iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport PUBLICPORT -j DNAT --to TARGETIP:PORT
Type: Posts; User: aegisrtcw
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport PUBLICPORT -j DNAT --to TARGETIP:PORT
cp /opt/share/easy-rsa/* /opt/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa
I have a question for you.
I would like to export data via cron to connect people to something like wifi is a table on the IP: PORT / Main_WStatus_Content.asp.
Ask who is and who is not...
Nazdarek mam dotaz poridil sem si asus wl-500gP v2 s olegem byli trosku problemy ale vse sem rozchodil a chtel sem zkusit X-wrt nebo dd-wrt ale pokazdy mi to pise ze upgrade fail nevite co to je...
I would like to try x-wrt, but when we upload it says that the upgrade fail, tried to get white russian and kamikaze.
Can someone tell me which version is on this router.
Thanks a lot
zkus todle
ipkg install adduser
pak prikaz adduser -h zobrazi se ti napoveda
Soubor passwd najdes /tmp/etc/passwd
Nazdarek mam jeste jeden dotaz jak nastavit a kam ulozit klice ssh abych nemusel pouzivat heslo.
Pristupoval budu pres putty.
A muj dotaz je jak vytvorit public a secrey ssh key. Popripade jestli...
Zdravim poridil sem si Asus WL-500gP V2 a mel bych par dotazu ohledne
vsftp :
jak pridat uzivatele delel sem
/opt/usb/ - je volna cast usb flesky a tam bych chtel mit pristup pod urcitym loginem...