Bekijk de volledige versie : Size of telnet session (putty)?

08-01-2007, 21:26
First of all. The costum firmware from Kfurge works perfect. I have all i need.
The last days i tried to fix little things. It went ok. But i have one tiny problem.

I use irssi (irc) and lynx (browser) alot. When i use putty for windows, the screen get a size of 24x80 (rowXcolumn). Thats very small. In the settings from putty i can set the rows and colums to a number i want. The window is now bigger but irssi and lynx dont use more then 24x80.

I searched the web and could not find anything. It has something todo with termcap, vt100, xterm, resize command... etc.

So my question: is there anybody who could help me out with this problem.


20-08-2007, 08:40
Nobody knows?

I have similar problem. I use 'screen' and don't know, how to change number of lines. After trying to change it with command 'height 42' I get error message: 'Your termcap does not specify how to change the terminal's height to 42.' Does anybody know, how to change it?

20-08-2007, 10:48
Why telnet?
Use ssh and you do not have these problems.
ssh is working fine here.


20-08-2007, 12:05
I am beginner in Linux. I tried to install and configure dropbear (http://wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=7728) but it didn't work for me, with error message "Server refused our key". That is the reason, why I use telnet...

20-08-2007, 14:43
You do not need the linked key auth.
simply use the dropbear part of the howto in my signature.


20-08-2007, 18:12
was my solution also, use ssh

21-08-2007, 07:44
Thank you, guys! It works. Problem was in user's password - it was blank. I had to create new user with password and ssh works well.

Sollie: Did you solve the problem in thread http://wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=9046&highlight=busybox_httpd? I have similar troubles and don't know find a solution.

21-08-2007, 14:40
No i never fixed that. I use ECTC.


27-09-2007, 19:27
hi sollie,

do i understand it right, that you get irssi to work on the wl?

witch firmware and how? itryed with oleg, but no succes
