I've got the zip file for 4.4.9. It's 690Kb.
If you've got somewhere I can upload it to, send me a PM.
Type: Posts; User: Ade
I've got the zip file for 4.4.9. It's 690Kb.
If you've got somewhere I can upload it to, send me a PM.
I know you said you tried flashfs but have you added the config file to the list of files stored?
echo /etc/vsftp.conf >>/usr/local/.files
flashfs save
flashfs commit
In my [global] section I also have the following :-
security = user
encrypt passwords = yes
smd passwd file = /opt/etc/samba/smbpasswd
You then need to do a smbpasswd <user> for...
This is a problem with the way your laptop is set up, rather than the way Samba is configured.
As your laptop belongs to work, you should ask if they will let you access your network disk. Trying...
I can't help you unless you give me a little more information!
If you post your smb.conf file and let me know if there are any errors in your smb.log or nmb.log files then we might be able to...
I've not used windows domains, but I have got Samba working just fine on my WLHDD with FW
Make sure the directories on the WLHDD are writeable.
If you want to post your...
If you have changed the IP address of your WLHDD you need to change the settings on the printer properties to point to this new address.
Have you tried setting up the printer as you did the first...
Not so fast.
Just unzip the archive directly onto the hard disk. Put it in a directory like
Then 'cd /opt/etc/init.d' and create a file called S99mediaserver with the...
I've never seen a How-To for adding a webcam.
If you go to the WL500g section and look at compatible hardware, you should be able to find a webcam that works. It's then just a case of plugging it...
It sounds like you will be changing your WL-HDD beyond all recognition, and I doubt that many other people (if any) have attempted what you are doing. This means you won't get many replies just...
Have you set the default gateway in the LAN setup section?
As for your hard disk, what have you formatted it as (NTFS/FAT32/Ext) and are the permissions on the directories correct?
Your if statement should look something like :-
if [ -e /opt/tmp/test.log ]; then echo "yes"; else echo "no"; fi
The square brackets can be replaced by your test statement but the semi colons...
You can only read from an NTFS partition, you'll need to reformat to ext3 to get read/write access.
I believe the manual is wrong.
I'm connected to a 100Mbps LAN and the orange LED is lit.
Full details are here
Have you formatted the partition correctly? Does the mke2fs command finish without errors? I had to set up the swap file first so that this command would work.
Post any findings from my earlier...
Looks like your going to have to do a hard reset. I think you need to press and hold the reset button, although this my have been changed by the firmware.
This will loose *ALL* your settings but...
I have the same files in my post-boot and it works fine for me. :D
Do you have a log showing what happens when you plug a usb stick in?
The drive gets mounted to /tmp/harddisk, which is...
What do you mean it doesn't let you? What errors do you get?
I found Jonos Wiki very useful, but you do need to make sure you type everything correctly. Often one missing character can make all...
Your smb.conf should look like
... etc ...
You've missed out the [ ] sections from your smb.conf file.
They are important and not just comments.
Try adding [global] at the top and a unique one before each path = line. Just use the last...
The orginal firmware does support this, as there has to be a way to partition and format disks straight from the box.
I found my original manual and on page 8 it tells you to go to Disk Tool ->...
If you're using the orignal firmware you should be able to sort your hard disk from the web interface. It's ages since I've used that so I can't be more specific. I'm sure the manual you got with it...
Post your smb.conf file and I'll see if I can spot anything wrong.
If you can see the drive from Windows you can't be very far from getting it working.
I must admit that I am using an older firmware version (
Check the following via a telnet login :-
1) ls -l /
This should show all directories in the root and opt should be...