10. SAMBA2
The original version in olegs firmware has a problem with Windows Vista.
Because of this, you install the package 'samba2'. This should work with Vista (Due to a missing Vista i can not test it).
Samba has to be disabled in the Asus webinterface! (USb Application -> Samba -> Enable Samba Demo mode: NO)
ipkg install xinetd
ipkg install samba2
Edit the conf of xinetd:
vi /opt/etc/xinetd.d/swat
You should cutomize the IP settings as you need them and exchange "user = root" with admin -> "user = admin".
Save... reboot... You know... i do this too often, but to be shure...
flashfs save && flashfs commit && flashfs enable && reboot
Samba and xinetd are running after the reboot.
But samba still needs to be configured. This is done with a webinterface: