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Thread: [HowTo] Install and configure Oleg's firmware

  1. #496
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Germany - Frankfurt
    Thank you.

    i changed the syslog chapter and added a hint to crontab in the cron chapter.

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    Eine wirklich gute Idee erkennt man daran, dass ihre Verwirklichung von vorne herein ausgeschlossen erscheint. (Albert Einstein)

  2. #497

    I've had a new problem. Recently when i use transmission, the speed became very slow (about 10kb/s), but when i use my pc (with Deluge), i have 100kb/s. What's wrong? i use this torrent
    BTW, how do i use Clutch?

    thanks a lot

  3. #498

    I have one problem with Transmission, if I reboot the wl-500gp, /tmp/harddisk/transmission/config/settings.json doesn't exist anymore. And for that reason, the web gui says "401: Unauthorized Either disable the IP address whitelist or add your address to it. etc...".

    So how can I get the file to stay also after rebooting the device? I've done everything as the instructions say, and Transmission works fine until reboot. Transmission is not shown if I use the ps axf command even before rebooting the device, does anyone know why?
    Last edited by skylin3d; 23-01-2009 at 20:02.

  4. #499
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Germany - Frankfurt

    this is strange because you edit directly on your hdd.
    And transmission should be shown by ps.

    No idea why the file is deleted....

    Übersicht aller HowTos --- HowTo Overview (mostly german)
    WL-HDD mit diesem Setup. --- WL-HDD with this setup.
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    Eine wirklich gute Idee erkennt man daran, dass ihre Verwirklichung von vorne herein ausgeschlossen erscheint. (Albert Einstein)

  5. #500
    I think it has something to do with the /tmp/ directory? Is it possible that things in /tmp gets erased or something? So would saving the file somewhere else than in /tmp resolve the problem..?

  6. #501
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Germany - Frankfurt

    /tmp is in memory and will be deleted if you power off / restart.
    But your hdd is mounted to /tmp/harddisk (well, not really but the link shows to your hdd) and will be remounted after reboot.

    You can see this if you use "mount"

    Übersicht aller HowTos --- HowTo Overview (mostly german)
    WL-HDD mit diesem Setup. --- WL-HDD with this setup.
    Kein Support per PM - Frage im jeweiligen Thread! --- No support via pm - ask in the according thread!
    Eine wirklich gute Idee erkennt man daran, dass ihre Verwirklichung von vorne herein ausgeschlossen erscheint. (Albert Einstein)

  7. ssh from WAN

    Thanks for this great tutorial, I got everything I wanted running, ftp server, http server, transmission, ssh, Samba (the ones integrated to the firmware), I have write access to the USB drive, only the large files are causing me problem but I use ftp instead. I even got mediatomb working so I can stream video/audio from the PS3.
    Now my problem is that none of these services are available from WAN.

    When I first installed Oleg's firmware, I never went to command line and was able to access the ftp from WAN. When I started installing all the other services, I followed the tutorial step by step, but since, the ftp and the other services doesn't work from WAN (it works no problem from LAN).

    The only thing I have done on the post-firewall was

    # this opens the ssh port to internet! Be sure to have strong passwords!
    iptables -I INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

    I did add the same command for the other ports, like 81 (web server), or 9091 (transmission), 20 and 21 for ftp, etc...

    what am I doing wrong? why is the router blocking everything? I even tried to remove everything from the post-firewall (ftp from wan was working fine before I started touching everything).

    I should mention that at one time I had the following in my post-firewall (

    iptables -D INPUT -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 81 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination $4:81

    iptables -A INPUT -j DROP

    But I removed it when trying to debug my problem.

    Last edited by bibi-phoque; 27-01-2009 at 20:23.

  8. #503
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Germany - Frankfurt

    unfortunaly this is iptables-magic, which i am not used to.
    I use the wl-hdd as client in my network.

    Maybe any other user can help you with this

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    WL-HDD mit diesem Setup. --- WL-HDD with this setup.
    Kein Support per PM - Frage im jeweiligen Thread! --- No support via pm - ask in the according thread!
    Eine wirklich gute Idee erkennt man daran, dass ihre Verwirklichung von vorne herein ausgeschlossen erscheint. (Albert Einstein)

  9. Hi Wengi,
    You are right, the problem is iptable related, not with your tutorial. I just don't understand what could cause the router to reject everything from WAN when the only thing I have in my post-firewall is "accept" port 21 and 22.
    How can I make sure that the post-firewall is executed at the start? the post-firewall is executable and doesn't output errors when run manually.
    However, when running iptables -L, I don't see mentions of port 21 or 22 (but ftp and ssh are mentioned).
    As I am a newbie and want to learn, I don't mind if I don't get the answer but some direction on debugging tips would definitely help. Could somebody point me to the right direction?

    In parallel, I'm going to learn more about the iptables command.


  10. problem solved?

    I might I found my problem...Because I'm now using post-firewall, I thought it was not necessary to create virtual servers in the web interface. But since I added port 20 and 21 to route to in the web interface, the ftp now connects from WAN. It's still times-out when trying to get the listing but that's probably a different issue. As soon as I get home today I will replace my post-firewall with

    iptables -D INPUT -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i vlan1 -p tcp --dport 22 -j DNAT --to-destination $4:22
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i vlan1 -p tcp --dport 21 -j DNAT --to-destination $4:21
    iptables -A INPUT -j DROP

    Hopefully my ftp will work fine after that. When that works, I can start working on the other services.


  11. #506


    Hi, does anyone have vsftpd running? I tried macsat's guide on my WL500w, the server seems to be running - process ok, accepts connection, but no authentication.

    Connected to
    500 OOPS: vsftpd: not found: directory given in 'secure_chroot_dir':/opt/usr/sha
    500 OOPS: child died
    Connection closed by remote host.
    any ideas?


    PS: I have done the whole setup from the beginning of this thread - I do have Samba with xinetd.
    Last edited by examiner; 03-02-2009 at 13:01.

  12. #507
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    how to use ipkg


    I can not get ipkg to work as explained in the guide. ipkg is installed, but when I try to install eg nano,

    ipkg install nano

    i get "file not found". I suppose I have to download it first to the same directory, tried that, but the file has a longer name than just "nano", and I guess that's the reason it doesn't work.

    What am I doing wrong? isn't all packages supposed to install to /opt/tmp ? Do I have to download each individual package and copy it to this directory?

  13. #508
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    can not ping internet from router

    As I am going through this great Howto, I can not get the router to ping an outside address (like or its IP). Which means I can not use wget, and probably some more problems later.

    My router is set as access point, in hybrid mode, wireless bridged to another router which is the home gateway. The strange thing is, I can view web pages with computers cabled to the asus router (which bridges to the home gateway). But I can not ping to wan when I use putty. I can ping to computers in lan and the home gateway.

    I have forwarded port 22 on the home gateway to the asus router, but it doesn't help (but this should not be necessary i guess?). Do I have to forward some specific ports to the asus router to be able to ping from putty?

    Any other tip here?

    I am almost done with upgrading to oleg's firmware following this great guide, but with this problem i can not use wget for ipkg...

    Oh yes some more info:
    - all firewalls are disabled
    - I try to ping with both ip address and domain name, none works.
    - the nameserver in resolv.conf is the ip of my home gateway. what should it be?
    - when I try to ping domain name, the domain name is resolved with its IP in brackets, which should mean that there is a "way" out (since it is correcly resolved).
    - this issue is moved from q&a, since it is an issue following this guide.

  14. #509
    Hi Bodvar,

    The exact same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago when I was 'experimenting' with NAT (port forwarding, port triggering and routing). on my main router (Siemens). I also use the asus as an AP-only (so it's just a client). The 'experimenting' caused that the asus was unable to get a route to the WAN (internet). after deleting all the rules which applied to the ip-address of the asus, the asus was able to get on the internet again.. It could ping and use wget. So there must be something mixed up with NAT which prevented my asus to go online.
    The reason why your pc's which are wired to the asus can connect to the internet is as follows
    1) if you use static ip-addresses on you pc's you've manually set the DNS server (ip-of-main-router) in the ip-settings of the pc's
    2) if you use dhcp and your asus is an AP-only, then your pc's probably get the ip-address from the main routers (an in these settings the main-router also specifies the DNS

    If the above is not appliable, then check your DNS settings in the asus.


  15. #510
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Germany - Frankfurt
    One more hint to raas' reply:

    check your default gateway and take a look with traceroute where your packages are going.

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    WL-HDD mit diesem Setup. --- WL-HDD with this setup.
    Kein Support per PM - Frage im jeweiligen Thread! --- No support via pm - ask in the according thread!
    Eine wirklich gute Idee erkennt man daran, dass ihre Verwirklichung von vorne herein ausgeschlossen erscheint. (Albert Einstein)

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