Bekijk de volledige versie : i buy a wl500gp some problem in coding (bt,enable 32m)

07-11-2006, 13:55
i buy a new router today wl500gp

i have some question to upgrade fw OLEG

download oleg and upgrade through

if i want Extend RAM to 32MB
the coding like this?

nvram set sdram_init=0x0009
nvram set sdram_ncdl=0
nvram commit

if i want install ctorrent
ipkg install ctorrent
ipkg install torrent
mkdir /opt/share/torrent
mkdir /opt/share/torrent/source
mkdir /opt/share/torrent/work
mkdir /opt/share/torrent/target
nano /usr/local/root/httpd.conf
nano /usr/local/sbin/post-mount
/usr/sbin/busybox_httpd -p 8008 -h /opt/share/www
nano /opt/etc/torrent.conf

if i just want add this 2 function
i just telnet to my router
and type above coding right???

08-11-2006, 02:46
Hello Alan,

if i want install ctorrent
ipkg install ctorrent
ipkg install torrent
mkdir /opt/share/torrent
mkdir /opt/share/torrent/source
mkdir /opt/share/torrent/work
mkdir /opt/share/torrent/target
nano /usr/local/root/httpd.conf
nano /usr/local/sbin/post-mount
/usr/sbin/busybox_httpd -p 8008 -h /opt/share/www
nano /opt/etc/torrent.conf

with the first two lines you will install two torrent-clients.
ctorrent(light weight client) and torrent(scripts and website).

the next steps are for configuring the "torrent"-scripts. and use them through a webpage. But the handling is too uneasy in my opinion.

i installed the "enhanced-ctorrent" and "screen" and handle the downloads manually via ssh. it's quite easy.
ipkg install screen
ipkg install enhanced-ctorrent

for downloading you simply have to:
open ssh-session
cd /opt/share/
(ctrl-C) - new screen
enhanced-ctorrent -C 0 -M 20 torrent.torrent
(ctrl-C) - new screen
enhanced-ctorrent -C 0 -M 20 torrent-2.torrent
(ctrl-C) .....
(ctrl-D) - detach screen
quit ssh-session

check the downloads:
open ssh-session
screen -r (reattach detached screen )
(ctrl-N) -> check the screens for status
(ctrl-D) - detach screen
quit ssh-session


08-11-2006, 11:55
i cant see my hd in network
i need to confirm samba??
any coding??
i plugin the functions which need to dl file?
or just type the code is ok??