
        web_dir = /opt/local/share/SABnzbd-0.2.5/templates/
        ## dir to put downloads to, won't be created automatically
        download_dir = /opt/share/SABnzbd/download/
        ## dir to put completed downloads to, won't be created automatically
        complete_dir = /opt/share/SABnzbd/completed/
        ## If specified, .nzbs fetched by postid (or added by the dirscanner) will 
        ## be backed up to this readable/writeable dir
        nzb_backup_dir = /opt/share/SABnzbd/nzb_done/
        ## dir to store cache and cookie files, windows users should
        ## leave this at .
        cache_dir = /opt/share/SABnzbd/download/
        ## location of your log directory, "" to disable logging
        log_dir = /opt/var/log
        ## dirscan directory
        ## SABnzbd will consume everything in that dir
        ## while trying to add it to the queue
        dirscan_dir = /opt/share/SABnzbd/nzb_todo/
        ## Scheduling options
        ## Syntax: minute hour day action
        ##         1st argument must be 0-59 (minute)
        ##         2nd argument must be 0-24 (hour)
        ##         3rd argument must be 1-7 (day) or *
        ##         4th argument must be resume or pause
        ## e.g schedlines = 0 7 * pause, 0 21 * resume 
        ##     to pause SABnzbd at 7:00 and resume operation at 21:00
        schedlines = ,
        ## default options for dirscan added items
        ## 0 = None
        ## 1 = +Repair
        ## 2 = +Unpack
        ## 3 = +Delete
        dirscan_opts = 3
        ## Enable/disable filejoining
        ## 0 = Disabled
        ## 1 = Enabled
        enable_filejoin = 1
        ## Enable/disable unraring
        ## 0 = Disabled
        ## 1 = Enabled
        enable_unrar = 1
        ## Enable/disable unzipping
        ## 0 = Disabled
        ## 1 = Enabled
        enable_unzip = 1
        ## Enable/disable periodic queue saving
        ## 0 = Disabled
        ## 1 = Enabled
        ## Enable this on unstable systems
        enable_save = 1
        ## Enable/disable
        ## 0 = Disabled
        ## 1 = Enabled
        ## Enable to cleanup par2 files 
        ## (only if verifiying/repairing succeded)
        enable_par_cleanup = 1
        ## should we failover on yenc crc errors
        ## 0 = no
        ## 1 = yes
        fail_on_crc = 0
        ## should we download to group folders? 
        ## (i.e /my/download/dir/alt.bin.whatever/somepost/)
        ## 0 = no
        ## 1 = yes
        create_group_folders = 0
        ## bandwith limit
        ## 0 == ignore
        ## Slowdown factor, try values between 0.01 and 1.0.
        bandwith_limit = 0
        ## Cleanup List
        ## List of file_extensions that should be deleted
        ## Example: ".nfo," or ".nfo, .sfv"
        cleanup_list = ,
        ## Only get articles from topmost collection
        ## Enable for less memory usage
        ## Disable for more efficient downloading
        ## 0 = Disabled
        ## 1 = Enabled
        top_only = 0
        ## Automatically sort by average age
        ## 0 = No
        ## 1 = Yes
        auto_sort = 0
        ## Send group command before requesting articles
        ## 0 = No
        ## 1 = Yes
        send_group = 0
        ## Article cache limit
        ## 0 = Disable Cache
        ## -1 = Unlimited cache
        ## >0 = Maximum memory (in bytes) to use for cache
        cache_limit = 0
        ## Umask to use for directories/files
        umask = 777
        ## max size of SABnzbd.log (in bytes)
        max_log_size = 5242880
        ## how many backups of SABnzbd.log to keep around
        log_backups = 1
        ## enable cherrypy logging
        ## 0 = no
        ## 1 = yes
        enable_cherrypy_logging = 0
    ## Fill in your servers here
    ## If your server doesn't need password auth set
    ## username and password to ''
    ## fillserver field must be 0 for non-fillservers (>0 otherwise)
            host = *****
            port = 119
            username = *****
            password = *****
            connections = 2
            fillserver = 0
    #    [[server 0]]
    #       host =
    #       port = 119
    #       username = myusername
    #       password = mypassword
    #       connections = 8
    #       fillserver = 0
    #    [[server 1]]
    #  	host =
    #  	port = 119
    #  	username = ""
    #  	password = "" 
    #  	connections = 8
    #       fillserver = 1
    ## support
        username = ""
        password = ""
        ## Place downloads into category folders
        ## 0 = No
        ## 1 = Root category only
        ## 2 = Root category + subcategory
        create_category_folders = 0

    Succes ermee !

  9. #24

    het vermelden waard.

    Sab draait pas na een paar minuten na een reboot..
    maar als het eenmaal draait is het goed.

  10. #25
    Ik heb de fille ingevoerd en sab met de hand gestart.
    Ik krijg nu geen error meer maar sab staat niet in de processen lijst.

  11. #26
    en als je naar http://ip.address.van.asus:8080/sabnzbd gaat dan?

    krijg je dan de SABnzbd pagina te zien ?

  12. #27
    Nee ook op deze manier kom ik er niet in.

  13. #28

    toch vreemd..

    maar als je het startnzb bestand draait (dit duurt even)
    komt hij weer gewoon terug op de prompt? zonder foutmelding?

    toch wel raar.. ik heb hetzelfde gedaan dan jij, en het werkt wel.

    post hier je lijst met geinstalleerde packages eens... dan zal ik dat vanavond ook doen, dan kun je e.e.a. vergelijken om te kijken of je niet iets mist.

    de lijst met geinstalleerde packages kun je opvragen door het volgende commando te draaien

    ipkg list_installed
    Wat je evt. ook nog kunt doen is kijken tot hoever sab start.
    Hiervoor moet je even in de configfile kijken waar sab zijn log neerzet.. dit bestand met een teksteditor openen en dan krijg je te zien wat sab allemaal gedaan heeft..
    Het hoort in ieder geval te eindigen met een of andere dirscanner.. .


  14. #29
    Hier is mijn lijst:

    [admin@NAS root]$ ipkg list_installed
    buildroot - 4.1.1-12 - uClibc compilation toolchain
    bzip2 - 1.0.4-1 - Very high-quality data compression program
    coreutils - 6.9-4 - Bunch of heavyweight *nix core utilities
    cron - 4.1-6 - Standard vixie cron, with cron.d addition
    cyrus-sasl-libs - 2.1.22-2 - Provides client or server side authentication (see RFC 2222).
    diffutils - 2.8.1-4 - contains gnu diff, cmp, sdiff and diff3 to display differences between and among text files
    e2fsprogs - 1.40.2-1 - Ext2 Filesystem Utilities
    expat - 2.0.1-1 - XML Parser library
    findutils - 4.2.31-1 - File finding utilities
    fontconfig - 2.3.2-5 - Font configuration library
    freetype - 2.1.10-4 - Free truetype library
    gconv-modules - 2.2.5-7 - Provides gconv modules missing from the firmware.  These are used by glibc's iconv() implementation.
    gdbm - 1.8.3-2 - GNU dbm is a set of database routines that use extensible hashing. It works similar to the standard UNIX dbm routines.
    glib - 2.6.6-6 - The GLib library of C routines.
    gnuplot - 4.2.0-5 - Command-line driven interactive data and function plotting utility
    groff - 1.19.2-1 - front-end for the groff document formatting system
    hdparm - 6.9-1 - Linux hard drive parameter utility
    ipkg-opt - 0.99.163-9 - The Itsy Package Manager
    less - 394-3 - Less file browser
    libbt - 1.05-5 - a C library implementing the core BitTorrent protocol
    libcurl - 7.16.4-1 - Curl is a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, FI
    libdb - 4.2.52-3 - Berkeley DB Libraries
    libevent - 1.3d-1 - libevent to implement an event loop
    libgd - 2.0.35-1 - An ANSI C library for the dynamic creation of images
    libjpeg - 6b-2 - collection of jpeg tools
    libpng - 1.2.19-1 - Portable Network Graphics Libraries
    libuclibc++ - 0.2.2-4 - C++ standard library designed for use in embedded systems
    libxml2 - 2.6.29-1 - Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project.
    libxslt - 1.1.21-1 - An XML Stylesheet processor based on libxml2
    lighttpd - 1.4.16-1 -
    logrotate - 3.7.1-4 - Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files.
    lynx - 2.8.6-1 - A text browser for the World Wide Web
    man - 1.5p-4 - unix manual page reader
    man-pages - 2.33-3 - unix manual pages
    mc - 4.6.1-3 - Midnight Commander File Manager
    mysql - 4.1.20-2 - Popular free SQL database system
    nano - 2.0.6-1 - A pico like editor
    ncurses - 5.6-1 - NCurses libraries
    ncursesw - 5.6-1 - NCurses libraries with wide char support.
    openldap-libs - 2.3.38-1 - Open Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
    openssl - 0.9.7m-2 - Openssl provides the ssl implementation in libraries libcrypto and libssl, and is needed by many other applications and librari
    par2cmdline - 0.4-1 -
    pcre - 7.2-1 -
    php - 5.2.3-1 - The php scripting language
    php-fcgi - 5.2.3-1 - The php scripting language, built as an fcgi module
    popt - 1.7-2 - A C library for parsing command line parameters.
    procps - 3.2.7-4 - PROCPS System Utilities
    py-celementtree - 1.0.5-20051216-4 - A toolkit that contains a number of light-weight components for working with XML (C implementation).
    py-cheetah - 2.0rc7-2 - Cheetah - The Python-Powered Template Engine.
    py-cherrypy - 2.2.1-2 - A pythonic, object-oriented web development framework.
    py-elementtree - 1.2.6-20050316-3 - A toolkit that contains a number of light-weight components for working with XML.
    python - 2.4.4-3 - This is a package that sets up the default python.
    python24 - 2.4.4-5 - Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.
    readline - 5.2-2 - The GNU Readline library provides a set of functions for use by applications that allow users to edit command lines as they are
    samba2 - 2.2.12-1 - Lightweight Samba suite provides file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients.
    screen - 4.0.3-2 - A screen manager that supports multiple logins on single terminal
    slang - 2.1.1-1 - S-Lang is a multi-platform library designed to allow a developer to create robust multi-platform software.
    termcap - 1.3.1-2 - Terminal emulation library
    transmission - 0.7+r2474-1 -
    uclibc-opt - 0.9.28-12 - micro C library for embedded Linux systems
    unrar - 3.6.8-2 - unrar is an application that can decompress files and archives created using the RAR compression scheme
    unzip - 5.52-1 - A (de)compression library for the ZIP format
    vsftpd - 2.0.5-1 - ftp daemon with an emphasis on speed and security
    xinetd - 2.3.14-6 - Highly configurable, modular and secure inetd
    zlib - 1.2.3-2 - zlib is a library implementing the 'deflate' compression system.

  15. #30
    (none) login: admin
    [admin@(none) root]$ ipkg list_installed
    buildroot - 4.1.1-12 - uClibc compilation toolchain
    bzip2 - 1.0.4-1 - Very high-quality data compression program
    cron - 4.1-6 - Standard vixie cron, with cron.d addition
    ctorrent - 1.3.4-2 - CTorrent is a BitTorrent client written in the C programmin g language.
    cyrus-sasl-libs - 2.1.22-2 - Provides client or server side authentication (see RFC 2222).
    e2fsprogs - 1.40.2-1 - Ext2 Filesystem Utilities
    expat - 2.0.1-1 - XML Parser library
    fontconfig - 2.3.2-5 - Font configuration library
    freetype - 2.1.10-4 - Free truetype library
    gconv-modules - 2.2.5-7 - Provides gconv modules missing from the firmware. The se are used by glibc's iconv() implementation.
    gdbm - 1.8.3-2 - GNU dbm is a set of database routines that use extensible hashi ng. It works similar to the standard UNIX dbm routines.
    glib - 2.6.6-6 - The GLib library of C routines.
    gnuplot - 4.2.0-5 - Command-line driven interactive data and function plotting u tility
    ipkg-opt - 0.99.163-9 - The Itsy Package Manager
    libbt - 1.05-5 - a C library implementing the core BitTorrent protocol
    libcurl - 7.16.4-1 - Curl is a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, FI
    libdb - 4.2.52-3 - Berkeley DB Libraries
    libgd - 2.0.35-1 - An ANSI C library for the dynamic creation of images
    libjpeg - 6b-2 - collection of jpeg tools
    libpng - 1.2.19-1 - Portable Network Graphics Libraries
    libuclibc++ - 0.2.2-4 - C++ standard library designed for use in embedded system s
    libxml2 - 2.6.29-1 - Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the G nome project.
    libxslt - 1.1.21-1 - An XML Stylesheet processor based on libxml2
    logrotate - 3.7.1-4 - Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files.
    mc - 4.6.1-3 - Midnight Commander File Manager
    nano - 2.0.6-1 - A pico like editor
    ncurses - 5.6-1 - NCurses libraries
    ncursesw - 5.6-1 - NCurses libraries with wide char support.
    openldap-libs - 2.3.38-1 - Open Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
    openssl - 0.9.7m-2 - Openssl provides the ssl implementation in libraries libcry pto and libssl, and is needed by many other applications and librari
    par2cmdline - 0.4-1 -
    pcre - 7.3-1 - Perl-compatible regular expression library
    php - 5.2.3-1 - The php scripting language
    php-thttpd - 2.25b-5.2.3-4 - php-thttpd is thttpd webserver with php support
    popt - 1.7-2 - A C library for parsing command line parameters.
    py-celementtree - 1.0.5-20051216-4 - A toolkit that contains a number of light-w eight components for working with XML (C implementation).
    py-cheetah - 2.0rc7-2 - Cheetah - The Python-Powered Template Engine.
    py-cherrypy - 2.2.1-2 - A pythonic, object-oriented web development framework.
    py-elementtree - 1.2.6-20050316-3 - A toolkit that contains a number of light-we ight components for working with XML.
    python - 2.4.4-3 - This is a package that sets up the default python.
    python24 - 2.4.4-5 - Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented prog ramming language.
    readline - 5.2-2 - The GNU Readline library provides a set of functions for use by applications that allow users to edit command lines as they are
    samba2 - 2.2.12-1 - Lightweight Samba suite provides file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients.
    slang - 2.1.1-1 - S-Lang is a multi-platform library designed to allow a develop er to create robust multi-platform software.
    torrent - 1.4-7 - a collection of scripts that processes torrent files
    transmission - 0.6+r961-1 -
    uclibc-opt - 0.9.28-12 - micro C library for embedded Linux systems
    unrar - 3.6.8-2 - unrar is an application that can decompress files and archives created using the RAR compression scheme
    unzip - 5.52-1 - A (de)compression library for the ZIP format
    xinetd - 2.3.14-6 - Highly configurable, modular and secure inetd
    zlib - 1.2.3-2 - zlib is a library implementing the 'deflate' compression system .
    Successfully terminated.
    [admin@(none) root]$

    En hier de mijne.

    Dit krijg ik overigens te zien als ik sab start in de command prompt.

    [admin@(none) root]$
    [admin@(none) root]$ /opt/bin/startSABnzbd
    [admin@(none) root]$

    Precies zoals jij zegt.
    Last edited by zeilboot; 30-08-2007 at 17:55.

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