If you search the forum you will find lot's of users doing bandwidth management.
But here's the most in-dept topic of them all: http://wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=752
Type: Posts; User: Styno
If you search the forum you will find lot's of users doing bandwidth management.
But here's the most in-dept topic of them all: http://wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=752
The Oleg firmware's have a page in the websetup for configuring basic bandwidth management and work on WL-500g Deluxe. If you need more/better rules then you can fall back on the topic I mentioned...
Not totally sure of this, but I presume spin-down would not be functional.
If you'd set the spin-down timeout short enough it will spin-down, but then probably spin-up rather quickly after that....
Wondershaper bandwidth management script certainly work, if configured properly...
.... The search button ! -> http://wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=5957
Edit: 6 megabytes/second translate to a 48 megabit/second which is pretty close to the max. 54 megabit/second of which the...
Ipkg packages for NSLU2 are also ported to MIPSEL architecture as used by Asus WL-xxx series.
I'm not saying you should type in everything 'exactly' as described but adapt it. AFAIK the Slimserver...
Ok, I just got this question via PM as well, so I looked it up using one of the allmighty websearch engines:)
It appears that a solution for Slimserver is available for the unslung firmware for...
I don't own a WL-500gx but what happens if you use eth0 or eth1 (whichever is the WAN port)?
A bit late, but still.... Asus has a document about NAT related questions on their ftp server: http://dlsvr01.asus.com/pub/ASUS/Networking/VPN_Firewall/NAT_Application.pdf
Interesting setup. A question:
Why aren't you putting webserver traffic into 1:20 or even 1:30 and Skype into 1:10 and let it borrow bandwith from 1:10 when it's available. This seems to me like a...
Simpel voorzetje:
Maak een nieuw script aan en plan het m.b.v. cron zodanig dat het elke 5 minuten loopt ofzo.
In het script:
ping -c 1 www.server.net
Good project/good job/good plans. Keep it up!
Beats me :confused:
Nice to see you got the hang of it, akbor. Good job! :)
Here are some nice tutorials: http://www.sprayfly.com/wiki/VSFTP_Guides (You want to edit the vsftpd.conf file.
Search this forum on 'post-firewall', there's lots of info about it.
I'm not into Linux firewalling, but I'm sure there are scripts available on the internet which can be used to build firewall rules. You can paste these rules into the post-firewall script (you need a...
Still hung over from last night, I'll give it a silly try:
- Is there a rule above the VoiP rule which could have put the data in the default rule?
Even sillier probably:
- Is the src IP for the...
Yes. Most ISP's provide some guidelines on how to cofigure 3rd party routers for their network.
Met Ranish Partition Manager kun je partities maken die de technische max van FAT32 halen. Ik heb ooit een 160GB FAT32 partitie zo aangemaakt en gebruikt met mijn WL-500g. Wel had ik hierbij soms...
Perhaps you still have some invalid shaping settings in the webinterface? The output of the script which you started by hand looks good.
Je moet ook poort 20 forwarden naar de Asus (20 is datakanaal, 21 is commando kanaal). Eventueel ook nog experimenteren met active of passive FTP...
Bovendien raad ik je aan om eens te Googlen op...
If you want to run a script from the current directory then you need to put ./ in front of it. So to start the correct wshaper script, just type in /usr/local/sbin
or (maybe the best...
Is it a 'WL-500g' or 'WL-500g Deluxe'?
Funny thing is: You don't. :)