Bekijk de volledige versie : Controlling (torrent) downloads thru webpage

23-10-2006, 20:35
Hi to all!

I'm considering to buy Asus 500g Premium, but I'm little worried about the official software/firmware included and all the problems I've heard. So if there's someone with time and knowledge, please answer my questions..:p

1) In any of these available firmwares for 500gp, does any of them include or support controlling downloads, especially torrents, via webpage?

It would be cool to download from WAN side, and control the downloads (add, remove, pause etc.) from LAN and maybe even WAN side using web.

2) Do I get rid of "lousy" performance of 500G that I've heard by using non-Asus fw?

Thanks in advance!

23-10-2006, 21:22
1. It can probably be done in the custom fiormware thru a special install
2. the standard firmware has an excellent performance at my place. The custom firmware does not contribute extar speed afaik, only special usage.

23-10-2006, 21:51
option 1 would be great to have and also for me its slow to download on my router =(

24-10-2006, 23:00
option 1 would be great to have and also for me its slow to download on my router =(

Well, what would be exclellent, is something like uTorrent's WebUI. Adding new torrents and everything is so much more faster with UI like that. Maybe we'll get something like that in future.

26-10-2006, 07:34
Transmission package does this web UI without need for PHP or special http server. busyboc_httpd does the job.
* batch multiprocessing (eg. 10 torrents simultaneously with nice priority)
* automatic seeding when torrent finishes (configurable)
* configurable ports
* WWW interface transmission.cgi can be public (no password) as there is no delete provided.
* Accelerator keys (ALT-key) for CGI interface. See help for underlined keys.
* Per torrent and cumulative status
* start/stop/push and other commands avalable in WWW interface
* lightweight - low memory footprint
* tracker scrape info. Suggest best seed torrent from target dir.
* watchdog for auto restart/queue processing with cron
* syslog watchdog events
* mail notify when torrent finishes
* no state database required. Directory tree is database (slow, but failsafe)
* stable and portable. Deloped on Asus WL-500g Deluxe


For queue torrent file processing there should exist tree directories:
source User should copy .torrent files here
work Used for torrent processing
target Place where finished torrents are put.

Typical file flow is source -> work -> target For every torrent file from source, directory with the same name is created. Then torrent file is moved into this directory and transmissiond is run in background and constantly supervised with transmission_watchdog.

The next clickable image shows how CGI interface looks like:
http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/5994/transmissioncgisu7.th.png (http://img207.imageshack.us/my.php?image=transmissioncgisu7.png)

This figure shows transfer logs and command buttons for CGI interface:

26-10-2006, 16:43
Just beautiful!

EDIT: Uhh.. Just noticed there was already something like I said down here.... ! Excellent.

One suggestion - could it be possible to add new torrents using web-interface by using only http-addresses of .torrent-files?

For example:
1) while surfing I notice some intresting torrent at http://linux.mybookmarkmanager.com/torrents/arch-0.7.iso.torrent....

2) I just copy-paste the address of that torrent to your web-ui...

3) cgi parses that address, downloads the .torrent, adds it to 'source' and starts to download it automagically?

That would make me even happier! And just imagine all the possibilities that would open! If there was this possibility, we wouldn't be far away from Firefox-extension - I see nice torrent link on the web, I right click that link, select 'add to my asusbox' and things happen seamlessly.... ;-)

26-10-2006, 21:58
yes i want to be able to add delete and set which file from the torrent to download. And want it password protected. I don't mind that it needs PHP installed.

26-10-2006, 23:06
Added Fetch button with transmission_0.6+r1033-1_mipsel.ipk
Just "Copy link location" and Push Fetch button to paste.

This was rather easy, but I anticipate that Rename button will be requested soon.

27-10-2006, 05:25
Thanks for hooking us up to this awesome package, oleo. This addresses the main issue I had with the wl500gp.

27-10-2006, 07:22
I suggest reading http://wl500g.info/showpost.php?p=34579&postcount=68 in wl500g custom development area.

31-10-2006, 05:07
This cgi script works great with torrent.cgi, but when I try to get it working with enhanced-ctorrent (and transmission.cgi) I run into a lot of issues. Most importantly that the downloads don't even start. I see only the torrent in the work directory and I get no download speed. I also see no graph in either of them, and I did install gnuplot as well as libjpeg and fontconfig. Anyone come across something like this before? :confused:

31-10-2006, 19:31
torrent.cgi is taileored for libbt
transmission.cgi is tailorered for transmission daemon

Enhanced-ctorent is not supported! I suggest to tweak torrent.cgi for ctorrent.

14-11-2006, 18:46
Transmission package does this web UI without need for PHP or special http server. busyboc_httpd does the job.


Is it possible to output a chart with no_UTC time (X-axis) ?
A file "transfer.data" use timestamp in Unix format (sec since 1970), and it is good. But, gnuplot v4.0 do not use locale, and make charts with time in UTC only. :(

Think, i can use awk or perl or something in transmission.cgi, and filtering timestamp data after "sed", but maybe somebody have better solution...

Sorry for my english.

14-11-2006, 19:55
Uf. There are pedantic people ot there. I was lucky just to get graph out and not realised UTC shift.
See the source and suggest solution.

14-11-2006, 20:53
Uf. There are pedantic people ot there. I was lucky just to get graph out and not realised UTC shift.
See the source and suggest solution.

Ops, thanks for your answer and sorry for my question
I thought, gnuplot is able to do UTC shift.

It is a pity to do work, which maybe someone has made earlier. :)

17-11-2006, 19:50
Ops, thanks for your answer and sorry for my question
I thought, gnuplot is able to do UTC shift.

It is a pity to do work, which maybe someone has made earlier. :)

Okey, It's done.
I made UTC shift. Now, the graph show in real domestic time.


cat > ${GNUPLOT_COMMAND} << __EOF__
set terminal png small size 800,320
set output '${GNUPLOT_OUTPUT}'
#set timestamp "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"
set timestamp "%d:%m/%H:%M"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%d:%m/%H:%M"
set format x "%H:%M\n%d/%m"
plot '${GNUPLOT_DATA}' using 1:2 title 'download' with impulses, '${GNUPLOT_DATA
}' using 1:3 title 'upload' with impulses

#sed -n '/transmissiond/s/.*: \([0-9]\{1,10\}\) [0-9]\{1,\} dl
awk '/transmissiond\[[0-9]+\]: +[0-9]+[0-9]+/ {printf "%s ", strftime("%d:%m/%H:%M", $5); printf "%.2f ", $8;printf "%.2f\n", $10*-1 }'< ${SYSLOG} > ${GNUPLOT_DATA}


29-11-2006, 16:14
I just installed transmission package, pushed some torrent and it looks working.
But when I press Update button, I get this result: ".status not found for <torrent_path>"
Also when I press Log, this is displayed:

gnuplot> plot '/opt/share/torrent/work/transfer.data' using 1:2 title 'download' with impulses, '/opt/share/torrent/work/transfer.data' using 1:3 title 'upload' with impulses ^ "/opt/share/torrent/work/transfer.gnuplot", line 6: no data point found in specified file

Do I need "torrent" ipkg installed too?
When I installed torrent first, then transmission couldn't be installed because of conflict.
So I removed torrent, then installed transmission and tried some download, it didn't start. After installing torrent package, it worked. But I'm not sure if now 2 downloads aren't started, here's part of running processes:

345 admin 2620 R N btget -t 59 /opt/share/torrent/work/file.torrent
3314 admin 172 S N transmissiond -p 65534 -w 300 -u -1 -d -1 -i /opt/var/run/transmission.pid /opt/share/torrent/active-torrents.txt


29-11-2006, 18:26
btget should not be running!

torrent package conflict is intentional. If you gonna use scrape or info, then you need also libbt package. If you want transfer graph log then gnuplot must be installed.

Problems with .status could be that transmisisond is not receiving USR1 signal. This may be due to invalid path to PIDFILE or something like that. Pressing Update sends signal to daemon, waits one second and reads .status files in active torrent directories. Take attention to syslog daemon.

Read instructions in /opt/share/doc/transmission/README.daemon

There is uclibc pthread bug if you are using "wl500g" package feed. "oleg" feed is probably the best thing as it uses NPLT threading tailored especially for Broadcom processors.

04-12-2006, 19:37
Thanks, the problem was that I used wl500g feed, after changing to oleg, file .status was created.

04-12-2006, 21:20
How do i make it download 5 torrents at the same time ?
Can this be done ?

04-12-2006, 21:34
Sure it can. You can also queue torrents, manual administer and get some transfer graph like this:

05-12-2006, 09:32
Somehow the post-mount wont load itself so I had to do it manually.
Then Ive tried adding the line to post-boot as some1 in the other thread suggested and I still need to load it manually after router reboot so the script works :S

05-12-2006, 10:03
Common mistake is missing

#! /bin/sh

at the top and chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/post-mount

05-12-2006, 10:12
Ive checked.
Both are correct.
I added it to post-boot also but that doesnt work either.
I think that mounting of hdd is too long and the script runs it before its mounted or something.
Any other clues ?

BTW Why wont the ctorrent start downloading after rebooting ? I need to push it to suspend and then again to make it work ?

Being a noob is so annoying..

05-12-2006, 12:51
It will restart after reboot if you properly configured cron to run transmisison_watchdog periodicly. For manual restart use Watchdog button.

Latest CGI script adds configurable graph TimeZone shift and some Log enhancements. Scrape change and some patches to daemon.

05-12-2006, 17:44
I had a problem because the cgi script to control torrents (transmission version- Great work oleo!) failed to initilize during post-boot. The same problem people reported in this thread: link (http://wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=5909).

Finally I've got a solution: during post-boot the global variable $HOME is unset (or set to '/', don't exactly remember) and line: HTTPD_CONFIG=${HOME}/httpd.conf in S80busybox_httpd is invalid but if we change this for ex. hardcoded HTTPD_CONFIG=/opt/share/www/httpd.conf everything works. I've using the latest Oleg firmware. Maybe this could help someone :-)

11-12-2006, 10:17
How to set a password to cgi script ?

11-12-2006, 15:18
# httpd.conf has the following format:
# A:172.20. # Allow address from
# A: # Allow any address from
# A: # Allow any address that previous set
# A: # Allow local loopback connections
# D:* # Deny from other IP connections
# /cgi-bin:foo:bar # Require user foo, pwd bar on urls starting with /cgi-bin/
# /adm:admin:setup # Require user admin, pwd setup on urls starting with /adm/
# /adm:toor:PaSsWd # or user toor, pwd PaSsWd on urls starting with /adm/
# .au:audio/basic # additional mime type for audio.au files

Checking for $HOME added in S80busybox_httpd startup script.

15-12-2006, 09:57
Httpd service still doesnt start from post-boot in Transmission-1189. Here are logs:

Creating default //httpd.conf
Starting busybox httpd at port 8008 ... done

And $HOME in post-boot is set to: /
But when I connect to the router $HOME is set to /usr/local/root

15-12-2006, 10:08
httpd services and souch should start from post-mount script and not from post-boot

15-12-2006, 10:31
Hmm... it doesnt start from post-mount either :confused:
$HOME in post-mount is also set to: /

15-12-2006, 12:04
OK. I will force config to be in /opt/etc and not in the HOME. Check out for new package feed today.

15-12-2006, 14:05
Maybe simply but the lines behind the mount code in post-boot so the stuff is "there" when you try to run.

15-12-2006, 14:50
Got some probs,

first of all

/opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: kill: 624: (664) - No such process

torrents wont start processing.. just ends in 'work' directory..

another strange thing is that it can access to /tmp/harddisk/share/torrent/

but not to /tmp/harddisk/torrent

even after i chmod a+rw them all.. and flashfs save && flashfs commit && flashfs enable && reboot ...

the reason why i have the /share is that i followed some guide for samba and ctorrent/torrent (wich worked ok from webinterface)..

ive tried the uClibc library too from http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable, it fixed the 'cant access the file thing' though..

Am i supposed to install the 'Old application' in the bottom of http://wl500g.info/showpost.php?p=34579&postcount=68 , or is it just for recover back the old stuff?

I've tried watchdog manually.. no change..

syslog messages says 'started deamon..' and so on..

torrents added says 'Start: 15 Dec 15:07 End: 15 Dec 15:20' and so on..

got a 250gb samsung connected with 249gb ext3 mounted to /opt and /tmp/harddrive , 1gb to swap (512mb used)..

running latest oleg WL500gp-

what could i've been missing, any clue?

now even nano hangs (also after package remove/install).., maybe i should start from scratch..

15-12-2006, 15:16
FAQ From README.daemon:

6. I am getting some errors cat: /opt/var/run/transmission.pid: No such file or
directory /opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: kill: 624: Usage: kill [-s si
gspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or kill -l [exitstatus]getting some e
rrors cat: /opt/var/run/transmission.pid: No such file or directory /opt/share/w
ww/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: kill: 624: Usage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sig
spec] [pid | job]... or kill -l [exitstatus]
This means that Transmisison daemon is not running. Use Watchdog button to start
in manually.

7. Tried manually pressing watchdog for nothing. Im still having that text unde
r the buttons on the script page : /opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: kill
: 624: (249) - No such process .
It looks like daemon died for some reason. Take a look into syslog messages.
The recommended way for running is using "Oleg" feed and not default "wl500g".

8. What directories need to be created by default?
mkdir /tmp/harddisk/torrent
mkdir /tmp/harddisk/torrent/source
mkdir /tmp/harddisk/torrent/work
mkdir /tmp/harddisk/torrent/target
chmod a+rw /tmp/harddisk/torrent
chmod a+rw /tmp/harddisk/torrent/source
chmod a+rw /tmp/harddisk/torrent/target
chmod a+rw /tmp/harddisk/torrent/work

15-12-2006, 21:44
Httpd service in Transmission-1226 works fine. Thanks oleo !

16-12-2006, 11:05
Began from scratch, with a factory reset on settings.. started with pointing ipkg source to oleg's one, with an update afterwards.

Just went into one error (skipping), dont know if it has any influence in function of the script, but..

[admin@wl500g root]$ ipkg install uclibc
Installing uclibc (0.9.28-5) to root...
Downloading http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/uclibc_0.9.28-5_mipsel.ipk
Configuring uclibc
Updating /opt/etc/ld-opt.so.cache
/opt/sbin/ldconfig: skipping /opt/usr/lib: No such file or directory
Successfully terminated.

But everything works fine, with a little errors come up now and then, but in general it works with graph and all. :rolleyes:

Just added 10 torrents and all started fine after hitting the update button

@Oleo, does this script allow active port transfer.. i mean do i have to open ports manually thru iptables to point the active port to router or similar?

I believe program who use active connections boosts the transfers in seeding or receiving, allowing more connetions

Does the script do this all for you?

Thanks for this great alternative to Asus official downloading options.

16-12-2006, 15:54
Missing dir in ld-opt search path is OK.

You need to open incoming TCP port on router (65534). It also recommended to allow ping responses (ICMP protocol).

16-12-2006, 21:59
Is it enough to open the port in web-interface?, or do i have to manually set the settings thru iptables in console?

17-12-2006, 00:22
Web interface is enough. (accept)

17-12-2006, 13:46
WAN & LAN Filter,

under WAN to LAN,

Packets(WAN to LAN) not specified will be: DROP (?)

Source IP:
Port Range: 65534
Destination IP:
Port Range: 65534
Protocol: TCP


Are these settings ok?

Should i insert something into Virtual Server also.., like when forwarding data to other internal lan adresses..?

To confirm, is there an easy way to see if the active mode is working properly?

Sorry for the noob-question.. but im quite new with these kinda settings, hard to test it from wan side too..

17-12-2006, 16:38
I think that virtual server is appropriate page for setting this on Oleg firmware.

18-12-2006, 11:52
Seems that im not the only one getting into these problems, when searching the forum..

Tried alot of different setups, but i cant get like over 10Kb/s when seeding (average 5-10Kb/s), connected to most 2 peers a time, when seeding a couple of torrents.

Though it seems (like other users have said), that its easier to download.., connected to 60 peers at one time, with 4-500Kb/s average..

Compared to earlier setup with standard XP, utorrent as host/client.. I usually get atleast 100-200Kb/s when seeding a couple of torrents at a time (isp connection is 5mbit down / 5mbit up).

If it was CPU/USB usage that was overloaded on the router, it would increase the seeding when downloading is finished.., but its the same low seed speed..

@oleo, whats ur setup for allowing these rules and so on?

or could u atleast give a hint what can cause the probl..

I've added the port (65534) into Virtual Server, pointing to (localhost), nothing done to WAN to LAN table or config, allowed 'respond ping access from WAN', also have tried to disabled the firewall (usually a 1-2 more peers pops up on each torrent when seeding, but the speeds are almost the same..)

Should i use a manual iptables configuration?

netstat -ln :

tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 :::23 :::* LISTEN

Seeding, uploading to 0 of 0 peer(s), 0.00 KB/s Start: 17 Dec 15:40 End: 18 Dec 04:30 716 seeder(s), 124 leecher(s), 1665 download(s). uploaded: 5.9 MB

18-12-2006, 12:56
You can check your connectivity with telneting to your listening port, eg

telnet your.outside.router.ip 65534
Connected to your.outside.router.ip
Escape character is '^]'.
help me
Nice try...
Connection closed by foreign host.

You should get Nice try... response.

I use another OpenWRT router for routing and QOS only. With lastest buildroot changes it is also possible to run Optware on OpenWRT whiterussian. When disk and swap is functioning just point to http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/ddwrt/cross/stable
and install uclibc-opt and other packages.

Another news is that there are some Transmission ratecontrol changes in r1255 that shoud stop charshing daemon when ratecontrol is used.

This is all untested though.

18-12-2006, 13:44
Have been trying that, seems that my computer get pointed directly to the local ip of the router, cause if i type my WAN ip directly in explorer i come to Admin login web-interface (without "wan-activated" it). Also if i telnet to it i get login and putty thru ssh also..

I've tested this from outside, telling people to http://my-wan-ip (as i did).., and they get no responce.., same thing happends when they try telnet my-ip.. no responce..

Tried the same with proxy, anonymous web-browser and so on, no responce..

But if i add a forwarding to a ftp server or web server in my lan in Virtual Server, without touching anything else.. it works.. ftp://my-wan-ip is working from outside, for people. Same when browsing http://my-wan-ip from a anonymous web-browser..

Strange.. could it be so that the router senses the packages to the ip and see that it matches the wan-ip and change the traffic directly without linking it out on the wan?

18-12-2006, 14:33
thanks for the reply

1. With ur other box that handling routing and QoS connected, how high speed do u have on ur seeds (total Kb/s) in transmission on ur current one?

Reason of asking.. is why i bought this router is bcause i wanted cheap seeding alternative.., to measure up with my download ratio..

So, if ur alternative with one box routing and delivering packages well, measure up with good torrent handling, seed speeding, it might be worth the $ of an extra box, just for that.., now when i already got one set of wl500gP+250gb usb drive..

2. Do u mean that the alternative whiterussian firmware might get me better speeding handling (whats the difference to oleg's one)?

3. To be sure, is it normal with these seeding speeds at 10Kb/s or could it be accelerated with other torrent apps like enhanced-ctorrent (who also support more active ports).. ?, so i dont have to spend more time getting this to work faster..

Will try the new version r1255 in just a moment.

4. Does these lines looks ok?


iptables -D INPUT -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -i $1 -p tcp --syn --dport 65534 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $1 -p tcp --dport 65534 -j DNAT --to-destination $4:65534
iptables -A INPUT -j DROP

18-12-2006, 15:20
With r1255 I have also added --nat-traversal capabilities to daemon. Enabling upnp in router and adding --nat-traversal flag to transmission_watchdog could help with some router config issues.

transmissiond -p ${LISTENING_PORT} \
--nat-traversal \
-w ${WATCHDOG} \

Regarding QOS I think that it is nice to throtle application packets. But this application level throtling will never help when user is brouwsing on busy line. For this QOS and packet prioritizing like L7 is needed. See http://vonage.nmhoy.net/qos.html for explanations.

Comparing Oleg and OpenWRT QOS services shows, that Oleg wondershaper is inferior to NBD QOS in OpenWRT although both could be used, but some problems go deep into kernel and that cannot be easily resolved. The problem with OpenWRT is that they did not concentrate much on external storrage for routers as Oleg did.

18-12-2006, 16:56

added this line into transmission.cgi, and Enabled UPnP under IP Config - Miscellaneous (witch was already enabled), Web-Interface (oleg).

Still same, bad seeding, but now more peers found!

Instead of an average of 2 peers connected out of 6 detected of 6 seeding torrents, is now 8 peers connected of 15 detected.

Speed is still low, but slightly increased to about 25Kb/s..

Funny thing is, just after i boot the router and access the script, does transmission show about 0 out of 34, 10, 8 peers on some of the torrents.

After hitting update 5 secs later they all goes down to 1 of 1, 2 of 2, 3 of 5 and so on..


EDIT: After some waiting Upload seed speeds goes now up to 70Kb/s, download also increased speed from 5Kb/s to 50Kb/s (1 to 5 peers)

18-12-2006, 17:12
Which feed are you using ?

18-12-2006, 17:27
With lastest buildroot changes it is also possible to run Optware on OpenWRT whiterussian. When disk and swap is functioning just point to http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/ddwrt/cross/stable
and install uclibc-opt and other packages.

So u mean setting up transmission on a OPENWRT whiterussian based wl500gP could be a better alternative for torrent client use.. ?

18-12-2006, 17:29
Which feed are you using ?

How do u mean feed?

18-12-2006, 17:34
the thing you download stuff from via ipkg.
There is wl500g and olegs feed.
Check what you got there /opt/etc/ipkg.conf

18-12-2006, 17:47
Aha, i used olegs one from scratch, all packets from there..

18-12-2006, 17:50
Well I dont think its soft related. My Upload is actually killing my connection here.

18-12-2006, 18:05
What seeding speeds are u experiencing?

What model, WL500gP?, firmware?

18-12-2006, 21:10
I have tested r1255 with limited upload/download and experienced occassional daemon crash. So until this bug is resolved I do not recommend running daemon with ratecontrol enabled!

19-12-2006, 20:38
Živjo Oleg, šele zele sem porajtov da si iz Slovenije. Lepo to. :) sn kar mal ponosen, da se najde kakšen Slovenec, ki pripomore za javno dobro. Sem porajtal, ko sem videl, da vlečeš dol čebelico majo, na grafu se vidi :)
Kako to da si se lotil tega projekta? Vsaka ti čast. :rolleyes:

When i click Log i can't see graph. I get error:
Creating graph...
/opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: /opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: 624: /opt/bin/gnuplot: not found

But i have gnuplot installed.

[admin@SkupniDisk root]$ ipkg install gnuplot
Package gnuplot (4.0.0-1) installed in root is up to date.
Nothing to be done
Successfully terminated.

19-12-2006, 21:10
I am also now getting this error:

But the folder exists

20-12-2006, 08:48
This is normal respoonse!

Press Pause once. Then Watchdog and Update after while.

/opt/bin/gnuplot not found problem:
If you are using http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/

package feed. then is also necessary to instal uclibc-opt package as this is base package for all packages.

Calebz Is also testing Transmission on Xwrt (OpenWRT for mere mortals).

20-12-2006, 16:02
Now i am getting this error
Creating graph...
Segmentation fault

20-12-2006, 21:42
Now i am getting this error
Creating graph...
Segmentation fault

Create 512MB swap. Partition (recomended) or file (tryout resort).

dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/harddisk/swap count=1024000
mkswap /tmp/harddisk/swap
swapon /tmp/harddisk/swap

27-12-2006, 18:37
I am getting:

/opt/bin/gnuplot: can't load library 'libuClibc++.so.0'

And under status

.status not found for /tmp/harddisk/torrent/work/kubuntu-6.10-dvd-i386.iso/kubuntu-6.10-dvd-i386.iso.torrent Start: 27 Dec 18:10

But the torrent file is there.

[admin@SkupniDisk work]$cd /tmp/harddisk/torrent/work/kubuntu-6.10-dvd-i386.iso
[admin@SkupniDisk kubuntu-6.10-dvd-i386.iso]$ ls
[admin@SkupniDisk kubuntu-6.10-dvd-i386.iso]$

:( :confused:

27-12-2006, 21:30
gnuplot 4.2rc2 needs libuclibc++ package!

I do not recommend the latest gnuplot 4.2 as it has some strange problems.
Please downgrade with the following commands.

ipkg remove -force-depends gnuplot
cd /tmp/harddisk
wget http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/gnuplot_4.0.0-1_mipsel.ipk
ipkg install gnuplot_4.0.0-1_mipsel.ipk

If you are using ipkg-opt package then one can use

ipkg install -force-downgrade gnuplot_4.0.0-1_mipsel.ipk

If you do not get .status files then pres Update and see what happens.

calebz promissed _noob_ wiki page how to prepare Optware for X-Wrt.org firmware and how to install Transmssion.

27-12-2006, 22:07
I am confirming Oleo's post. The downgraded version of gnuplot solved the problems I had with drawing the graph.

31-12-2006, 00:25
gnuplot_4.2.rc2-2_mipsel.ipk solves problem with graphing.

04-01-2007, 12:01
Hi oleo,
I had some trouble to make the script work with transmission, because it seems that (at least here) transmissiond only seems to work in the background if called with the "-v" switch. So I changed the script to call transmissiond in a screen session:

/opt/bin/screen -d -m transmissiond -v 1 -p ${LISTENING_PORT} \
-w ${WATCHDOG} \

I also changed the _fetch() function, because some download URLs have nothing to do with the torrent to download and even crash transmissiond, if special characters are in the name. I now extract the name of the download from the torrent and change some characters.

TORRENT=$(echo "${FETCH}" | sed 's|%20| |g;s|%3A|:|g;s|%2F|/|g;s|%3F|?|g;s|%3D|=|g;s|%26|\&|g;s|%5B|\[|g;s|%5D|\]|g;s|%28|(|g;s|%29|)|g;s|%7B|{|g;s|%7D|}|g;s|%25|% |g')
# echo "<p>Fetching ${TORRENT}</p>"
echo "Source: " ${SOURCE}
# wget --quiet -P ${SOURCE} "${TORRENT}" || echo "<p>wget ${TORRENT} failed</p>"
wget --quiet -O /opt/tmp/dl.torrent "${TORRENT}" || echo "<p>wget ${TORRENT} failed</p>"
# DLTARG=`btcheck /opt/tmp/dl.torrent | awk '{if($0~/cacheopen/) print substr($0,11,index($0,".")-11)".torrent"}'|sed -e 'y/\\//-/'`
DLTARG=`btlist /opt/tmp/dl.torrent | awk '{if($0~/name/)name=sprintf("%s",substr($0,index($0,":")+2))}END{print name}' | sed -e 'y/./_/' -e 'y/\\//\_/'`
echo "DLTARG=" ${DLTARG}
cp /opt/tmp/dl.torrent "${SOURCE}/${DLTARG}.torrent"
rm -f /opt/tmp/dl.torrent

It's only a hack, but if somebody likes it...

BTW: If I don't want to put my torrent directory into /opt/share/www, how can I access it via the web interface? And for what exactly are the directories "source" and "target"? Everything that I download, suspend or remove is in the "work" directory.


04-01-2007, 18:35
gnuplot_4.2.rc2-2_mipsel.ipk solves problem with graphing.

Hi Oleo, gnuplot_4.2.rc2-2 again caused fragmentation error so I had to downgrade once again to gnuplot (4.0.0-1).

with reguards

04-01-2007, 20:11
@Hellish I have running 4.2rc2 but autobuild machine produced broken package. I have tried to resolve this, without a luck. Problem is with generatigh dynamic executable. Next week we are rebuilding the whole repository from scratch and I am hoping that this will succesfully built gnuplot. If building bug will not be spoted then I will downgrade.

@darkstar The problem with you is known if you are running wl500g feed and not oleg. See README.daemon for solution. Fetch is somehow useless command. It could be used for fetching file that you previously saved with web client on some web server. I am considering to disable it.

05-01-2007, 06:24
Thanx Oleo for ur reply. I will be awaiting new version. I had ipkg update;ipkg upgrade in a cron script wich updated my ipkg pakages regularly. I had to suspend that until your next build.
But thanx for your work anyway. The transmission pakage is much better than the old torrenet package.

with regards,


10-01-2007, 00:34
I looks like http://trac.nslu2-linux.org/optware/changeset/5097 finally solved gnuplot problems.

Some updated info for installing Transmission on Xwrt (OpenWRT) is found here (http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/FAQ/Optware-uClibcBuild)

18-01-2007, 08:04
I also changed the _fetch() function, because some download URLs have nothing to do with the torrent to download and even crash transmissiond, if special characters are in the name. I now extract the name of the download from the torrent and change some characters.

TORRENT=$(echo "${FETCH}" | sed 's|%20| |g;s|%3A|:|g;s|%2F|/|g;s|%3F|?|g;s|%3D|=|g;s|%26|\&|g;s|%5B|\[|g;s|%5D|\]|g;s|%28|(|g;s|%29|)|g;s|%7B|{|g;s|%7D|}|g;s|%25|% |g')
# echo "<p>Fetching ${TORRENT}</p>"
echo "Source: " ${SOURCE}
# wget --quiet -P ${SOURCE} "${TORRENT}" || echo "<p>wget ${TORRENT} failed</p>"
wget --quiet -O /opt/tmp/dl.torrent "${TORRENT}" || echo "<p>wget ${TORRENT} failed</p>"
# DLTARG=`btcheck /opt/tmp/dl.torrent | awk '{if($0~/cacheopen/) print substr($0,11,index($0,".")-11)".torrent"}'|sed -e 'y/\\//-/'`
DLTARG=`btlist /opt/tmp/dl.torrent | awk '{if($0~/name/)name=sprintf("%s",substr($0,index($0,":")+2))}END{print name}' | sed -e 'y/./_/' -e 'y/\\//\_/'`
echo "DLTARG=" ${DLTARG}
cp /opt/tmp/dl.torrent "${SOURCE}/${DLTARG}.torrent"
rm -f /opt/tmp/dl.torrent

It's only a hack, but if somebody likes it...

Hi, try this instead of your hack :-)

[wl-500gp]# FETCH="%2FfolderScreen%3FsessionId%3D%26welcome%3D1"
[wl-500gp]# TORRENT=`echo $FETCH |sed 's/%/\\\\x/g'`
[wl-500gp]# TORRENT=`echo -e "$TORRENT"`
[wl-500gp]# echo $TORRENT

18-01-2007, 09:16
Included this escaping in latest source. Tnx for hint.

18-01-2007, 16:09
Included this escaping in latest source. Tnx for hint.

I started to improve the torrent.cgi script and now I found the transmission. Thanks for it.

19-01-2007, 12:13
[maros@wl-500gp tmp]$ sh -x /opt/share/www//cgi-bin/transmission.cgi
+ . /opt/etc/transmission.conf
+ SOURCE=/tmp/harddisk/torrent/source
+ WORK=/tmp/harddisk/torrent/work
+ TARGET=/tmp/harddisk/torrent/target
+ MAILOPT=-smail.somedomain.com -f
+ USER=nobody
+ GROUP=root
+ DATE_FORMAT=%d %h %H:%M
+ PIDFILE=/opt/var/run/transmission.pid
+ ACTIVE=/tmp/harddisk/torrent/active-torrents.txt
+ HOME=/tmp/harddisk/torrent
+ SYSLOG=/opt/var/log/messages
+ GNUPLOT=/opt/bin/gnuplot
+ GNUPLOT_COMMAND=/tmp/harddisk/torrent/work/transfer.gnuplot
+ GNUPLOT_DATA=/tmp/harddisk/torrent/work/transfer.data
+ GNUPLOT_OUTPUT=/opt/share/www/transfer.png
+ HTTP_IMG_LOCATION=../transfer.png
+ GREEN=\033[32;1m
+ NORMAL=\033[0m
+ WARN=\033[33;1m
+ BAD=\033[31;1m
+ BOLD=\033[1m
+ GOOD=\033[32;1m
+ PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/sbin
+ export PATH
/opt/share/www//cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: /opt/share/www//cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: 224: Syntax error: redirection unexpected

I don't understood this. Row 224 contains only "sleep 5". :confused:

19-01-2007, 12:23

I don't understood this. Row 224 contains only "sleep 5". :confused:

Bug is in line 88. I should always check it it works. For trivial changes also!
Wait for -5


20-01-2007, 09:25
Bug is in line 88. I should always check it it works. For trivial changes also!
Wait for -5


Thanks, it works now.

What about a mininova torrents? They are using redirects, but wget doesn't support file name change in this case. So file "14541547" is created in "source" directory and it is not processed.

I!m thinking about:
1) add .torrent if is missing
2) ask user for proper torrent name and rename it
3) parse torrent file for name and rename automatically
4) improve wget to handle redirections properly (it is in wget TODO (http://svn.dotsrc.org/repo/wget/trunk/TODO))

20-01-2007, 15:04
Transmission doesn't work for me. I have ASUS 500g Deluxe with Olegs firmware and Transmission 0.6+r1378-5. I have installed Transmission, and followed the instructions mentioned in README.daemon: created the directories, set the permissions, copied torrent files to working directory, etc.

When I hit "Watchdog", it displays:

/opt/sbin/transmission_watchdog: /opt/sbin/transmission_watchdog: 301: transmissiond: not found

16:25:04 up 6 min, load average: 0.13, 0.12, 0.05

I have swiched to alternate ipkg package feed ran 'ipkg update'. Then I've tried to run 'ipkg install uclibc', but I've got an error:

An error ocurred, return value: 4.
Collected errors:
Cannot find package uclibc.
Check the spelling or perhaps run 'ipkg update'

Also I've tried reinstall all packages using:

awk '/^Package:/{system("ipkg install -force-reinstall -force-defaults " $2)}' /opt/lib/ipkg/status
but it doesn't help - now if I try to install uclibc i get even more errors:

[admin@siurblys root]$ ipkg install uclibc
Configuring cron
Remember that the system crontab file is "/opt/etc/crontab".
/opt/etc/init.d/S10cron: /opt/etc/init.d/S10cron: 8: /opt/sbin/cron: not found
postinst script returned status 127
ERROR: cron.postinst returned 127
Configuring xinetd
Note that only has access in the default configuration
/opt/etc/init.d/S10xinetd: /opt/etc/init.d/S10xinetd: 14: /opt/sbin/xinetd: not found
postinst script returned status 127
ERROR: xinetd.postinst returned 127
Nothing to be done
An error ocurred, return value: 4.
Collected errors:
Cannot find package uclibc.
Check the spelling or perhaps run 'ipkg update'

Do you have any sugestions how to make Transmission runing?

I have following packages:

bzip2 - 1.0.4-1 - Very high-quality data compression program
coreutils - 6.7-1 - Bunch of heavyweight *nix core utilities
cron - 4.1-5 - Standard vixie cron, with cron.d addition
expat - 2.0.0-6 - XML Parser library
findutils - 4.2.29-2 - File finding utilities
fontconfig - 2.3.2-4 - Font configuration library
freetype - 2.1.10-4 - Free truetype library
gconv-modules - 2.2.5-6 - Provides gconv modules missing from the firmware. These are used by glibc's iconv() implementation.
gdbm - 1.8.3-2 - GNU dbm is a set of database routines that use extensible hashing. It works similar to the standard UNIX dbm routines.
gnuplot - 4.2.rc2-5 - Command-line driven interactive data and function plotting utility
ipkg - 0.99.149-2 -
less - 394-3 - Less file browser
libart - 2.3.17-2 - 2-d graphics library.
libcurl - 7.16.0-6 - Curl is a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, FI
libdb - 4.2.52-3 - Berkeley DB Libraries
libgd - 2.0.33-3 - An ANSI C library for the dynamic creation of images
libjpeg - 6b-2 - collection of jpeg tools
libogg - 1.1.3-3 - Ogg is a multimedia container format.
libpng - 1.2.15-2 - Portable Network Graphics Libraries
libstdc++ - 0.2.0-6 -
libtool - 1.5.10-2 - Library tools.
libuclibc++ - 0.2.2-4 - C++ standard library designed for use in embedded systems
libvorbis - 1.1.2-5 - Ogg Vorbis compressed audio format.
libxml2 - 2.6.27-2 - Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project.
libxslt - 1.1.19-1 - An XML Stylesheet processor based on libxml2
logrotate - 3.7.1-3 - Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files.
nano - 2.0.2-1 - A pico like editor
ncurses - 5.6-1 - NCurses libraries
ncursesw - 5.6-1 - NCurses libraries with wide char support.
nload - 0.6.0-2 - Nload is a console application which monitors network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time
openssl - 0.9.7l-3 - Openssl provides the ssl implementation in libraries libcrypto and libssl, and is needed by many other applications and librari
pcre - 6.7-3 - Perl-compatible regular expression library
popt - 1.7-2 - A C library for parsing command line parameters.
readline - 5.2-2 - The GNU Readline library provides a set of functions for use by applications that allow users to edit command lines as they are
rrdtool - 1.2.15-3 - Round-Robin Database tool. Database collator and plotter
transmission - 0.6+r1378-5 - lightweight BitTorrent client and daemon with WWW interface
vsftpd - 2.0.1-7 - ftp daemon with an emphasis on speed and security
xinetd - 2.3.14-6 - Highly configurable, modular and secure inetd
zlib - 1.2.3-2 - zlib is a library implementing the 'deflate' compression system.

20-01-2007, 20:13
install uclibc-opt

20-01-2007, 21:38
so simple :)
everything works fine now, thanks!

21-01-2007, 10:01
After the night I hoped to find some downloaded files, but that's what I've found:

first file (The.Office.S03E14) was downloaded and then dissappeared (was removed?).
second file (DreamFall.Longest.Journey.2) is stuck :(

Jan 20 23:24:49 transmissiond[692]: Transmission daemon 0.7-svn (1378) started - http://transmission.m0k.org/
Jan 20 23:24:49 transmissiond[692]: Starting torrent /opt/ftp_pub/Torrent/work/-{mininova.org}- The.Office.S03E14.HDTV.XviD-NoTV.[eztv]/-{mininova.org}- The.Office.S03E14.HDTV.XviD-NoTV.[eztv].torrent
Jan 20 23:29:49 transmissiond[692]: Could not open The.Office.S03E14.HDTV.XviD-NoTV.avi in /opt/ftp_pub/Torrent/work/-{mininova.org}- The.Office.S03E14.HDTV.XviD-NoTV.[eztv] (0, -2147483640)
Jan 20 23:32:22 transmissiond[692]: Starting torrent /opt/ftp_pub/Torrent/work/DreamFall.Longest.Journey.2.DVD-PLEX/DreamFall.Longest.Journey.2.DVD-PLEX.torrent
Jan 20 23:36:54 transmissiond[692]: Could not open DreamFall.Longest.Journey.2.DVD-PLEX/plex-d.l.j.2.dvd.r00 in /opt/ftp_pub/Torrent/work/DreamFall.Longest.Journey.2.DVD-PLEX (0, -2147483640)
Jan 21 02:01:46 transmissiond[692]: Stopping torrent /opt/ftp_pub/Torrent/work/-{mininova.org}- The.Office.S03E14.HDTV.XviD-NoTV.[eztv]/-{mininova.org}- The.Office.S03E14.HDTV.XviD-NoTV.[eztv].torrent

The transfer graph shows following:

Is it normal that there are several transmissiond processes running, although I'm downloading only one torrent (with several files on it) at the moment?

605 admin R 452 160 2.1 1.4 top
3 admin SWN 0 1 1.9 0.0 ksoftirqd_CPU0
891 admin R N 2204 493 1.5 7.3 transmissiond
159 admin S 348 153 1.1 1.1 dropbear
66 admin S 240 1 0.1 0.7 httpd
496 admin R N 2204 493 0.0 7.3 transmissiond
490 admin S N 2204 1 0.0 7.3 transmissiond
495 admin R N 2204 493 0.0 7.3 transmissiond
494 admin S N 2204 493 0.0 7.3 transmissiond
493 admin S N 2204 490 0.0 7.3 transmissiond
328 siurblys S 1088 148 0.0 3.6 smbd
150 admin S 492 1 0.0 1.6 nmbd
160 admin S 456 159 0.0 1.5 sh
326 admin S 364 1 0.0 1.2 upnp
127 admin S 328 1 0.0 1.0 syslogd
105 admin S 316 1 0.0 1.0 watchdog
73 nobody S 256 1 0.0 0.8 dnsmasq
103 admin S 256 1 0.0 0.8 pppd
148 admin S 252 1 0.0 0.8 smbd
146 admin S 232 1 0.0 0.7 busybox_httpd

21-01-2007, 10:05
There are some problems with recent libtransmision. I have noticed that too. There are two options
wait for bug fix
fix a bug

transmisisond is multithreaded program. Seeing multiple instance of it is normal.

21-01-2007, 10:24
There are some problems with recent libtransmision. I have noticed that too. There are two options
wait for bug fix
fix a bug

transmisisond is multithreaded program. Seeing multiple instance of it is normal.

As I don't program, solution 1 seems the best for me. How can this be done? Do I have to downgrade transmission with IPKG?

21-01-2007, 10:51
I forgot to mention that in the morning I've found a lot of instances of rrdtool (don't know if this is related to my problem with Transmission).
As I see problem with rrdtool is already discused at: http://www.wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=7598&page=2

21-01-2007, 18:00
Transmission library is getting much attention from principal developer recently. There are big changes. And some bugs can be introduced with such changes. I follow this changes with my daemon, but I do not study all the changes.
See http://transmission.m0k.org/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/timeline

I think that this "Unable to open ..." problems started with Merge io branch into trunk (http://transmission.m0k.org/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/changeset/1356). So package before r1356 should not have this problem.

How to downgrade package? Go to http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/ and select package and then with mouse right click select "Copy link location". Open telnet in your router in tmp directory and then paste this after wget. For example:

wget http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/transmission_0.6+r1320-1_mipsel.ipk

Then just issue
ipkg install -force-downgrade transmission_0.6+r1320-1_mipsel.ipk

Anyway, I have upgraded to r1214 in http://trac.nslu2-linux.org/optware/changeset/5249 and It looks like it works. But did not done much testing. Just following the logs for errors.

30-01-2007, 16:00
Is it possible to change the download/upload bandwidth limits dynamically, ie. without killing all instances of transmissiond, editing transmission.conf and starting them up again?

30-01-2007, 18:54
At the moment no. There are provisions that this will be included if some problems with ratecontrol are solvet. Until then it is recommended to use router bandwith limiter and not application level limiter with transmission. So -1 is recommended value.

Iam debugging rate limiting right now.

30-01-2007, 21:52
Hi guys,

sorry for basic questions, but i didn't found any how to, to setup torrents in my WL-500g.

Current firmware:

Can someone point me to the right direction?


:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

31-01-2007, 09:30

02-02-2007, 07:33
With latest patch (http://transmission.m0k.org/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/changeset/1447) Transmission r1450 now works stable also with setting upload/download speed in /opt/etc/transmisison.conf.

Ratecontrol counts only good transferred packets. Handshaking, messages and other non-data transfer does not count. This means that there are some packets
in transfer that are not affected by ratecontrol ant that UPLOAD_SPEED should
be set to lower value than max upload line capability.

I reccommend to set UPLOAD_SPEED 5 to 10 kBps lower than your line capability.

18-02-2007, 21:36
Hi. I have some trouble with transfer graph log:

Creating graph...
gnuplot> plot '/opt/torrent/work/transfer.data' using ($1++3600):2 title 'download' axis x1y1 with impulses, '/opt/torrent/work/transfer.data' using ($1++3600):3 title 'upload' with impulses, '/opt/torrent/work/transfer.data' using ($1++3600):4 axis x1y2 title 'load' with lines ^ "/opt/torrent/work/transfer.gnuplot", line 13: no data point found in specified file
The file /opt/torrent/work/transfer.data is empty.

Torrents downloads fine.
I have this version of gnuplot: http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/gnuplot_4.0.0-1_mipsel.ipk

Sorry for my English :)

19-02-2007, 07:52
You have problem with syslog. Normaly hartbeat is written every 5 minutes.
Eg. you should have lines in /opt/var/log/messages like

Feb 19 08:30:06 transmissiond[2078]: 1171870206 4 dl 145.39 ul 24.87 ld 1.23
Feb 19 08:35:06 transmissiond[2078]: 1171870506 4 dl 188.69 ul 25.14 ld 1.27
Feb 19 08:40:06 transmissiond[2078]: 1171870806 4 dl 172.64 ul 25.66 ld 1.48

If they are nonexistent, then check if syslog is running or not. Maybe you did not kill original syslog and you have duplicate syslogd running. Mine runs

/sbin/syslogd -m 0 -O /opt/var/log/messages -S -l 7

Tracker announce interval clamped to 3hours instead of 5 minutes in Transmission 1463-4.
See http://trac.nslu2-linux.org/optware/changeset/5538 for details

21-02-2007, 06:39
Yes, you are right.
This script did not work:

# Startup script for syslogd
# Stop myself if running
if [ -n "`pidof syslogd`" ]; then
/bin/killall syslogd 2>/dev/null

/sbin/syslogd -m 0 -O /opt/var/log/messages -S -l 7

When I have corrected it as it is:

# Startup script for syslogd
# Stop myself if running
if [ -n "`pidof syslogd`" ]; then
killall syslogd 2>/dev/null

/sbin/syslogd -m 0 -O /opt/var/log/messages -S -l 7
it has worked.

Thank you.

21-02-2007, 07:10
Corrected readme for this issue.

21-02-2007, 16:59
The above piece of script is overkill. It's much simpler to do this:

killall syslogd 2>/dev/null && \
/sbin/syslogd -m 0 -O /opt/var/log/messages -S -l 7

21-02-2007, 21:00
The above piece of script is overkill. It's much simpler to do this:

killall syslogd 2>/dev/null && \
/sbin/syslogd -m 0 -O /opt/var/log/messages -S -l 7

this script fails if syslogd is not running!

22-02-2007, 06:44
After reading this post and trying everything you wrote, my transmission-torrent runs now with great 220k down. Thank you!
But now I have a problem: I don't know at which step I made a mistake, but if I login now with Telnet/SSL and for example enter 'nano' it does not start. It shows only 'Error opening terminal: xterm'. MC works, but it only shows the directories *.cedit,*.mc,*.httpd.conf. But with 'ls/' or 'vi' I can access all of my files.
I think the error exist after installing uclibc-opt or after enter '/sbin/syslogd -m 0 -O /opt/var/log/messages -S -l 7'.
What can I do? I don't want to refirm my router (WL-500gp with again..:-(
Perhaps it is important, this is my ipkg.conf:

src unslung http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable
dest root /

awk '/^Package:/{system("ipkg install -force-reinstall -force-defaults " $2)}' /opt/lib/ipkg/status

22-02-2007, 21:39
Gettin trouble resuming torrents after crash.
Strange the older version I had didnt cause any troubles with stability.

It marks torrents as paused for no reason and gives IO errors.http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/2348/transyo0.jpg

If I try to push them I get /opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: kill: 9: (5828) - No such process

22-02-2007, 21:45
No problem with stability for me. This paused is really strange. It looks like tracker related thing.

22-02-2007, 21:58
Well you had to change something related to tracker stuff cause before this after hard reboot the daemon simply checked the files and started again.
Now I need to delete the files to make it start again.

23-02-2007, 07:25
What I see from your image is that maybe you do not have proper time configured at router. As started shows 1.jan 1970! So check jour NTP config if this is the case.

23-02-2007, 11:58
Have been using enhanced-ctorrent for a while with no complaints but would be interested in making the change over to a Web GUI.

Have done a search and read the posts ...but is the a definitive up-to-date tutorial for install ...or should stop whining and put one together :)

Thanks in advance for any info

23-02-2007, 18:53
Look at http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/Optware/Transmission

25-02-2007, 18:42
Hi there,

i have a WL-HDD with transmission installed.
Its working fine until now.

syslog is running and transmissiond is reporting to /opt/var/log/messages.
so far, so good.

The strange thing: There are no entries like

Feb 19 08:30:06 transmissiond[2078]: 1171870206 4 dl 145.39 ul 24.87 ld 1.23
Feb 19 08:35:06 transmissiond[2078]: 1171870506 4 dl 188.69 ul 25.14 ld 1.27
Feb 19 08:40:06 transmissiond[2078]: 1171870806 4 dl 172.64 ul 25.66 ld 1.48

I only see start and stop messages of transmissiond.
Webinterface shows 'Unable to find recent transfer stats in syslog'

Any idea?


PS: my setup is done as explained here (http://wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=8424). (but not translated to english until now)
PPS: By the way. Is it possible to set a seed ratio or seed time for transmission?

05-03-2007, 13:39
Thanks oleo - & Moody Blue for the Tutorial

05-03-2007, 15:54

I've just bought a WL-500gP and installed latest -7f oleg's firmware... Amazing I must say... Then to get similar functionalities as DM I manage to install transmition pack (thanks all for tut's - oleo, macsat, other's... - and especially moody blue - Portugal Rules! hehehe)

I haven't installed/configured wondershaper yet but I noticed that with abou 7-8 torrents downloading/seeding my bandwidth gets all eaten by transmission (I cannot browse the web fluently - I'm using wireless: don't really use ethernet cable, yet)

The theorical spec's of my connection are: 12Mbs dl / 400kbs ul...

This is normal, with these number of torrents DL - arround 64kbs dl/ 75kbs ul- or wondershaper will make some wonders with my connection?

I guess that with such wide bandwidth that shouldn't be a problem or the hardware can't handle that much traffic?

What can/must I do to, somehow, get better overall performance?

I want to install rddtool but I'm afraid it'll make it even worse...


05-03-2007, 18:16
Limit upload speed in transmisison.conf to 75% of your upload speed.

06-03-2007, 04:46
I'm newbie.
I have one question.
Does transmission support file size more than 2GB ?

Thank you.

06-03-2007, 07:03
No limits on file size

06-03-2007, 09:39
Not from transmission, but if you used FAT32 for your external drive you'll have a 4 GB limitation.

06-03-2007, 12:52
Not from transmission, but if you used FAT32 for your external drive you'll have a 4 GB limitation.

Thank you.
I just confirm because I want to try the transmission.
I was use torrent.cgi (btget) it's can't hold file size not over 2GB. I like Que feature. But it's not convinient for me. I like to download full DVD movie.

Then I moved to use Seaky's CTCS. It's good for me. I can download everything. Fast and releability but use much resource. Thank you Seaky.
http://img.icez.net/t/s0/20070301_192225.gif (http://img.icez.net/show.php?id=b3b1a9a329ce50aa9e24e8c911dd4c83)
Yesterday I read some topic on this webboard and I found the transmission has pretty traffic log. I want to try.

PS. My HDD is format to ext3.

06-03-2007, 13:03
Can you tell us what kind of load do you get using SCTS? Use "uptime" in the console. I understand it uses more RAM already, if it uses CPU too I'm afraid I'll have to pass no matter how nice the interface is. torrentflux-b4rt for instance is the ultimate in terms of interface, yet it's simply too heavy for the 500gP.

06-03-2007, 13:26
Can you tell us what kind of load do you get using SCTS? Use "uptime" in the console. I understand it uses more RAM already, if it uses CPU too I'm afraid I'll have to pass no matter how nice the interface is. torrentflux-b4rt for instance is the ultimate in terms of interface, yet it's simply too heavy for the 500gP.

This is your request.

login as: admin
admin@'s password:
[admin@DreamBox root]$ uptime
20:22:00 up 1 day, 10:13, load average: 0.23, 0.24, 0.20
[admin@DreamBox root]$ free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 30140 28708 1432 0 848
Swap: 530108 33032 497076
Total: 560248 61740 498508
[admin@DreamBox root]$

Before this I have been try to install torrent flux . But it's not completed because it stuck at MySql. It's show Sementation error always.
But I like the pretty interface of torrentflux.

06-03-2007, 13:30
Assuming you took those readings while running at least a couple of torrent through SCTS, it's not bad at all.

torrentflux is a whole adventure to install.

06-03-2007, 13:38
Yes, I have running some torrent and reading web page too.
http://img.icez.net/i/vn/20070306_203620.gif (http://img.icez.net)

08-03-2007, 06:25
I am new happy wl-500gP user.
I installed transmission in my box, but after one day my graph looks like doesn't work.
Pls help me to repair it.

Which command restore the graph?

08-03-2007, 07:47

I haven't installed/configured wondershaper yet but I noticed that with abou 7-8 torrents downloading/seeding my bandwidth gets all eaten by transmission (I cannot browse the web fluently - I'm using wireless: don't really use ethernet cable, yet)


Install openwrt and configure QoS.
Or gl with wondershaper.

08-03-2007, 18:09
Install openwrt and configure QoS.
Or gl with wondershaper.

Thank you for your opinion....

openWRT is not an option right now... It was before I upgraded to OLEG's firmware now I have to stick with it for a while... I'm quite enjoying it for now...

What do you mean with 'gl' in "Or gl with wondershaper"?

I've tried wshaper but whit not that good noticeable performance...

Is there a better (advanced) tutorial about wshaper?


08-03-2007, 19:50
See this thread (http://wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=8197) and text-search for "wondershaper" in the first post for some tips. I'm also about to add a new post which may help you even more.

09-03-2007, 18:45
Yes, I have running some torrent and reading web page too.
http://img.icez.net/i/vn/20070306_203620.gif (http://img.icez.net)


09-03-2007, 20:03


20-03-2007, 10:17
Works super. Changed from the normal Torrent to the SEAKY's CTCS and works a lot faster. Now I can get the 400 kb/s instead of the 70 that I got normally. And the installation was really simpel.

Still misses a bulk upload function of torrents and i'm unable to remove torrents, but thats all..

20-03-2007, 10:23
I'd venture to guess that suck a drastic increase in download speed has to do with the fact that transmission is capped at 60 peers max and SCTCS not. I don't see what else would make such a big difference.

19-04-2007, 08:04
Transmission has now officially released 0.7

See http://transmission.m0k.org/ for details.

Additionally Transmission got its own daemon with RPC support.
With http://trac.nslu2-linux.org/optware/changeset/5947 nothing really changed, except that there are now two daemons available.
I will still support transmissiond, but looking forward to change to official daemon as there are provisions for GTK+ remote client and also CGI scripting.

I've talked to Joshe about daemon change and he is willing to accomodate necessary changes to remote/daemon for CGI interface.

19-04-2007, 09:03
That's great news. An official daemon with sufficiently flexible settings will open the way for better clients.

25-05-2007, 21:39

It there any way to change the name of ".watchdog" file? I'm using FAT32 filesystem, so filename starting with a dot is not an option:

[admin@asus etc]$ /opt/sbin/transmission_watchdog
touch: /opt/hdd/transmission/work/.watchdog: Invalid argument
rm: cannot remove `/opt/hdd/transmission/work/.watchdog': No such file or directory

25-05-2007, 21:45

sed -i -e 's/.watchdog/_watchdog/g' /opt/sbin/transmission_watchdog /opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi

25-05-2007, 22:07
It works!

Thanks, Oleo. I should have guessed that transmission_watchdog is a shell script..

26-05-2007, 20:18
I'm having the same problem. "Transmission daemon is not running."
Tried to press watchdog button, and to issue transmission_watchdog from command line but still nothing happens.

On the other hand, if I install torrent and ctorrent packages it works, but there is process btget, which is using too much memory. At start it is using maybe 2-3% of memory (seen with top command), and at the end system must kill that process because it says it's out of memory. I was tracking it and it really uses more and more memory. So in some 30 min it will waste all of it.

Can someone tell me how to solve either one of these problems so I can start downloading.


27-05-2007, 21:58
Transmission works for most cases. I suggest reading http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/Optware/Transmission and maybe also

You cannot have transmission and torrent together.
See your system log for output of transmissiond.

28-05-2007, 20:34

I finally got it working with SCTCS. It also has some problems (creates very big log file with something like input : Transport endpoint...) but if I delete that log file it doesn't create it again, so I guess it's nothing really bad, or am I wrong.

Thank you anyway!

Hvala :)

03-07-2007, 16:01
Versions of transmission from r2199-r2274 have some problems with hash FAILED checking. It is recommended downgrade to stable version r1874 until bug #246 (http://transmission.m0k.org/trac/ticket/246) is resolved.

Bug resolved! It was not a bug really.

05-07-2007, 02:05
Hi all!
Oleo, please help me!
I have installed most of the much wanted services on my 500gP, but can't seem to finish with Transmission.
Originally I have installed it with the newest gnuplot, it has been working, but received an error message that it had missed some library - so as you have suggested I have downgraded gnuplot.
Since then, my torrents are not running, and I get a lot more error message like:
.status not found for,
Unable to find recent transfer stats in syslog
opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: /opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: 694: /opt/bin/gnuplot: not found

Please help to overcome these.
Thank you

05-07-2007, 06:43
Try tu run gnuplot manually from command line and issue simple command like
print 1+2 to verify it is working. I suspect, that you do not have uclibc-opt installed.

23-07-2007, 19:40
Thanks Oleo!
I have corrected my installation, and now it is working. I can download and seed torrents. It had been working for 12 days flawlessly.
However my box developed a strange behaviour lately. Torrent processing stops completely after a while. When I reboot the rooter or restart processing, it starts to check the torrents, works for a while, but then stops again for no obvious reason. Router and wireless functions are working, only torrent processing stops completely - without an error message in the torrent log. My main problem that I cannot even push the torrent of which checking is in progress - so it starts over and over.
What more information do U need to investigate the problem?
Thank you

23-07-2007, 22:11
Try to move .torrent to $SOURCE and remove other torrent files from WORK. Then push torrent as it was start from scratch. This is known issue if you upgraded transmission to r2xxx and left some unfinished torrents.

26-07-2007, 21:36
I solved my problem in a way that paused processing, deleted files from work and restarted transmission.

01-08-2007, 07:15
As I started to use transmission regularly I have found it very stable and nice tool. Thank you Oleo.

One new question though.
It seems that my tracker does not get updated when I suspend torents or restart transmission. So as my tracker enables limited amount of slots I run into situations when I cannot dowload. On my PC I don't have this problem, as both uTorrent and Bitcomet updates the tracker properly. I can live with this - it means only that real download starts an hour later, but it would be nice to eliminate this.
Any idea?

01-08-2007, 07:33
Check out r2555-2 and test for the difference. Stopping and disposal are now partitioned and there is a longer grace time to dispose stopped torrent than before that we wait only 5 seconds ot stop otherwise torrent was disposed.

I did not noticed such problems described, tested latest version and it also works well. I think. See http://trac.nslu2-linux.org/optware/changeset/6591 for details.

02-09-2007, 20:08
I have little problems with transmission..
After downloading 50% of file, it says: I/O error.
I have the latest transmission installed.

When I try to push the file again, it works for 5secs and then says the I/O error again.. :/

I have tried 2 different trackers and both say same, another is private tracker and another is puplic...

03-09-2007, 06:12
for I/O errors you should recheck your filesystem for errors with e2fsck -f -y /dev/disk/... on unmounted disk. If this does not helps try to remove work files and start over with .torrent file only.

03-09-2007, 13:46
I removed the whole torrent folder and made them all over again, now it works.

Now I have another problem; How can I set the max upload speed to all torrents?
The "transmissiond -u 47" doesent work.. neither does "transmissiond -u 47 active-torrents.txt"...
Am I doing it wrong?

03-09-2007, 19:19
RTFM. edit /opt/etc/transmission.conf

05-09-2007, 14:31
Thanks :o
I feel so stupid :D

07-09-2007, 06:15
Dude i tried out the tutorial and i have one big problem for some reason i dont see a graph and i can't see any processes of torrents when i put the .torrent file in source directory for torrents any hints

07-09-2007, 06:17
also how do i delete a torrent directory from the work directory so i can try this again

07-09-2007, 06:27
[admin@Asus work]$ rmdir M*
Mens.Health.UK.Feb.2007.iNT-TD: Directory not empty

this is my problem i deleted some other files in this directory something about gnugraph and plot or soemthing like that

transfer.data transfer.gnuplot

what should i do

07-09-2007, 06:35
So i put another file into source directory

this is what is says on transmission page is it working how can i tell or check when it is done im a real noob thanks for helpin me out if u get the time

Active status
Meet.The.Robinsons.2007.NTSC.DVDR-CuriousJotos started Start: 07 Sep 01:29

Unable to find recent transfer stats in syslog

01:30:06 up 1:41, load average: 0.22, 0.05, 0.01


07-09-2007, 06:44
this is what i get when i click watcdog

rm: unable to remove `/opt/var/run/transmission.pid': Read-only file system /opt/sbin/transmission_watchdog: kill: 304: (281) - No such process

and when i click update when selected torrent it says this

Unable to find recent transfer stats in syslog

i click push and says this

opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: kill: 9: (281) - No such process
Unable to find recent transfer stats in syslog

i give up man i have been doing this since university has started i have come the point of giving i figured all the small things out but just getting the torrents going and the interface to work properly like viewing the download when its done. Pls if you got some time help me out gtg sleep sorry if i am bein a little bitch or naggin just keepin gettin failure or i am stupid

07-09-2007, 07:04
Your /opt transmission is read-only. You must have ext3 partition writable.
Starttransmission_watchdog manually to see what happens syslog messages.

07-09-2007, 15:56
so i do the tutorial all over again and how do i make it writable

07-09-2007, 16:07
e2fsck -f -y /dev/disk/...
mount -o rw,noatime /dev/disk/... /opt

07-09-2007, 16:21
Thats what it says

[admin@Asus root]$ transmission_watchdog
rm: remove `/opt/var/run/transmission.pid'?
/opt/sbin/transmission_watchdog: kill: 304: (281) - No such process

07-09-2007, 16:24
[admin@Asus root]$ e2fsck -f -y /dev/disk/...
e2fsck 1.40.2 (12-Jul-2007)
ext2fs_check_if_mount: No such file or directory while determining whether /dev/disk/... is mounted.
e2fsck: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/disk/...

The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2
filesystem. If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2
filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock
is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:
e2fsck -b 8193 <device>

thats what it says now

07-09-2007, 16:30
well i did this
/dev/discs/disc0/part2: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****

but this doesnt work

[admin@Asus root]$ mount -o rw,noatime /dev/discs/disc0/part2 mount: Cannot read /etc/fstab: No such file or directory

do i have to do tthis to part 3 also or no the tmpharddisk because i did

07-09-2007, 17:01
harddisk is rw when i looked into mount but opt is ro so ur right
but i cant do the second command u told me

07-09-2007, 17:38
try flashfs disable, reboot, then umount all, swapon /dev/disk/.../swappart, e2fsck -f -y /dev/disk/.../optpart

07-09-2007, 20:00
well this is wat i get now

[admin@Asus root]$ mount
/dev/root on / type squashfs (ro)
none on /dev type devfs (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
ramfs on /tmp type ramfs (rw)
usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
/dev/discs/disc0/part2 on /opt type ext3 (rw)
/dev/discs/disc0/part3 on /tmp/harddisk type ext3 (rw,noatime)

is the last line right

07-09-2007, 20:57
so i still get ext3 noatime but everything else is ok except for this one problem
and this one i go to transmission and push the torrent
.status not found for /tmp/harddisk/torrent/work/Dragon_Ball_Z_Complete/Dragon_Ball_Z_Complete.torrent Start: 07 Sep 15:51
any ideas pls

08-09-2007, 15:34
i have got everything to work but i just want the firewall settings to be fixed because i am not connected to all the peers how do i do that oleo thanks

09-09-2007, 20:06
I already feel so much smarter :D --^

09-09-2007, 22:06
I already feel so much smarter :D --^

Hey, by the way i did figure it out on my own and got some help from oleo. not like you helped me out as for being smart what does this have to being smart. My buddy brought the router and he read something about downloading with the computer and i found this site with tutorials knowing nothing about what i was doing. And i did follow instructions and i now i have fixed my problems maybe everyone is smart at something but not everything.
And i wont say anything about age but lets just say way younger than you. I should be playing with some lego

10-09-2007, 21:40
Gahh, i can't get this to work.

First problem with the graph
If i install uclibc-opt then nano stops working and just gives me this "Error opening terminal: xterm". This is exactly the same problem as "hanseugen" had on page 7 (post #96) in this thread. It seems it worked for him to just re-install everything but that does not work for me ..

Main problem ..
Well, it does not work at all :) When i choose push on a torrent i just get the infamous "/opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: kill: 9: (335) - No such process" error ..

I have read other people that has the same problem and have tried a lot of stuff but still can't get it to work.

Is it any problem with read/write access to the disk? I think it looks like my disk's is read/write .. when i type mount i get ..

/dev/discs/disc0/part2 on /tmp/harddisk type ext3 (rw,noatime)
/dev/discs/disc0/part3 on /tmp/harddisk/part1 type ext3 (rw,noatime)
/dev/discs/disc1/part1 on /tmp/harddisk/part2 type ext3 (rw,noatime)
/dev/discs/disc0/part2 on /opt type ext3 (rw,noatime)
/dev/discs/disc0/part3 on /opt/share/stordisk type ext3 (rw,noatime)
/dev/discs/disc1/part1 on /opt/share/mybook type ext3 (rw,noatime)

Well .. any help would be nice :)

10-09-2007, 21:51
It is assumed that transmssiond is started through transmission_watchdog when you are using transmission.cgi. If transmissiond is stopped/paused/not running then you get informational message like (kill, not running, ...) This is not a problem if you know what you are doing. You can administer torrents even faster if transmissiond is not running. When finished with huge rearangements the you can unpause and restart with watchdog.

transmission_watchdog is run every 30 minutes or so through cron process. That's why there is no startup script for transmissiond. Although I've seen that some people run transmission_watchdog at system startup, I do not recommend such practice.

Problems to nano are not related to uclibc-opt but rather to some missing libraries. Try

to see list of required libs (ncurses, ...)

If using oleg firmware, then create /etc/fstab for disk entries. Thi is recommended way for mounting partitions. Also there should be swap partition.

10-09-2007, 21:55
Ohh, thanx for the quick reply (and i guess i do not really know what im doing, trying at least hehe)

anyways .. what about the nano problem. You have any idea why that is. As soon as i install uclibc-opt_0.9.28-12_mipsel.ipk nano stops working .. and when i remove it nano works again ..

Is uclibc-opt_0.9.28-12_mipsel.ipk only to get the graph working?

Sorry, tha nano part was not in you message before hehe.

10-09-2007, 22:13
[admin@Asus harddisk]$ LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=1 /opt/bin/nano
libncurses.so.5 => /opt/lib/libncurses.so.5 (0x2ab02000)
libgcc_s.so.1 => /opt/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x2aad7000)
libc.so.0 => /opt/lib/libc.so.0 (0x2ab9f000)
ld-uClibc.so.0 => /opt/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0 (0x2aac0000)
[admin@Asus harddisk]$

This is what i get .. sorry if im stupid but is this a list of packages that i have installed or is it what i do not have installed .. or maybe just a list of what i need?

Well, i tried to figure out what these packages are and manged to find ncurses (wich was installed) and then uClibc which is also installed .. the other ones i cannot really figure out what ipk packages to install ..

Puh .. think i should sleep now. It's hard to be a simple windows developer and learn this linux stuff .. stuff in the ms world is so simple (at least when you used to them hehe)

10-09-2007, 23:41
what about
export TERM=vt100

Using uclibc-opt is cruical for proper operation of all packages. I would recomment reinstalling dependent packages.

11-09-2007, 22:52
I just get ..

[admin@Asus root]$ export TERM=vt100
[admin@Asus root]$ nano
Error opening terminal: vt100.

What packages is the depending ones? As i said in the previous post i can figure out some of them but not all .. sorry if i'm a complete noob but we all should learn sometime :)

Does it matter in wich order the packages is installed?

12-09-2007, 08:40
I would try installing termcap. Mine nano works.

ipkg info nano

24-10-2007, 14:35
Transmission package does this web UI without need for

This figure shows transfer logs and command buttons for CGI interface:

What version do you use?

i have different image and no links


By the way - Transmission 0.90 Released! Posted by John Clay on 24/10/07

When will be it available from repository?

24-10-2007, 16:53
I have removed links. They were only distracting.
I have tested some version in between 0.82 and 0.9 and I must stay that backend really had some changes that I am unhappy with. Namely libevent instead of threads. 0.9 will be tested and then released as ipkg.

24-10-2007, 17:23
I have removed links. They were only distracting.
I have tested some version in between 0.82 and 0.9 and I must stay that backend really had some changes that I am unhappy with. Namely libevent instead of threads. 0.9 will be tested and then released as ipkg.

i believe that you know better about libevent and threads :)

i'll wait impatiently

17-11-2007, 04:54
transmission_0.93+r3834-1_mipsel.ipk is now available.

With introdution of 0.9x libtransmission library many changes happened.
Most notable is new developer, that brought new ideas such as libevent
instead of threads, encryption support, PEX, ban peers, ..., and new bugs.
2GB single file limit, scrape problems, etc are now solved. Please report your findings here.

So beware before upgrading from 0.82 and prior to 0.93 and later. COMPLETE

17-11-2007, 23:16
could be possible to add a button for upload a file in "source" folder, directly from pc? Just like torrential or sctcs.

19-11-2007, 21:18
transmission 0.93 consumes lot of memory, maybe too much for router.

Can someone confirm?


20-11-2007, 08:48
I've also noticed that. But my router has 64MB ant this seems not to be a problem.

20-11-2007, 09:18
I've also noticed that. But my router has 64MB ant this seems not to be a problem.

Didn't notice that. Eating less than 10M.
But in 0.82 I had about 10 multithreaded processes and only 3 process threads now.
But I have problem with upload rate when downloading. Even when download rate is limited.


20-11-2007, 09:24
But I have problem with upload rate when downloading. Even when download rate is limited.

This is normal. Transmission shows only good packets. There is a lot of handshakinkg needed for peer communication when downloading from may peers.

20-11-2007, 13:10

im also owner of WL-500gp and installed latest transmission and found out that d/u is slow. So i check on forum and they found a problem in client but is already fix in build 3846.


please make new transmission build to make us happy :D

20-11-2007, 13:32
Enabling swap should eliminate memory space problems. You should enable swap anyway, just in case. rtorrent for example also goes over 32 MB when hashing or navigating torrent info and will crash without swap enabled.

20-11-2007, 20:52
please make new transmission build to make us happy :D

Done in Changeset #7326 (http://trac.nslu2-linux.org/optware/changeset/7326)

20-11-2007, 21:08
Can you also update transmission ipk.

thx for update oleo

20-11-2007, 21:17
It will show eventually. Depending on Autobuild NUDI load (http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/autobuild-nudi-last.txt).

20-11-2007, 21:18
Done in Changeset #7326 (http://trac.nslu2-linux.org/optware/changeset/7326)

sorry for stupid question, but how to upgrade to latest version ?

20-11-2007, 21:23

i think its just ipkg install transmission but first download everything on 0.8x because it can corrupt your files!

21-11-2007, 11:27
sorry for stupid question, but how to upgrade to latest version ?

ipkg-opt update
ipkg-opt upgrade

An as polde said. First complete downloads and put Transmission into pause.

21-11-2007, 18:22
Thanks oleo for your work, I really like the possibility of the Asus being a torrent machine...

I have some trouble starting the torrents. The Webinterface says:

status not found for /tmp/harddisk/torrent/work/TORRENTNAME.torrent.

What's up with that?

It also says:

Unable to find recent transfer stats in syslog

When I add a new torrent through the "Fetch" button, I get: "started Start: 21 Nov 19:33"

But none of the torrents ever start...

21-11-2007, 20:29
Press HELP and read FAQ.
It is likely that transmissiond is not running. At start sometimes it takes several seconds for torrent to start and transmissiond write its .status file as it is allocating disk space and contacting tracker. Configure path to your syslog file properly for cumulative statistics!

21-11-2007, 21:50
/opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: kill: 776: (573) - No such process Stopping transmissison!

I read the FAQ but that doesn't help either

cat: /opt/var/run/transmission.pid: No such file or directory /opt/share/www/cgi-bin/transmission.cgi: kill: 776: Usage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or kill -l [exitstatus] Stopping

22-11-2007, 11:22
This means that there is nothing to kill as transmissiond crashed. Reasons for crashing could be various. First try to follow watchdog restart to see arguments ot the transmissiond startup with the command
sh -x /opt/sbin/transmisison_watchdog

If it starts and works for some time than this could be a transmissiond but. Otherwise examine your working conditions.

22-11-2007, 20:13
Still the same errors. I have been using the HOWTO of wengi...

sh -x transmission_watchdog let's the watchdog start but after like 10 seconds or so it stops with this:

+ [ ! -e /tmp/harddisk/torrent/active-torrents.txt ]
+ cat /tmp/harddisk/torrent/active-torrents.txt
+ sleep 5
+ [ -f /opt/var/run/transmission.pid ]
+ ulimit -c 60000
+ transmissiond -p 65534 -w 300 -u -1 -d -1 -i /opt/var/run/transmission.pid /tmp/harddisk/torrent/active-torrents.txt
+ warning Transmission daemon restarted!
+ logger -t transmission_watchdog -p warning Transmission daemon restarted!
+ sleep 5
+ exit 1
+ _exit
+ rm /tmp/harddisk/torrent/work/.watchdog

23-11-2007, 09:05
let's the watchdog start but after like 10 seconds or so it stops with this:

This is normal. You must follow program with top or ps ot see if it is still working. To see when daemon crashed, just go to the $HOME/.transmission and issue ls -l for core files existance.

FYI. Latest transmissiond did not crashed for me yet. So I assume, that you have troubles with understandig how all this works.

23-11-2007, 12:14
oleo, please answer, is there a way to make transmission preallocate file to final size when downloading ?
Yesterday I re-attached my external hdd from asus to laptop to copy big amount of downloaded data.
For the file downloaded by transmission dd show only 3.7Mbyte/s ! While for another files, which I transferred to asus via samba or ftp copy rate is about 40Mbyte/s. I suggest the reason is fragmentation of files downloaded using transmission.

Thanks, Eugene

23-11-2007, 13:08
If you think thant fragmentation is a problem, then you could test this by copying files to another directory on disk and then compare transfer rate of the original and copy.
Then you can file a ticket at http://transmission.m0k.org/trac and ask for feature request.

24-11-2007, 15:26
hello oleo

is this normal that 4 transmissiond are running while i only download 2 torrent files. and yeah my load of router is around 3-4 to much for normal work with router.

226 ? SNs 0:01 transmissiond -p 65534 -w 300 -u 100 -d 100 -i /opt/var/run/transmission.pid /mnt/torrent/active-torrents.txt
229 ? SN 0:00 \_ transmissiond -p 65534 -w 300 -u 100 -d 100 -i /opt/var/run/transmission.pid /mnt/torrent/active-torrents.txt
230 ? SN 1:15 \_ transmissiond -p 65534 -w 300 -u 100 -d 100 -i /opt/var/run/transmission.pid /mnt/torrent/active-torrents.txt
231 ? RN 101:25 \_ transmissiond -p 65534 -w 300 -u 100 -d 100 -i /opt/var/run/transmission.pid /mnt/torrent/active-torrents.txt

thx in advice

24-11-2007, 18:55
For 0.9x number of threads is 4. For 0.8x this depends on number of torrents.

29-11-2007, 14:21
Upgraded and working...

Nov 29 17:07:24 EVGASUS transmissiond[11253]: Transmission daemon 0.94+ (4000) started - http://transmission.m0k.org/

Thank you, Oleo and transmission guys.

29-11-2007, 18:17
Upgraded and working...

Working what?

29-11-2007, 18:19
Working what?
Sorry for my English. Transmission's working like a charm :)

29-11-2007, 19:19
For 0.9x number of threads is 4. For 0.8x this depends on number of torrents.

Hmm. I'm having 3 threads using 0.9x, regardless number of torrents or their status. Do I need to tweak something or...?

13921 admin 6236 S transmissiond -p 65534 -w 300 -u -1 -d -1 -i /opt/var
13924 admin 6236 S transmissiond -p 65534 -w 300 -u -1 -d -1 -i /opt/var
13925 admin 6236 S transmissiond -p 65534 -w 300 -u -1 -d -1 -i /opt/var

29-11-2007, 19:55
3 theads is correct.

09-12-2007, 16:22
I reinstalled my whole router and installed transmission but it won't start the webinterface but is running on the router:

admin 203 1 0 17:09 ? 00:00:00 transmissiond -p 65534 -w 300 -u -1 -d -1 -i /opt/var/run/transmission.pid /tmp/harddisk/torr
admin 206 203 0 17:09 ? 00:00:00 transmissiond -p 65534 -w 300 -u -1 -d -1 -i /opt/var/run/transmission.pid /tmp/harddisk/torr
admin 207 206 0 17:09 ? 00:00:00 transmissiond -p 65534 -w 300 -u -1 -d -1 -i /opt/var/run/transmission.pid /tmp/harddisk/torr

There seems to be no network issue since I can't connect to it even on the router:

[admin@(none) root]$ telnet localhost 8008
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host ( Connection refused

09-12-2007, 17:40
You sure it listens to the right interface? Try "netstat -plnt".

09-12-2007, 21:34
Here the NEW netstat...

[admin@(none) root]$ netstat -tln
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 :::23 :::* LISTE

09-12-2007, 22:27
It's not really helping if you don't pass those arguments I've told you about (-ptln). If you haven't installed Oleg's netstat then try without the "p", just -tln.

10-12-2007, 16:22
Here's the new response (see above)

10-12-2007, 16:31
OK, I see what's going on. You seem to have confused transmission and its web interface. Transmission is running, as you see transmissiond running and it listens on port 65534, as you can see in netstat. But you still need to run a webserver and use the CGI interface to transmission. Transmissiond is the client, but without the web interface to control it, it doesn't do anything, just sits there.

10-12-2007, 18:32
So what do I need to do? I thought that the webinterface was already running...

10-12-2007, 18:40
Well apparently not. Look around here in the tutorial section, there should be at least a couple of good ones for the complete setup.

10-12-2007, 18:42
Well thanks for this nonsense answer...
I did everything like the tutorial of wengi said...

20-12-2007, 00:06
Is the 2GB file size limit problem solved?

20-12-2007, 08:38
From my testing, Yes. Post your experience here.

20-12-2007, 15:03
yes, it's solved..pity i did not see this sooner. I had a 7.53GB torrent and had to leave the computer on so i could get it all :D

anyway, great work :cool:

25-12-2007, 11:53
Well..it seems I to have spotted another bug with torrents bigger than 2GB:

The download speed is to slow. In fact even other torrents (smaller than 2GB) are affected. An no, it's not the number of seeds. I tried it on my computer and the speed is fine.

As my understanding goes, it seems that this kind of torrents uses alot of the asus CPU, so it affects the others :confused:

27-06-2008, 22:05
My transmission 1.2.2 is not accepting inbound connections.
I'm using oleg's latest fw on 500gP v2.

I tried telneting (port 65534) from outside, not working.
I tried telneting (port 65534) from LAN, not working
Then I tried telneting (port 65534) from router to itself, still not working:

[admin@router root]$ telnet localhost 65534
Connection closed by foreign host.

netstat -lnt gives me this:

[admin@router root]$ netstat -lnt
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN

So it is kind of listening on 65534, but still no luck.
Webinterface is working, download is working @ fine speed, but I'm not connectable, not even from lan :mad:

I have firewall enabled, but both lan to wan and wan to lan filters are disabled. And I guess firewall should not block router from connecting to itself on port 65534.

What am I doing wrong :confused:

By the way, can someone explain precisely how to open port 65534 ? Is it via " virtual server" or "wan to lan" settings in router's webinterface ? Or is it done by using something else ?


I just tried to telnet from router to itself using a port that I know that is not open. Immediately, i get this:

[admin@router root]$ telnet localhost 12654
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host ( Connection refused

But when I do try to connect port 65534, the message does not appear instantly, I need to wait a few seconds before I get the error I already mentioned: Connection closed by foreign host.
So my guess is that some sort of communication IS being done, but still, transmission does not accept connections...

27-06-2008, 22:59
Does the outside telnet say the same thing? Because "connection closed by remote host" does not mean it's not working. It means it got through, it connected, then transmission closed the connection. BTW, how fast does that happen? Instantly, after you type something, after a delay?

If it wasn't listening at all or if the firewall got in the way you would've seen something different:

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Or a long wait with no reaction whatsoever.

Add a -p option to your netstat to make sure it's transmission listening to that port and not something else.

That's about all I can contribute, since I don't use transmission nowadays anymore.

Edit: OK, I read your edit. I would guess that transmission accepts the connection, waits for a moment, then sees you're not sending through what you're supposed to (BT protocol stuff) and closes it. So I'd go on to guess that there's another reason you don't get remote connections. Off the top of my head here's several, in no particular order.

* Your ISP blocks them, either in bulk (any incoming connection in state NEW) or filters specifically for BT peer connections.
* You've set transmission to only accept encrypted peer connections and the torrents you're on currently don't have any peers on them that are willing to do that.
* You haven't opened the firewall properly after all. uTorrent has a webpage you can use to test this: enter here (http://www.utorrent.com/testport.php?port=65534) and see if you get an OK. Replace the port number in the URL with yours.

27-06-2008, 23:22
Umm.. Everything works fine when I use utorrent on my desktop.. so my ISP is not blocking BT... And I haven't set it even to prefer encrypted connecitons ... so that one's out, too :(

I used lynx on my router to access that utorrent's page but it says my port is closed. I don't know if it's closed b/c lynx can't support this kind of check, or is it closed for real :)

Anyways, what's the right place to set up a rule to allow 65534 to the router ?

"Virtual server" or "wan to lan filters" or maybe something else ?

27-06-2008, 23:37
Not "Virtual server", that's for opening ports on computers in your LAN to the outside. (Which brings me to an interesting question; you say uTorrent on your computer works, but how does IT get remote connections? Use the port test button in the uTorrent config.)

I think the easiest way is to run this command on the router:

iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -i vlan1 \
--syn --dport 65534 -j ACCEPT

If you want to run it automatically after reboot put it in /usr/local/sbin/post-firewall, and it's recommended to replace vlan1 with "$1" if you do.

What this does is tell the firewall to allow connections in state NEW (TCP flag "syn") on port 65534, on the external router interface (vlan1). The rest is already taken care of, the firewall by default will allow connections to work once they're established.

You sure you don't wanna consider rtorrent? You can run it in the background, is one of the most advanced console clients, there are remote graphical interfaces for it and I've had no trouble with it for a while now.

27-06-2008, 23:59
Actually, the tracker I mainly download from has some client restrictions, so I'm stuck with transmission.

As of uTorrent, I did do the forward in "virtual server" section and it worked like charm.

I will do the iptables trick, but I think it is gonna turn bad luck too, since transmission is not responding on 65534 when testing with telnet (although it should do, as I red before somewhere here on the forums).....


I did set the iptables as instructed here, but still no outgoing traffic. I tried with openOffice torrent file, which has enough seeders and leechers, but no outgoing traffic from my side.

Transmission is still not accepting connection when I try to telnet on port 65534.
Is there something I'm missing here ?

Edit #2:

I forgot to mention, after setting iptables in post-firewall, I do get port tested OK on utorrent port testing page. So my router is ready to receive packets but refuses to do so. Please help :(

29-06-2008, 15:21
Is it possible that nobody ever had the similar problem ?

I really need some help on this one

29-06-2008, 15:41
At this point I'd say it's most likely a problem with transmission itself. So double-check your settings and reread the transmission tutorials on the forum, that's about all the help I can give you.

29-06-2008, 16:49
I think I'll reinstall everything from scratch, perhaps I made a mistake somewhere..

07-08-2008, 10:51
syslog is running and transmissiond is reporting to /opt/var/log/messages.
so far, so good.

The strange thing: There are no entries like

Feb 19 08:30:06 transmissiond[2078]: 1171870206 4 dl 145.39 ul 24.87 ld 1.23
Feb 19 08:35:06 transmissiond[2078]: 1171870506 4 dl 188.69 ul 25.14 ld 1.27
Feb 19 08:40:06 transmissiond[2078]: 1171870806 4 dl 172.64 ul 25.66 ld 1.48

I only see start and stop messages of transmissiond.
Webinterface shows 'Unable to find recent transfer stats in syslog'

Any idea?

I suffered from the same. It seems I had a uclibc-opt related problem. The following lines solved it.

mv /opt/etc/ipkg.conf /opt/etc/ipkg.old
/bin/echo "src unslung http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable" > /opt/etc/ipkg.conf
/bin/echo "dest root /" >> /opt/etc/ipkg.conf
ipkg update && ipkg install uclibc-opt && /usr/bin/awk '/^Package:/{system("ipkg install -force-reinstall -force-defaults " $2)}' /opt/lib/ipkg/status

01-12-2008, 00:05
Is it normal to have transmission runnning three times - each time consuming 8MB of RAM?

135 ? S 0:00 21 1179 1520 244 0.8 /sbin/syslogd -m 0 -O /
141 ? Ss 0:00 22 65 910 332 1.1 /opt/sbin/cron
150 ? Ss 0:00 50 174 1197 300 0.9 /opt/sbin/xinetd -pidfi
162 ? Ss 0:00 65 771 1500 636 2.1 /opt/sbin/nmbd -D
168 ? S 0:00 143 535 5292 3016 9.9 /opt/bin/transmission-d
169 ? S 0:00 0 535 5292 3016 9.9 /opt/bin/transmission-d
170 ? S 7:56 138 535 5292 3016 9.9 /opt/bin/transmission-d
280 ? Ss 0:00 20 1998 1601 284 0.9 /opt/sbin/smbd -D
393 ? Ss 0:01 57 327 1504 400 1.3 dropbear
394 pts/0 Ss 0:00 118 1179 1556 492 1.6 -sh
413 pts/0 R+ 0:00 105 69 1374 472 1.5 ps -xv

transmission is being started as
/opt/bin/transmission-daemon -g /opt/etc/transmision (my config dir) - i used wpte's scripts from http://wl500g.info/showthread.php?t=15589 - start using script in /opt/etc/init.d

so is it normal that transmission consumes so much memory or am I doing something wrong?


01-12-2008, 00:18
Do you by any chance have 3 torrents running? If I recall correctly, it will spawn one instance for each one.

The memory readout is misleading. Much of it is shared among instances.

01-12-2008, 18:20
No...the readings are the same for none or 5 torrents running. Even just after the system boot when no torrent is running. Anyway, the memory consumption is quite bad - 30M with no significant difference between 0 or 5 torrents running.

01-12-2008, 19:09
Filling up all the RAM and a couple dozen MB in swap is perfectly normal. It's being taken up by disk buffers and cache, no use having empty RAM. Run free and see what that tells you.