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Thread: WD Passport on WL-500gP

  1. #1

    WD Passport on WL-500gP

    Is WD passport supported by this router? I mean, can it work without an external power supply or powered USB hub?

    Generally, can this router provide enough power for an external 2.5" hard drive using one USB cable? What about Y-shaped USB cables that use two USB ports?


  2. #2
    Anyone, please...?

    Can somebody confirm that this drive will work? Or, at least, does someone have any 2.5" hard drive that works without additional power supply?

    Please help me, I don't want to waste my money on non working hard disk.


  3. #3
    I have a custom 2.5" external case, and sadly it doesn't work with the Y cables, unless you turn off WIFI.
    But even then its really unstable, if it suddenly uses alot of power the whole setup will crash for some time. Only a hard power reset will bring it back up.

    I have added a powered usb hub, DLINK HUB-D4 something like that. Now it all runs like a dream with WIFI on or off...

    you better get one....

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by peca89 View Post
    Anyone, please...?

    Can somebody confirm that this drive will work? Or, at least, does someone have any 2.5" hard drive that works without additional power supply?

    Please help me, I don't want to waste my money on non working hard disk.

    i have an 120GB Harddisk working on my asus wl500gp. its an WD Passport 2,5". its workin fine and without any external powersuply or an y-cable


    PS: please excuse my english
    Last edited by satirac; 21-08-2007 at 16:36.

  5. #5
    i have an 120GB Harddisk working on my asus wl500gp. its an WD Passport 2,5". its workin fine and without any external powersuply or an y-cable
    WHAT ?!?

    I've bought WD Passport 120GB And it doesn't want to start even with an Y cable. I can just hear the clicking sound from it. I managed to start it only with an Y cable and radio disabled, but this way I've lost wireless functionality and one USB port. I think I'll have to buy a power USB hub

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by peca89 View Post
    WHAT ?!?

    I've bought WD Passport 120GB And it doesn't want to start even with an Y cable. I can just hear the clicking sound from it. I managed to start it only with an Y cable and radio disabled, but this way I've lost wireless functionality and one USB port. I think I'll have to buy a power USB hub
    i have the "WD PASSPORT 120GB USB 2.0 WDXMS1200TE" no problem since i bought it 4 weeks ago. and ist runnig 5 or 6 days a week. first i've got an trekstore and that works only with the y-cable, so i returnd it. maybe, the transformer at the german wl500gp is higher? my transformator gives 12,5W maximum.

    Last edited by satirac; 22-08-2007 at 15:07.

  7. #7
    i have the "WD PASSPORT 120GB USB 2.0 WDXMS1200TE"
    maybe, the transformer at the german wl500gp is higher? my transformator gives 12,5W maximum
    I have the same harddisk, the same model number and the same 12,5W power adapter. I really don't have a clue why doesn't my harddisk work properly.

  8. #8
    Do you use the short cable that was with the hdd? Mine is only ~30cm (~12inch) long but a little fatter than other usb cable. In another forum i red about a guy who used a longer cable and it didn't work on his laptop.


  9. #9
    Yes, I tried using USB cable that came with my hdd. Mine is exactly 20cm long without connectors.

    I will try making custom USB cable, 5-10cm long, using thick cooper wires and see if there are any changes. If not, well, I'm going to buy a powered USB hub...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by peca89 View Post
    Yes, I tried using USB cable that came with my hdd. Mine is exactly 20cm long without connectors.
    i hope your selfbuild cable will work fine. if not, i'm afraid, i realy don't know why mine is working and yours not.


  11. #11
    weird, I remember my 250V AC adapter translates to 3A or so.....

    Each 2.5" HD needs like 0.5A hence why it shouldn't work...

    I dont know, I have a powered dlink usb hub and everything works fine.

  12. #12
    So what's the verdict on this one ? ... I'm looking to buy one of these hard drives as well... I'll probably go to the store with the router and ask to try it out before I buy it just to be safe...

    Another question is do you spin-down the drive when not using ? I only intend to download torrents on it and I'll have a memory stick for anything else... So it would be great if the drive could be stopped from the software whenever it's not used ... For power saving off course but also to preserve the drive...

  13. #13
    It is almost impossible to stop the usb harddrive. There are
    always moments that the wl500g wants to write something to a log file.

    It is better for the drive to always be running than starting and stopping

    a 2.5inch drive consumes about 3W
    a 3.5inch drive about 7W

    Thus you could save 5 euros a year

  14. #14
    I am going to be using a flash memory for logs and everything .... the hard drive is JUST FOR DOWNLOADS ... so it's not a matter of will it have reason to stop (because it will) ... it's a matter of can it stop and will it stop ?

  15. #15
    oh and it's not about the money.. It's about getting what I want out of my hardware... that's the only reason I searched for a linux based router in the first place

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