Write model no (wl-700g) to InputModelToSearch and click to SearchInfo
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Type: Posts; User: KGy
Write model no (wl-700g) to InputModelToSearch and click to SearchInfo
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Sorry my English.
Add this to your post-boot.
Change path of sihp1020.dl to yours.
# Printer
Sorry my English.
I use 3 wl500g/gp in WDS mode (1 wl500g + 1 wl500gp + 1 wl500gpv2 (but this is too slowly, poor)).
The 500g is main (and share net). The settings:
- system/operation...
The file name of save list:
Add the file name to save list with editor or command echo:
echo "/etc/passwd" >>/usr/local/.files and save: flashfs save && flashfs commit &&...
wget -c --auth-no-challenge --user=RAPIDSHARE_USER --password=RAPIDSHARE_PASSWORD -i files_list.txt &
I don't know (I have wl500g). But I advise, you can check the kernel modules in /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/usb dir. (if kernel version not 2.4.20, replace substring '2.4.20' to...
Try this code in your post-boot:
# Activate SSH
dropbear -p 22 -p 443
And change your post-firewall code:
Hi and sorry my English.
Change wl500g router wan mode to dynamic. If you set it, the wl500g router is a "PC" for adsl modem_and_router combo.
Disable any firewall in router (wl500g), change ip...
Hi and sorry my english.
You can use swap without swap partition.
You can create a swapfile on hdd ( on ext3fs partition good, fat32 is bad idea).
Create a swapfile, the size is 512MB (use dd...
'...| mini_sendmail...' to '...| sendmail...'
echo -e "From:\nSubject: PUT SUBJECT HERE\nReply-to:\n\nBODY OF MESSAGE GOES HERE" | sendmail -f...
Sorry my English.
Use esmtp package, you can set in esmtp config file (/opt/etc/esmtprc)
the sender host, username and password for smtp authentication.
hostname =
Csak azért említgetem a védelmet, mert nálam én tettem majdnem tönkre ezen az úton, puszta jóakaratból. Mi lenne akkor, ha valaki direkt rosszakaratú lenne?
Már belépni is nagy gond volt, nemhogy...
A particióknál csak az a gondom, hogy ha 2 particiót használsz, érdemes elsőre tenni a swap-ot, mert annak "fix" a mérete, max 512M lehet, majd a maradékból (ha nem írsz be értékeket) a...
Grat, jó a linked, de azért, ha nem demó rendszer, használj authentikációt :)
Gondolj csak arra, hogy egy populárisabb torrent, nagy proci használat (99-100%) mellett megfekteti a router-t,...
Ha az /opt/etc/init.d/Samba97-et létrehozó kódot kissé átírod, valami ilyesmire gondolnék, soha nem lesz gond azzal, hogy a webes konfig felületen átnevezi valaki a gépnevet (a router-t)......
Use m$ internet explorer settings - if ie don't use proxy, the putty also no.
Check ie connection settings.
My router working with sbs2000: no proxy in putty and ms proxy client (firewall...
Working with ms isa server (sbs2000, isa2004) and filtered (disabled) ssh (22) port.
Use dropbear with -p 22 -p 443 parameters.
dropbear -p 22 -p 443
look this
Can you access to router on web pages?
If yes, I think, you must disable ip packet logging (it create too many lines in syslog). Webconfig -> Internet firewall -> Basic config -> Logged...
Hi and sorry my poor English.
I think the factory reset disable stupid-ftpd daemon. The stupid-ftpd scan/mount usb periferials (if you don't load some kernel modules).
You must enable it...
OK, but you want this: :)
# Info
# $1 WAN_IF $2 WAN_IP
# $3 LAN_IF $4 LAN_IP
# $5 DMZ_IF $6 DMZ_IP
Hi and sorry my English.
You have a wep (64 or 128 bit) coded wlan?
I had a problem, my wlan was unavailable, if not connected any clients in 3-5 minutes. I try solved this problem, I check wlan...
Hi and sorry my poor English.
The ip conntrack table is a tempoary storage of inbound ip packets.
The input strean add a ip packet to table and the firewall will remove it after process the...