If you set up your SSH server to answer on port 53 as in the thread u ref. you could use putty to connect. Do like this.
Startup putty click protocol SSH insert youre ip (or url) and port...
Type: Posts; User: miraculix
If you set up your SSH server to answer on port 53 as in the thread u ref. you could use putty to connect. Do like this.
Startup putty click protocol SSH insert youre ip (or url) and port...
I don't realy know what you are asking. In my configuration I do not use WDS. My belkin pre-n is connected to internet and set up as a homegw with firewall. My asus 300g is set up as ap in...
@Oleg - For me it would be ok to handle the files the way I do with post-boot script but I would love the Config UI
@Pastor - To make it work U need to edit the kaid.conf so that kaid knows youre...
Is it possible to add a USB port to the wl300g?
The source I was refering to was http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/kaistation/
I do not realy know if this is what you need but it looked to me like it was a description on what to do. :)
The kaid &...
Well I gave it a try. First i tried to fit it onto my flashram but it did not work so I did this workaround.
First I copied the files to my xbox.
Then I made this post-boot script.
Yes if you use olegs latest firmware you should be able to configure youre wl300g in client (or bridge mode). If it works with youre DLinkrouter well try :) Olegs Firmware is superior to ASUS anyways...
Do you know if there is any chance to get this working on a wl300g? I saw this link on the xbox-scene.com yesterday and it got my hops up! Do any of you know?
I think that you need to put your xbox in the DMZ. I think I saw that on ms support site?
I think that you need to set ap2 to bridge mode insted of client mode.
Thanx again Oleg the new firmware is now on and everithing is working out-of-the-box.
:) :D :)
What would I do if it wasn't for people like you! Keep up the good work!!
Thanx for youre excelent support Oleg. I got the post-boot script to work now.
I'm very greatfull :) :) :) :) :) :D :D :D :D
Does that new firmware work on my wl300g it says WL500G in...
I also need to do
flashfs save
flashfs commit
flashfs enable
Ok! I think i got the hang on VI so as soon as I get home I will try this. But I've got another stupid question first should both lines be in the post-boot file?
:o :o :o
Ok! So I wasn't able to compleate the testings yesterday I got stuck on how to use vi to create the post-boot file but I'm going to readup on my vi skills during the day and have another go tonight....
Well, I'm home from work and continuing!
I started with a firmware update to the latest firmware. Tried a reboot to see if it magicly started to work. But no still the same.
Checked the...
Ok when I get home I will try that also! :)
I've attached my settings save file if that is to any help for U ;)
I was browsing around in the wl500g howto forum an read about some post-boot script. Would this be a possible workaround?
echo "wl join "MyWifiNet" imode bss amode wpapsk" >>...
I will do that as soon as I get home from work :-)
I'm using bridgemode to connect (forgot to write that) now.
this is my set up.
[xbox] <-crossoverkabel-> <[ASUSWL300G]> <<<wifi>>>...
Currently using fw WL300g- (Saw that you released WL300g- but have not flashed it yet).
I was able to do the following:
1. Open system is working - Router joins the...
Now I have upgraded my router using the custom fw WL300g- But I still have some problem getting it to work. My setup in the ASUS router is AP and bridge mode. If i run my WiFi net work...
Thanx for the fast reply. I will try to flash WL300g- can I use ASUS tools to downgrade to erlier fw ver?
I just got a new ap (belkin pre-n) an i want to use my old ASUS WL300g as a client i the wifi network. (Insted of bying a wifi game adaptor). Is there any firmware that supports this on wl300g?...
How do I use this? Is there a compiled version of this one or can I use the firmware for wl500g?