Bekijk de volledige versie : Debian on WL-700gE

21-01-2007, 00:15
Has anyone tried to install Debian MIPS onto our favourite device ?

I can't get BigPond cable to work and I am familiar with Debian itself so I thought I might give this URL a go... but being an embedded newbie I'd feel more confident if I knew someone else had some success with something like this...


21-01-2007, 15:36
Has anyone tried to install Debian MIPS onto our favourite device ?

I can't get BigPond cable to work and I am familiar with Debian itself so I thought I might give this URL a go... but being an embedded newbie I'd feel more confident if I knew someone else had some success with something like this...


I also interesting with this topic but i have too many data on my harddisk (almost 150mb) , so i can't try this one . maybe someone also interesting too.

22-04-2007, 04:22
Is anyone interesting in it? I only try it sucessful on similar bcm4780 platform, but I never try it on ASUS WL-700GE.I need someone to try if it can run on ASUS WL-700GE. Since my English is poor, if there is any error please direct it. Thanks.

Step 1: Download debian system image for mipsel.

Download Address

part1 : http://www.uploading.com/files/9VWJTFII/bcm47xx_debian_v1.0.part1.exe.html
part2 : http://www.uploading.com/files/DZX1G806/bcm47xx_debian_v1.0.part2.rar.html

Link password: orz101.com

Step 2: Copy it to WL-700GE and unpack it with tar command.

tar zxvf bcm47xx_debian_20070420.gz

Step 3: Login to WL-700GE via telnet and use chroot to change debian working folder.

./usr/bin/chroot . /bin/sh

Step 4: mount proc filesystem

mount -t proc proc /proc

Step 5: Open ssh server

/etc/init.d/ssh start

Step 6: Install required packages via apt-get or dselect

Now, I have tested samba, apache2, php5 and they can work well.

Step 7: Run screen and excute rtorrent Bit-Torrent software

screen -dmS rtorrent
screen -r rtorrent

The configuration file of rtorrent is located in /root/.rtorrent.rc.
Default file download location : /nethdd
Default file temp location : /nethdd/.session
If you want to change max uploading speed or working folder, please modify this file.

rtorrent download speed : max to 233 KB/s (My ADSL is 2M/512kbps)

rTorrent Official userguide : http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/

rtorrent 0.6 simple chinese guide : http://discuz.orz101.com/viewthread.php?tid=263

rtorrent 0.7.4 simple chinese guide (composing...) : http://discuz.orz101.com/viewthread.php?tid=420

Debian on WL-700GE Chinese description : http://discuz.orz101.com/viewthread.php?tid=418

Any comments, please feedback to me or my discussion board.

Thanks. :)

22-04-2007, 15:45
thx....after try the debian..
1. chroot can work and don't test much.
2. can't boot from hdd ( i use openwrt firmware , and set boot dev to hdd )

22-04-2007, 17:04
Yes, the init of debian has some problems. Therefore, it can't finish boot well.
Can you provide the boot log of debian booting to me?

19-07-2007, 02:41
i installed amule on my wlhdd. cannot display chinese. could you tell me how your rtorrent display chinese? i think the method should be same.
above links you posted is invalid.

02-09-2007, 03:21
i installed amule on my wlhdd. cannot display chinese. could you tell me how your rtorrent display chinese? i think the method should be same.
above links you posted is invalid.

Update download links as first post.

02-09-2007, 14:16
i installed amule on my wlhdd. cannot display chinese. could you tell me how your rtorrent display chinese? i think the method should be same.
above links you posted is invalid.

Use Putty and select Translation to UTF-8. Then login to SSH and run rtorrent

mike dentifrice
30-04-2008, 20:11
Hi there,

I just stumbled upon this thread, looking for an answer to the very same question: "has anyone successfully installed Debian GNU/Linux on one of those Asus WL700gE yet? If so, how?"

I'm planning to buy one such machine to use it as a firewall and a local ftp/nfs server on one side, as a tiny web/mail server on the other side, to self-host my blog and e-mail on a DSL line.

I already have such a setup running on a x86 machine, but I would highly appreciate to move it to a silent/low power-consuming/tiny box like the WL700gE seems to be.

So I would appreciate any pointers and experiences on the matter, for I don't want to rush buying if I'm to discover it's too hectic to run Debian on it afterwards.

Oh, and I would also like to use vservers to isolate services, and I wonder how that would be possible in terms of resources consumption. Looking forward to hearing experiences on that too!
